Yeah I know mine isn’t great, but I was even more subpar when I started a month ago.
Post em
what are you saying user
Pretty common for welders Except maybe on shoulder would be stronger then the other,
Why can't I input more than 10 reps? All I do is bodyweight exercises so my squats can reach more than 60 reps
I’m only graduating high school this year, so no. I’ve just been skinny fat and never checked my diet until recently.
Lifting about 3 weeks. My most recent set was actually quite a bit lower than the sets I've had 1 week ago, but I've deloaded since then to work on form. Fixing a lot of structural/posture issues + doing lots of cardio, so gains are slower than expected. (About 2 months of cardio work now).
Working on fixing forward neck, anterior pelvic tilt, scapula winging, uneven shoulders, etc. It's not too bad, though. The more exercise, stretch, and focus on my posture throughout the day, the better it gets. Also made a ton of breakthroughs in understanding form, mind-muscle connection, cues, leverage, different lifts for personal anatomy, etc.
All in all, pretty happy with myself. Will be aiming for 1/2/3/4 and being able to run a marathon in a year, but I think I'll reach it far sooner.
Been lifting since the second week of January. My damn The Press keeps holding me back.
OP here, as I am currently working out I am discovering progress
been liftin for about 4 years.
how do you even get just the top part like that?
and you need to OHP.
~4 months progress
fuck squats
The machine has been broken for months and I’m trying out OHP with a barbell tonight with a friend so I’ll give an update when I find my max
like cmon guys ive been working out for 2 days... do any of you even lift?
Post body
OP here, this is the final result. I’m just barely on the edge between subpar and untrained for my shoulders.
Get some weights, user.
3 weeks of lifting.
It's amazing to me how much of a difference nutrition and weight helps with your gains, when I tried lifting over a year ago (and eventually dropped it until recently) it took me well over 3 months to hit a 1pl8 bench. This time around, it took only 3 weeks, I just hit it earlier today for 5 reps. I gotta think the difference is last time I lifted I did so at 175lbs and skinny, and this time I started at 192lbs. I did the same noob routine each time, idk what else could account for such a difference.
Tell me I'm beautiful
people call it "muscle memory" but once you reach a certain point, it's easier to reach that point again after losing gains
How are people even weak enough to get subpar scores?
When I started I could do like 2 pushups and could squat the bar and I was still in the untrained category
About 11 months lifting. Squats and oats.
Meh you aight
I really like chinups
Sometimes suck at deadlifting tho
Nice chin ups mate. I am only proficient at it.
>I'm blue da-ba-dee-da-ba-die
benchlet checking in
Am i the only one whos benchs isnt lacking
If you have a yellow must show body
>that omad gut pump
And all females must always post body
Probably 2 years on/ off lifting. Been back about 2 weeks after a 4 month hiatus. Any tips on winged scapula? When I OHP I feel my serratus anterior so I try to OHP often, it also helps with shoulder pain/ clicking
3 months of lifting. Been cutting so hope my squats are shit because of that. Planning on starting my bulk at the end of the month praying for strength and size gains. We're all gonna make it.
Pistol squats? If those are 60 strict rep pistol squats per leg that’s pretty impressive user
4 months in. Everything started subpar so i there has been progress. I feel like my body has progressedd more than my lifts. Still a long way to go but gotta keep grinding
Yeah if you have a winged scapula go to the doctor and get an actual diagnosis regarding your long thoracic nerve
>mfw Overhead presslet
Been working out seriously for 4 months.
Before I would just do bro spilts and pump, strength training actually made me grow.
3 years in. Deadlifting is my best lift. Everything else is meh. 200/300/440/640
Sumo - 640
Conventional - 600
are you sure you're not push-pressing?
Fucking deadlift monkeys
How do I into golden Frieza mode?
2,5 weeks of consistent lifting
week 7, green man I'll be you one day
2 months of greyskull
evermediate realm here i come
Spent too much of my training on pull-ups, ignored my shoulders because they where always proportional, now I have a shit their OHP compared to my other lifts
Eat a lot, lift 4 days a week, try to put more weight on the bar, don't skip your accessories.
Marathon and 1/2/3/4 in less than a year? You're out of your mind
>178cm, 94.4kg
>2.5 years lifting
Been lifting since september of last year, with a hiatus going from new year till march. I was full subpar and I'm pissed off since my bench is fucking shit and I dont know what to do except for more bench. I'm afraid I might be getting poor chest activation because I always go almost all out on bench and almost never get sore chest.
Thanks user
Current score after 6 months.
I'm in a cutting period right now, will I still be able to improve my score (I want to focus my back more).
Lost 80 pounds over the last year and started lifting in December. Slowly but surely I'm making it. Finally hit a weight I'm comfortable at and bumped calories up to maintenance. It's weird how much 300 extra calories in a day helped increase my lifts.
>thinking 60 reps of body weight squats is alot
At that point it's just endurance. It's actually just endurance long before that
Post body
Every time I post in one of these, I get a little closer to the golden man.
green man soon
>5'8", 73kg
>lifting for 3 months
Damn squat and bench plateau driving me insane
on the other hand I'm 5'7 150lb
77 kg, 175 cm.
Also, pressing is a meme.
How the fuck does one get better squats? I hate overloading on them past what I know I can do because I feel like I'm going to fall or lose balance. I don't trust the safeties because they won't do shit when I topple backwards. Help me Obi wan
you squat more, its that simple. do you have a video of your squat? your balance is probably due to your tech or bracing. have you tried different foot positions, bar placement, heeled shoes etc?
Im gonna record next time. I've watched plenty of videos on squatting and check a form checklist before each session, but I can't find much about falling backwards which is what I have almost done before and scared me off going as heavy as possible. Any advice on that specifically?
if youre falling back, your weight is too much on your heels. focus on planting your toes on the ground. its hard to say more without a video. you might be trying to stay too upright, or not letting knees travel far enough forward. your stance might be too narrow. you might not be opening your hips correctly. you might have poor ankle mobility (heeled shoes would help with that one)
too many things you might be doing wrong to say for sure
Jeez how are you OHPing a pl8 only 4 months in. Your lifts are high imo for the time you've been lifting. Are you fat?
It's actually pretty good if you shave so your physique is more visible
Thanks man, appreciate the response. I'll investigate next gym session
Been lifting since February of last year, was 100% red before. Good progress?