What should actually be done with low IQ people? Why isn't there more research being done to increase people's IQ?

What should actually be done with low IQ people? Why isn't there more research being done to increase people's IQ?

Seems like one of the most important issues we face.

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you convince them to beeeee demselves and bee happy, buy my beer goy

normies literally don't care about IQ or intelligence

if you have a high IQ just shut up, shuffle into a corner and make me some more iPhones.

Well I mean there probably is research being done, but incase you hadn't noticed the human brain is a pretty fucking complex thing and it's not easy to work with.

Genetic engineering will probably be the first way in which we'll be able to manipulate our intelligence reliably. Of course this won't help anyone who is already born and is as thick as a plank.

Kind of scary when you think about it though. Genetically engineering humans to maximise their potential. Imagine someone having near flawless genetics in terms of everything. Super intelligent, model tier looks, zero genetic health issues, ultra athletic. Anyone not genetically engineered will be like a sub-species in comparison.

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Send them to reddit

So, white, but even more so? Expect lots of virtue signalling by certain (((people))) and their followers about how evil they are, etc.

They work the smaller jobs. While smart people work at as doctors the dummies work as jannies it'a not that hard

I hope we'll soon be able to detect the IQ and Appearance of the baby when in womb and then abort everything ugly and stupid.

Well, at the end of the day, unless your confirmed tard, its up to individuals to gorw their knowledge and "iq". Rememer iq is just a form of military measurement for how efficient you are in service, and yes its heavily centered around intelligence but other factors as well.
Anywho if people dont want to improve themselves its their fault.

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>Anywho if people dont want to improve themselves its their fault.
Isn't intelligence like height though? You can reach your peak with the right style of living but you can't ever go higher than that, only maintain a rough equivalence of what you were at your most intelligent.

So the most a person with an IQ peak of 80 do is reach that peak and stay there. They will never be as smart as the average person and the results of that will always be with them until death.

also, isn't your ability to improve yourself, to decide if you need to improve yourself, to make plans to improve yourself, and to even become aware that you need to improve yourself strongly reliant on intelligence?

I think you are mistaking uncultured for low IQ, which is actually very hard to measure as you would have to test every single thing a person can do.

Social skills are more important than IQ.

You can learn social skills faster if you have a high IQ.

>said the low IQ retard

No you're dumb. iq is malleable you can score higher because some tests are easier/harder then others. IQ tests follow a basic formula yo can practice it and improve your score tremendously in little time which is why IQ is irrelevant and retarded

We'll become outdated last gen when the new generations come up lmao. We'll be the scum of the earth, like those guys that don't have augs compared to the augs in Deus Ex.

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Screenshot this. Next generation will become ubermensch and we'll be shit in comparison.

Social skills are effected by IQ, shit for brains.
How many smooth-talking, charismatic retards do you know?

>How many smooth-talking, charismatic retards do you know?
your president?

That won't happen for a while. we don't even understand how most genes work let alone how to engineer them

>Why isn't there more research being done to increase people's IQ?
they tried doing this a bunch and it always failed

look into "nootropics"

warning: 95% of them are a scam

Because Nature selects against perceiving the truth, you only need so much information to reproduce and more knowledge just leads to depression and empty contemplation. Big brains also use a lot of energy and people with tofays genetics often can't satisfy their brains needs. (But mostly because of lack of DHA/Omega-3, certain electrolytes and Vitamins A,B,D and K)

Then why is the stereotype of a socially inept person always a smart, nerdy kid? That has to come from somewhere, all stereotypes have some truth in them. They're clearly separate domains.

>normies literally don't care about IQ or intelligence
Most of them secretly do.

because IQ, like looks, is genetic
why do you think africa is so shit? niggers

there needs to be a hierarchy of brainlets to normies to high iq so that society remains stable

Bullshit, if everyone were high IQ then society would be loads better.

Ideal society would be a small, sustainable population of humans with genius IQ discussing philosophy every day of their scientifically prolonged lives while robots do all the work.

Having a low IQ isn't any worse than being short or something. Society needs people of all intelligence ranges, including people with low IQs. A eugenics plan that targets low IQ people would be targeting a significant percentage of physical laborers and is therefore counterproductive. Obviously people of extremely low IQ are just handicapped.