What's your Big 5 Personality trait spread, Jow Forums?

What's your Big 5 Personality trait spread, Jow Forums?

And why is mine so shit?


Attached: 2019-01-12 11_34_45-Personality Assessor _ IPIP-120 Personality Test.png (759x434, 66K)

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I always am shocked to see people with such high agreeableness.

Attached: BIG5-graphic.php.png (520x122, 2K)

im vermin like you :)

Attached: big five.png (600x3908, 516K)

bet you're a faggot liberal aren't you

No, I'm not, but it doesn't matter.

Shit like I expected.

Attached: 777765.jpg (979x853, 236K)

here is mine from a while ago
as you can see, i'm just passing through
this place is a shithole and I don't normally come here

Attached: bigfive.png (615x249, 40K)

It's good sometimes because people like it when you are kind and can treat you well, but obviously you have to be on-guard for people who will take advantage. Other times it sucks. I've been stressing out because I promised to make something for some anonymous stranger for 2 weeks now.

Though, that might not just be high agreeableness but all 5 of my scores melding together in a terrible mess.
If I were more extraverted I'd reach out for help more. If I were less agreeable I wouldn't be so guilty or had already forgotten about this. If I were more conscientious I wouldn't spend so much time here that this would become a problem, or I'd at least have this thing done. If I were less neurotic I wouldn't be making such a long post about a very menial thing or feel like dying from not fulfilling a request from a literal who. If it weren't for my openness trait I wouldn't want to create something as much.

Big 5 seems way more legit than MBTI or any other personality test I've taken because all of it fits so well.

>Big 5 seems way more legit than MBTI or any other personality test I've taken because all of it fits so well.
That's because
1. it only focuses on outward-affecting traits, so it's all just categorizing your answers as opposed to mbti which psychoanalyzes your answers and makes up some shit about you based on your answers were. Big five just uses real traits and your answers and directly compiles them
2. it was developed by the CIA and FBI to profile people for any reason, whether to investigate, interrogate, or profile for future crime.

Some questions make silly assumptions like that you either care about everyone's feels or you don't care about anyone's, or that your opinion towards change is the same towards recklessness. I hate recklessness, but quite enjoy change, and I only care about the feelings of people I get along with.

Attached: heresmineanonkun.png (562x228, 44K)

Take this one instead, it's just a digital rip of the CIA official interview one openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/

Also, shouldn't these levels of agreeableness make us more attractive to women, according to studies? Clearly the opposite happened.

This one is somehow worse. It assumes that if you are able to express your ideas to people then you must be ok with being the center of attention. I fucking hate being the center of attention, but have no difficulty imposing myself in conversation, or expressing my ideas.

Attached: hereyougomydude.png (561x136, 3K)

it's whatever i guess

Attached: Capture.jpg (520x229, 25K)

Fuck im abnormal

Attached: Screenshot_20190131-171000.png (1440x2560, 425K)

>I believe in the importance of art
What art? Importance where?
>I am concerned about others
What are the others? How concerned? I may be very concerned about my parents. I may even be somewhat concerned about my neighbors. Am I concerned about people I do not know thousands of miles from me? No! So how should I answer this stuff?
>I do more than what's expected of me
Depends on the task and on who is asking/expecting something from me.
>I am not interested in other people's problems
Which people? What problems? Enough of this vague bullshit test!

This was a dumb test, not worth getting out of bed and onto the computer for.

Very poor questions with broad assumptions.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-31-17-19-30.png (720x1280, 280K)

i'm phoneposter :

Attached: Screenshot_20190201-002712__01.jpg (1080x1588, 346K)

Haha and I thought I was low with everything. Let's be low bros

Attached: Capture.png (738x408, 69K)

What are you doing OP, not posting the full PIP300?

Attached: Screenshot-2019-1-31 Personality Assessor IPIP-300 Personality Test.png (975x4264, 692K)

sometimes i like to cum inside of an oyster and then three weeks later pretend its a pearl and sell it to a jeweler

Attached: Screenshot (4).png (1366x768, 145K)

i'm fucking fucked

Attached: wtf.png (571x335, 54K)

I almost never see other overly empathetic robots in these threads. hows it going my dude.

Attached: Big 5 Final.jpg (578x344, 56K)

Extraversion: extremely low
Agreeableness: average
Conscientiousness: extremely low
Neuroticism: extremely high
Openness: average

Looking at the descriptions for all of the facets really hit home.
>When you need to do something, you have extremely low ability to get it done and do it well (or maybe more accurately, you believe that your ability is extremely low).
>You like to draw extremely low levels of attention to yourself, and feel extremely high amounts of unease when interacting with others socially (especially strangers).
>The chances that you'll be overwhelmed by difficult circumstances are extremely high. Notice that this is different from anxiety (which refers to general stress- and fear-proneness) and self-efficacy (a facet of conscientiousness that reflects your confidence in your ability to accomplish tasks). Vulnerability specifically refers to your propensity to feel overwhelmed by difficult situations.

It's vague for a reason, you're forced to make real observations about your behavior in general, but yeah it's not exactly going to give you a 3-dimensional view of yourself.

>forced to make real observations about your behavior in general

So you're assuming that generalizing on vague terms equals making real observations? No, thanks.

As William Blake put it:
>To generalize is to be an idiot.

you're supposed to read between the lines, idiot

Please don't call me that. There's no text to read between the lines - what are you talking about? Even the source of the website doesn't show anything else.

I am a horrible and unoriginal person

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-23 16-34-33.png (1360x768, 148K)

>You enjoy life
>>Strongly disagree

Attached: Screenshot_20190131-224141.png (720x1280, 252K)

Here you go, zzzz

Attached: BIG5-graphic.png (520x122, 2K)

i really like how everyone is extreme in at least one aspect. only normalfags are average

Attached: 1535360877421.jpg (576x768, 94K)

Here's is what I got.

Attached: ehhee.png (539x240, 41K)

LOL almost every robot score extremely high on Neuroticism. We are all nuts.

I come here because I liked to learn about how many people view life, hoping to form a decent view.
Have a good day user. I really mean it, not like a slick cheat but I really feel for people. Have a good day.

Attached: big5butmorebiggier.png (1528x1394, 529K)

I did the IPIP 300, how do I make a longboi screenshot like you?

I'm extremely low on everything except openness, in which I'm average.
I'm like a canvas

I did worse than expected.

Attached: Screenshot_20190131-203248_Firefox Focus.jpg (1080x2220, 724K)

Behold, I'm a very open, insensitive, hateful dickhole who is laid back to the point of being outright reckless.

Attached: bagofshit.png (784x445, 71K)

Nice quads and you're a hick

didn't know how to do longboi screenshot on phone so did it computer instead.

Attached: scrnshot.png (598x3962, 509K)

Wonder why I'm lonely

Attached: chrome_2019-02-01_04-04-53.jpg (608x340, 114K)

guess we're pretty similar huh

Attached: personality test.png (524x228, 43K)

About what you would expect from somebody lurking here

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-01-31 à 21.10.49.png (599x343, 95K)

more detail on my condition

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-01-31 à 21.10.57.png (597x619, 149K)

fallow up

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-01-31 à 21.11.11.png (568x656, 160K)

Conscientiousness now

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-01-31 à 21.21.42.png (595x679, 174K)

posting my abnormally high Neuroticism

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-01-31 à 21.24.04.png (548x793, 222K)

finally my openness to experience

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-01-31 à 21.27.18.png (521x750, 201K)

25 year old batshit parasitic neet that has zero ambition to turn my life around reporting. i'm perma fucked

Attached: JUST.jpg (625x351, 66K)


Attached: Capture+_2019-01-31-21-31-19.png (480x792, 125K)

Here are my results:


Attached: 20190131_193727.png (720x676, 122K)


Attached: personality.png (1517x848, 139K)

I was going to banter than you should turn your monitor sideways but it seems you figured out the secret formula without me, Gabe.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-1-31 r9k - What's your Big 5 Personality trait spread, r9k - ROBOT9001 - 4chan. (1427x9531, 1.51M)

dickriginal post

Attached: 承.jpg (560x322, 38K)