Is going to sleep early really that fucking important?

Is going to sleep early really that fucking important?

I've been working out extra hard for the last couple of months but because of that i've extended my work out time so i end up going to bed later than usual, but i feel like i'm not losing the weight and gaining the muscle i should with the effort i'm putting in compared to what i used to do. Me mates tell me it's because i end up going to bed at 1 am after working out and showering.

I work out at home with some equipment i bought at a swap meet by the way.

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When is sleep is not important, what matters is that you get 8 hours of UNINTERRUPTED sleep.

Uninterrupted? Well, I’m fucked then.

Waking up to pee counts? i literaly can not do it no matter how hard i try or how i prepare.

Are you fucking retarded, human sleep cycles are meant to have you up for about an hour once then cycles get progressively lighter and easier to wake up from. Eight solid hours is a meme that needs to die
Quantity is less important than quality, if you get 6-7 hours and wake up during a LIGHT sleep cycle (there's apps and shit that'll measure how much you're moving to figure it out then time an alarm around) you'll be far better off than someone who got 8-9 and woke up during a heavy cycle. If you wake up during a dream, that's waking up during your REM phase which will probably fuck you for the day

I have an autistic knowledge of sleep

>I have an autistic knowledge of sleep

Please share away or point me to where i could find info on it pal, i've always had problems with sleep and i'm fuckig tired of it

>Please share away or point me to where i could find info on it pal, i've always had problems with sleep and i'm fuckig tired of it
What problems specifically? Also obligatory google sleep hygiene

Oh, missed part of the OP. Don't go to bed for at LEAST a few hours after working out, would cut showers an hour or so before too. The time you go to bed is a bit complicated but for all intents and purposes you're probably fine if going to bed at consistently the same time

how the fuck do i go to sleep without needing a background noice from a video because otherwise i fucking go crazy spiraling with my thoughts?

Think of a pattern in your head that requires a little thought and repeat it until your brain shuts up, start over and repeat it if you start up again. Afterwards letting your brain take over to imagine stuff is fine, just don't mentally talk to yourself or think about something in the real world
>but it's boring and tedious
Exactly the point
What I've been doing lately is repeating A1, B2 etc. in my head but it's getting a bit too easy due to memorization

Also white noise

I noticed I can get away with 2 or so sub par nights sleep without affecting my gains. I recently slept 5-6hours for 4 days due to hectic work schedule and despite eating fine I've had to back off on volume this week because I ache like mad.

Basically, you should always strive for 7-8hours consistently. Have a late one occasionally but don't make it a habit.

Subtracting a certain number from a high one until you hit zero is also good, such as 3 from 400
And so on, I personally think with this one it gets a little too easy to get lost causing you to think too hard to find your place

oh no

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>Also white noise
Don't that fuck with your head even more?

Literaly imposible, fuck off.

I mean if it's too loud, sure. Regarding sleep hygiene it's also just something to separate you mentally from non-sleep-time (which is also why everyone says to not doing anything in bed but sleep but I'm guilty of ignoring it because TV in bed is comfy)

Micronaps are the way ahead

Sleep for ten seconds at a time every five minutes through the day and you'll feel so much better after a week of this.

I know you're joking but I want to address something


Pussies, don't you wanna be a literal renaissance man ? STEP IT UP.

I'm diagnosed with sleep apnea. Getting my mask next week, hoping my sleep will improve. Because right now, sleeping for 8 hours = 4 hours. I stop breathing 21 times an hour...
Is there still hope for me lads?

If the mask discomfort doesn't prevent you from falling alseep, yes

If Sleep Apnea kept people from making it the bodybuilding,powerlifting and strongman world would not exist.

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>that'll measure how much you're moving
I thought those apps operated on black magic this whole time.
>tfw sleeping on the boat with 9 people within 2 feet of you during flight operations
Needless to say, the app works poorly whilst underway. (Navy)

Without adequate rest you will not gain.

JRE #1109
Read his book too

The amount of sleep a person needs to be rested varies, but a "good night's sleep" is extremely important whatever your necessary timeframe is. There is a very small percentage of the population who do just fine on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. For most of us, around 8 hours is best. It has a major impact on your day-to-day on long-term health.

I wanna fuck Dr. Patrick

>Dr. Rhonda Patrick's a low key babe
