>wake up at 1
>day already feels gone and wasted
How does Jow Forums wake up early?
>wake up at 1
>day already feels gone and wasted
How does Jow Forums wake up early?
>go to sleep early
>dont drink coffee after 17:00
>set sleep as top priority
>go to bed early
>make sure you get 8 hours of sleep
>no electronics one hour before bedtime
>take 10mg melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime
Stop staying up until 4am you dumb fucking mongoloid.
Wake up with a raging hard boner then fuck my 10/10 girl. Im a total chad so i like to get a pre workout pump in if you know what i mean.
Get a job.
Forced me to wake up at 4 am 5 days a week
honestly going to sleep early isn't going to do shit if you are already fucked with your sleeping schedule
no electronics before bed is good, and i don't have coffee after 15:00
the hardest part is actually getting up, but once you start doing it, you will be tired enough early in the evening to actually go to bed early
so basically just get up real early no matter how tired you might become, and then make sure to get at least 8 hours every night
is also right, i used to get up every day at 5 am and i just went to bed real early every day but its fine
drink a lot of water before going to sleep
>9-5 wage cucks dick wagging because they go to bed early
TOP KEK. I work 3 12's a week and on my off days I fucking wake up whenever. Waking up at 5am every day to tell someone you made breakfast and your bed or went to the gym early means exactly what? That you were a boring fuck the night before. That's all.
Lmao you sound like a faggot ass boomer.
I work construction and have to wake up 5 days a week at 4:30
>Don't eat 1 hour before bed
>Same goes for electronics
>Force yourself to go to bed and wake up early, it takes about 2-3 weeks for your body to adopt is as your regular schedule
After those first 2-3 weeks you'll wake up early even without and alarm clock and still feel fresh, also:
>Reading in bed helps to fall asleep faster + get brain gainz
>If waking up is the hard part, consider getting an alarm clock with a lamp
Half an hour before the alarm goes off the lamp will start to slowly turn on which imitates the sun. It's good versus depression and helps a lot if you have to be up before sunrise
>t. Neet-cuck coping for his extended basement masturbation sessions.
>Working 36 hours a week
never gonna make it
I work 60 hours a week. Im pretty much a total chad at the office and have been banging all types of chicks at work.
than you're doing well. Disregard what I said
Holy shit that clock is what i want i got laid off a month ago and figured id take a week off before finding more work. Bad idea. Now i sleep till10 at the earliest
>not making an assload of money in short hours
cuck detected
>60 hours a week
You'd better be making more than 150k at least or else you're just a delusional workaholic.
If he's not it's pathetic.
>have job
>can't avoid waking up on time
>wake up on time using the alarm
When I was in uni I eventually stopped attending all non-mandatory classes to catch up my sleep. I also had constant fatigue. Eventually I stopped attending mandatory classes too, so here I am, working a wageslave job.
kill me please
Alarmy app for android.
>Math calculations to wake your mind
>QR code printed in bathroom which I have to scan to stop the alarm. Brush teeth, wash face.
>Boom. Waken up.
Oh yeah also set some "I wanna to this tomorrow" sort of mental list the night before. If you have no reason to wake up, you'll just slack off.
Look forward to your next day, dumbfuck. Time passes regardless, might as well enjoy it.
That totally isn't going to wake you up in the middle of the night.
I set an alarm at 7 every day including weekends and free days, this is important. I often wake up 5 min before 7 all natty. Just sleep when you are tired. If you normally sleep at 3 am you get 4 hr of sleep today so you are fucked up tired tomorrow , but then tomorrow you feel the urge to sleep earlier because you are so tired. It will suck for a few days but after a week you are fine. Also halve the curtains half open the light will wake you up more naturally.
bro, just get up at 7 when it rings even if you didn't sleep, you'll sleep tonight. You'll be slow today, do some housework, play some video games then go to bed.
I'm 18 you lazy nigger, get a job, nobody likes a NEET
lads i don't know what i want in life
i applied for another job at a hospital (for the IT department) even though my current job is okay-ish
don't know if the change of color is good for me, been at this company now for 5 years
t. 28 and kinda lost in life, but i lift
Do some hardcore cardio, that will make you sleep like a rock.
>browsing Jow Forums til 4am is what I call living the life
To be able to wake up early, sure having to go to work helped. But another way.
Set your alarm for when you wanna wake up and for the first week or so just turn it off and do whatever you want, just go back to sleep if you want. Next week wake up and chill or stay on your phone or something until you want to get out of bed. Keep progressing in little ways. I did this until I was waking up at 5am everyday. I didn’t have to be up till 7am so I’d spend my extra time trying to be productive like stretching and reading
I do nights so my sleep schedule is fucked
Me on the right
Same. I try to get to bed at around 4am. I got home at 2am and ate.