Mma / martial arts

I just had my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class and I felt like a fucking retard for an hour. I had to dip out in the middle of class to vomit because my cardio is so bad. People had to show me the most basic shit multiple times before I got it. There were literal children doing way better than me. I felt totally out of place and today I'm so fucking sore. My shoulders hurt, my abs hurt, my hips hurt, my elbows hurt, and the mats ripped some skin off my fingers and toes.

Despite all of that, I think I want to keep doing it. I've lost 80 pounds of almost entirely fat over the last year or two from cutting and lifting. I've started taking cold showers and am enjoying it too. Lifestyle changes and psychedelics have really improved my life for the better. I feel more respectable and strong and it's really nice.

What does Jow Forums think? Is martial arts for retards / pussies? Will it make my test higher? Should I post body? Spoiler alert: I'm still a fat fuck. I'm about 23% BF at 6'0, 195 lbs

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Any increment forward is a step in the right direction. Keep it up, but perhaps you best take up a striking martial art like muay Thai or boxing as well. Work for strength in the gym, bjj and another class will take care of all your cardio needs

Any tip on how often I should train? I was doing full body heavy compound lifts 3 days a week. Lots of bench, OHP, squats, deadlifts, and rows. Still a total beginner (just squatted 2pl8 for 3 reps for the first time) and don't want to hurt myself but also don't want to be lazy if my body can take it more.

I was thinking M/W/F lift and T/Th MMA but I'm currently sore as fuck and 100% want to train MMA tomorrow so I skipped my planned lifting session just in case.

Your current regime will be fine in conjunction with just bjj, but once you put in another set of striking classes though you may wish to split into upper/lower and gym less. Your current strength level as dyel as it may seem is well above your classmates, few if any at all will be able to Squat 2pl8s. Consider maintaining your strength until you get better cardio and don't end up dead everytime you roll or spar. Then once you've acclimatized you can resume strength gains.

Thanks for the advice!

Based and redpilled humble-pie poster

I'm like 240 pounds doing BJJ right now. Remember to not use muscle; just technique. Keep your body very relaxed. Cold showers are good but even better is hot/cold showers to maximise blood flow.

Also striking arts are good; boxing pretty much kino. Try learn some throws too. Have fun my bro you're gonna kill it. Just keep at it; enjoy the misery.

Sounds like it was a good first class. Keep up with it. You'll start to feel like you're getting it soon. When I started it took 4 months for me to simply not freeze and go into panic mode when someone got top mount on me.

Pretty standard. You're gonna make it.

Martial arts is NOT for pussies. It's quite manly, and keeps your mobility high. Good mobility comes handy if you become a mountain climber or really any adventure sport. Plus, you learn how to defend yourself. You can't be intimidated. Expect confidence to sky rocket in a few months. Keep going at it, however I'd recommend MMA over exclusively training for BJJ. MMA is more diverse and you'll learn how to throw serious punches, and execute perfect kicks.

I'm a lifter myself, but I feel lifters overestimate their competence in an impromptu fight. Without technique the other person can sucker punch you till you drop. If you train in martial arts you can completely fuck up an untrained, stronger, and taller person than you.

Just some simple tips.
>If you can, always roll at 50% or more or less depending on who you're with.
>Don't FORCE anything in the beginning if you have to try and wrench it or use a ton of strength your doing it wrong.
>slow and methodical is the way to go and you'll inpress people when you aren't all spazzy
>expect to lose...alot...and its 100% OK and no one will look down on you for it.

Also good call on not hurling on the mats...probably best to not head into class on a full stomach. And in the beginning everything IS complicated and its not weird that it takes you a few tries to get it.

80 pounds! that is absolutely amazing.

I should know, I have lost about that much since november and I have a long road ahead. Still 240lb at 6 feet. I do a lot of fasting and crossfit. I know fit does not look kindly on crossfit, but at my level is just a way to get an hour of cardio three days a week. I recommend it

Good luck

Its not for pussies, there are some retards but hey, those are everywhere. Just more apparent because retards are more likely to hurt someone in combat sports than card games for example. Be careful who you roll with and if you trust them not to hurt you permanently if they have the opportunity because they certainly can.
Not sure about test, it´ll make you more confident and self-assured so thats a plus regardless.
>psychedelics have really improved my life for the better

Try not to skip days even if you're sore. You're body will quickly get used to the schedule.

>want to take on muay thai
>kinda skelly
>also had a leg injury that tore off my knee ligament 3 years ago
>not sure if thats gonna be possible

Im planning on hitting on the gym for a year or so to get myself in better shape and then apply. I have to give a clear focus on the legs so I dont hurt myself. Any experienced with muay thai and knee injuries ?

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Just keep at it. Stay humble and show that you're genuinely interested in learning and that may keep people from disliking you for not being proficient yet.

Not op, but you ever taken 4+ grams of shrooms dude? It's not just trippy visuals and you feel wacky. You see the world in COMPLETELY different perspectives and your subconscious mind can be brought up to you conscious mind. I feel like I could write an entire book on the only high-dosage shrooms trip that I had (and will likely ever have). At least, that was my experience. It's different for everybody.

For a few moments, I experienced ego death. Each moment flawlessly flowed from one to the next. There was no me, there was no you, there was no they. I can only describe it as some sort of wave of consciousness. Everything melded together. I remember wondering "has it always been like this?" as it was going on. I was able to evaluate myself from a foreign perspective, which let me really understand how I worked. Once I understood myself, I was able to understand others better.

Psychedelics can change you, and often for the better. Even awful, terrible trips are rich with knowledge; just remember what made it so terrible and you've done half the work. Being open minded about things is the key.

>muh BJJ
>muh MMA
>muh Muay Thai
>muh Boxing
No wonder Amerisharts are so shit at fighting.

What do you recommend, friend?

>the chad MMA vs the virgin gorilla

Keep going user, one time an asian girl choked me out with her thighs

how to tell if a gym is legit or not? and anyone train wrestling in the west midlands UK? there doesnt seem to be any places near me, only BJJ and mauy tai

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also anyone come from a powerlifting background how is the carry over? my cardio isnt that good (lack of doing it and genetically fucked lungs) but Im very stronk