>50 Years old
>Looks better than most 28 year old
How does he do it fit?
50 Years old
Tretinoin cream every day since at least his 30's
Low test
Well he dyes his hair..
Drinks baby blood
How does that even help him?
Jews have regenerative powers when they drink babby blood
No hard work and no stress + great genetics = slow aging.
He looks like a low test provider. Baby face is a curse when you grow older.
>fue hair transplant
>other shit because surgeries are amazing now
Stays out of the sun. I walked by him at a Tim & Eric live show, he was very pale.
any examples of regular people who aged well?
this woman is in her late 60s
attributes this mainly to retin-a and staying out of the sun
No fookin way
in this order:
1) genetics
2) sunscreen every single day of his life
3) tretinoin
4) possible use of fillers or other cosmetic procedures
She is one of the reasons I started wearing sunscreen every day and using tretinoin.
In the future I'll be laughing at all the people my age who look much older than me.
how old are you currently? and are you cute?
>In the future I'll be laughing at all the people my age who look much older than me.
I'm 34 and I'm already doing this. I had a sensible chuckle when I found out Brian Stelter's age.
Also this..., it helps a lot hiding age.
>I'm 34
are you cute?
Fucking A. At least being a 10y NEET has a silver lining
In the past I've had gay dudes and confused lesbians hit on me if that means anything to you.
how old would you say you look right now despite being 34?
If I take the time to clean up, bout 28-29ish, having a lush mane really helps
33 and 7 months
are you scared of the next 6 years? do you think you'll age substantially as you turn 40? or do you think with the proper regimen you might still look like someone in his late 20s?
My one real determent are the permanent dark circles around my eyes thanks to Scottish genes (became noticeable in my teens)
IDK currently I don't have any major stressors and lately I've made serious efforts to improve my lifestyle and lose fat. (30lbs in a month)
Should add, never smoked, little to no alcohol and no drug habits.
how much do you weigh currently? I hear fat can impart a temporary youthful appearance due to plumping up the face and making it appeal fuller. if you have a lot of weight to lose are you afraid that losing it might make you look older?
is thread a tretinoin ad? what is tretinoin
Isn't retin-a just vitamin a? Is there an equivalent that doesn't require a prescription?
By surrounding himself with ugly 28 year olds.
I really let my self go over the last 2 years. and I'm round 250 now, aiming to at least go back to my senior year weight of around 200 (I've always been kinda fat my whole life) I'm really more concerned about joint and heart issues as I get older.
>29 years old
>people think I’m 24
Based neet life. Being an incel when I was younger and somebody that isn’t an outdoors person has really saved me. Now I use sunscreen every day and I need to get on that vitamin A bandwagon.
Scot here too. My eye bags are terrible when I’m tired, it takes a lot of effort to sleep well to not see them.
>5 year difference
This has been a constant for me as well, Probably the most realistic expectation for youth retention without drastic cosmetic routes.
it's a vitamin A derivative and pretty much the only thing scientifically proven to slow signs of aging and increase collagen production in the skin. there are decades worth of studies and data on its efficacy, and it's basically one of the few things we know for sure works in the realm of dermatology/cosmetology.
basically the entire field of dermatology at this point has, quite pitifully, only managed to produce 2 truth statements:
1) salicylic acid is effective in the treatment/prevention of acne
2) tretinoin is effective in slowing the visible signs of skin aging
that's it. those are the only 2 successes in the entire field. the entire field of dermatology for the last 100 years can be boiled down to those 2 simple statements I just told you. they're the ONLY 2 surefire things we know. everything else the cosmetics industry tries to sell you is literal bullshit on a foundation of bullshit.
I would add the efficacy of sunscreen as a 3rd truth statement, but that one is kind of self-evident and UV radiation has been known to be the most significant cause of skin aging forever now, so it's almost too obvious to list. but if you want to list that then fine, those are the 3 truth statements dermatology has uncovered in all of its existence. a fucking pitiful track record if you ask me, but it is what it is. too bad we don't have great scientific minds going into this field because boy is it in dire need of great thinkers.
>common side effects
I'll pass
What about moisturizer n' shit, breh?
My skincare routine is literally just wash face -> sunscreen in mornings, and wash face -> cleanser (to get sunscreen traces off) -> retinol -> moisturizer.
At this point, biotechnology needs to figure out how to repair/retain DNA telomeres.
That's if you ingest it.
Hollywood loves skin treatments made out of infant foreskins. Not even a meme.
These people use botox and plastic surgery.
But aside from that a big one is sunscreen. The sun does about 60% of the aging in your face. If you start out in your teens and apply sunscreen to your face every day, you could be 50 and still look 30.
I think Liz Hurley said she applies lotion+sunscreen to her face like 6 times a day.
moisturizer doesn't actually deal with underlying skin aging. you should obviously moisturize to prevent transepidermal water loss, but it isn't actually fixing anything. it's simply preventing dry skin. you're still going to develop fine lines and wrinkles regardless of how much you moisturize.
>he uses tretinoin enemas
>Not wanting a taut, youthful asshole.
>When used as a cream, side effects include skin redness, peeling, and sun sensitivity.
this is the only relevant line in that image you posted.
>not injecting the creme straight into your veins
keep your asshole, I'll transcend mortality
>tretinoin requires a script
How do I go about convincing a doctor to write one?
>*rubs cyanide on skin*
>Don't worry, user. It's only bad if you ingest it
1. You don’t eat it
2. Every drug has side effects. Try reading about paracetamol.
Please retake chemistry 101
you're literally retarded. that's how all things work, toxicity is pretty much determined by 1) the means/method of exposure and 2) the amount exposed to.
you can literally die from water toxicity if you drink too much water, it's called water intoxication. better stop drinking water entirely bro, shit's dangerous.
>Not going into biochemistry and making it yourself
You can get very low dose Vitamin A from companies like DCIEM. Anything higher needs prescription.
by going to a dermatologist and literally telling them:
"hi, I'd like to start a tretinoin skin regimen"
mission accomplished.
There's also HGH treatments; have fun getting a doctor to sign off on that if you're under 40.
Yeah this. I have a little acne so it's obvious. But it's a fucking face cream, not a narcotic.
I suspect big cosmetic lobbied to have it script-walled to protect their industry.
Well sans insurance or any tricks it's like $300 a tube.
How big of a tube are we talking here? Don't feel like burning $300 on travel sized.
Solved it
Run celeryman
You don't even need to do that.
I used YoDerm, some people use Hims tho, and I transferred my prescription to Kaiser.
Retin-A for like $10 for a three month supply.
It’s a combo of sacrificial fetus’ and baby foreskin cream.
Real Answer:
He's a Hollywood star, and part of his job is to make sure he looks good for the role.
Rudd can throw lots of money down to keep himself in shape.
Based and redpilled
Jews have been doing it since the dawn of time.
She had a hysterectomy in her 40s and had been on HRT ever since. That probably has just as much to do with her youthful looks as anything else.
Maybe the gel is, the cream is cheaper. Also check out goodrx.com and find a coupon. I got a 90 day supply for $68 without insurance.
Why not eat a heavy retinol diet? Liver, non-homogonized and full-fat dairy, fatty fruits etc.
Ding ding this has got to be at least 60% of it.
You sound like you have a lot of experience with having a uterus removed.
I did not even need to go to the doctor. I just got a phone appointment and said I wanted tretinoin. The doctor did not even ask why or what for but my prescription says it's for acne.
Oops, didn't mean to quote anyone.
Do you actually have acne?
>retinol diet
Lmao just say vitamin A if you are talking about diet.
And no, a high vitamin A damage won't replace tretinoin or sun protection.
A little but the doctor i talked to did not even know.
No, I mean retinol and not vitamin A. I'm not talking beta-carotene or any other sort of premature form of retinol, I'm talking exactly and specifically of retinol.
How do you know that it doesn't work? Have you actually tried eating a heavy retinol diet?
He didn't care to check? Is it acne on your body or your face?
I have acne on both face and body.
I was talking to the doctor on the phone to renew an unrelated prescription and said I also want a prescription for tretinoin. He just asked me what strength I needed.
Most doctors would probably atleast ask some questions but mine just did not seem to care. It was not a dermatologist I got the prescription from.
She looks older in her videos.
The thing is he still looks like a goober next to most of the Avengers, partially because he looks young
hairstyle, face shape, low body fat
his eyes look more like his age, but the rest of his facial area covers this because usually you don't focus on someones eyes on tv.
look at the pic and the eyes could be from an old man, or woman.
the 'secret' is to have good skin and a good haircut. haircut can cover a multitude of sins. look at pictures of women and crop out the hair, just look at the face and they will drop a few points on the hotness scale. hair is the key.
Dracula was an allegory
whats her name so i could fap to her?
found it
29 and people think I'm early twenties.
The positives of incel life and hating the beach, I guess.
looks like cuck
Those eyes could be from anyone, he doesn't have crows feet at all. He's got less wrinkles around the eyes than me but I smile a lot. When I tell people I'm turning 30 this year they look at me strange and think I'm only 21. Working at night, avoiding the sun and smiling a lot seem to have greatly reduced my perceived age. I also have oily skin like my mom and she's 65. Her hair hasn't turned white and her skin hasn't gotten all wrinkly either, I'm guessing the natural oil helps.
post face
should I wait until I hit 30 before starting retinol treatments?
I've used tretoin for three months and had no sides. I love it. People really see a difference
>this beautiful skinny milf
>married to a literal 3/10 pugfaced bald slob
We’re all gonna make it
>eye wrinkles barely laughing
>receding hairline
Lol nice try
He doesnt look under 40 for shit