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Thats some next level ripped. I wish i had genetics like that,im bulk eternal fat.

he looks like he can't even do 1/2/3/4

Still a twink and fag. Also no girl will like a guy smaller and thinner than herself

Eat a fucking sandwich Jesus Christ

>t. coping ss+gomad 20%bf idiot

>thinking this looks good

You aren't big enough to be respected by men and you're past the point with a brain would believe that you're natty


i am 5’4 115 lbs, my qt gf is same weight, 2 inches shorter and stronger than me. cope

This. What the fuck is happening to this place? Bunch of whiny fat bitches. All this pettiness disgusts me.

He’s also 6’2

You are the gf

Fuck off twink. You look like a faggot

Yup pretty par for the course for nu Jow Forums

Fat cope

yeah what happened Jow Forums you went to shit in the last few months.
>durr Jow Forums was always shit
nah it wasn't, ofc everyone was memeing but at least you found useful information if you searched for them
now every single thread seems to be created by insane people and other mentally ill chime in.
It started with nofap, then came fasting now people actually try to argue that CICO is not working, at the same time vegans and keto followers battle carnivore disciples. There even was a thread with the only purpose of spreading the superstition that smoking is actually healthy. The stuff that get's posted here by lunatics makes flat earthers and anti-vaccers look tame.
What happened?

his belly button looks like a butthole

>thinking this looks good
Okay fag go back to your 0.5/1/1.5/2 lifts

Bulk harder that's way too skinny

Post body

I'm sorry that's unattractive. It looks weird like an alien thing. Put on some fat, just a little bit

Jow Forums went to absolute shit the last few years, mostly after the election. retards from Jow Forums and Jow Forums migrated over here and turned the place to trash.
People who don't lift came, took stupid memes seriously, and made 99% of the posts racebait, lookism garbage, and threads like this where someone is obviously in the top .5% but retards go "0/10 cant even 1/2/3/4 le twink fag", and this is now almost all the content this board has.
anyways whatever fuck it


When was this pic taken? He actually looks good in this and not bloated like he usually does

>that belly button

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what body fat % ?????


how many is this?

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2 because the bar doesn't count. This guy is weak


>next level ripped
not even close, every other "natty" instagram bodybuilder fitness influencer looks like david.
i think pic related holds the record for most ripped but he was basically alive off only steroids and other chemicals

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That is freakish

Question 1:
What's his %bodyfat?

Question 2:
What's his ab routine?

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Aesthetics at this level are gay. You're only going to impress other guys. Sure girls will like it, but they'd also like it if you were at 12% bodyfat. Girls aren't that picky as long as you lift, but other dudes are.

Found the fat

Post body


r9k and pol ruin everything

You live my dream you fucker

>tfw no twink manlet


why does his belly button look so disgusting, like a prolapsed anus

what in the name of fucking fuck is happening to this board. People are doing middle aged women tier thinshaming here lmao.

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emaciated stick

How can you be weaker than a girl who is the same weight as you.

he's 6'3 so even though he looks skinny he will still mog ur gymcope body

the exact same thing happens when fat chicks see a skinny girl on facebook, feel like i'm reading something posted on fph.

The kind of diet discipline it would take to get to that level is genuinely impressive, but it's not what I personally would aspire to

she works out much more than i do

>mfw /fit wont ever reach its glory days again

Yeah this is some next level coping people are doing here lmao. " eat a sammich "

>over and out
have a good day user

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>what in the name of fucking fuck is happening to this board
>doesn't know how to greentext
While I respect your opinion user you are new here and a LARPer

eat a sandwich

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Idk, he looks small. He has the shoulders on a woman

gross belly button

the belly button looks disgusting though

Crabs in a bucket.

I hate you so much

He's 6'3 or something
He's automatically bigger than most girls that arent obese

Not even half a man. in serbia you would be a midget.

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2/10 belly button no bangs

Lmao the jelly in this thread

Wouldn't it be funny to lick his abs and pecs? Just as a joke haha

You are right about everything except fasting. A lot a credible studies have proven it to be benefical.

Looks awesome, wonder what’s his cycle

working out and resting

It's comforting to know that he will die before me

haha yes, just totally lick the sweat off him for fun haha. Maybe jerk him off a bit and have him cum on his belly. Just for fun haha, I'm not gay haha

Looks like Test and Deca

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>the last few months
Guess how I know you're a newfag? And no, being here for a year doesn't count as oldfag.