Jow Forums pls help, im going bald

Jow Forums pls help, im going bald.
This is not so bad for a 20yo r-right?!

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Looks fine to me. Do you even lift or?


Oh no

I dont lift? Would lifting help?

Doesn't look bad, Parts with hair look thick

30 years old here, hair is thinning, I'm fucked. Getting Jow Forums for when the head shaving becomes inevitable

Attached: IMG_20190507_160602097_HDR.jpg (1080x1440, 302K)

Learn 2 chonmage

Attached: 1_5qR4qZ0HuSqiA-_okBv_2Q.jpg (400x400, 29K)

Attached: fucked up hairline.jpg (540x382, 34K)


>look at mirror any where
>Hair looks good
>Look in home bathroom mirror with superior lighting from above mirror
>Can see scalp showing through thin hair
I'm not gonna make it bros

Kek fuck you

Why the fuck keto?

My bald spots are getting bigger every month bro

I can see more scalp through my existing hair every month bro. Wanna trade?
At least you get to enjoy a widows peak, all my hair is thinning at once including the sides

it would help the state of this board of the people who posted here actually lifted, yes. is that what you meant?

Lifting made my hair grow more, I've got some receding areas. It also made my other body hair get thicker too so make of that what you will.

>Would lifting help?
it will help your confidence and fucking wahmen once bald
plenty of baldies score pussy, but you no longer have the options of being chubby or unitersting

It looks fine if you were 30. This is pretty concerning for a 20yo.

Could also be that your hairline has always been like that, would need older photos to tell

hoping this is true
seems like my hair has gotten a little better since I started lifting 1 month ago, but mostly chalk that up to the mass protein consumption and superior hydration

Attached: bastard.jpg (249x155, 6K)

If you have time to read, these two articles summarize the 2 different approaches to your problem. The first one assumes is purely genetic and the second one that is epigenetic.

Believe it or not, it would help depending on who you ask.

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How much time do you give me before im totally bald? Would minoxidil help?

You need some pussy juice

hahhahah oh no m8 i thought you were 30 at least hahahahah

I think the biggest problem are the brown eyes

dude i fucking hate 20-year-olds they can look like they got 2 kids and a mortgage or they can look like jailbait, it's too damn confusing

i don't believe for a second that you're pretty much a teenager