What % of your 1RM should you start out at if you are picking up lifting after a year off?

What % of your 1RM should you start out at if you are picking up lifting after a year off?

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I saw this floating around Facebook. I don't get it. Why do niggers care that we separate our orders?

Could a nigger from this board please clue me in here.

God I really want those fucking cookies goddamn it

Nigs always have a chip on their shoulder. Inferiority complex.

Its not just separating the orders.
Its order in general.
Making a clear distinctions between whats mine and thine is important for every society and mundane shit like this is what shows larger differences in attitude.

That's why japan is so based

>used to live in barrio with all the mexicans
>tons of subhuman gangs but also some honest hard working spics
>niggers used to always visit mexican side bc their side was too dangerous and messy
>would come to mexican supermarkets and literally throw stuff on the ground amd walk away
>would hog the 15 items or less with their entire cart full of food
>cashiers got tired of telling them not to do that after many altercations in which they chimped out

As a white man who routinely shops in a ghetto "Save-a-Lot" in a prominently black town, let me tell you the exact opposite is true. I am probably the only white person there and all the blacks take the initiative separate their groceries from mine without fail. I've never cared to use the stick anywhere ive shopped but that's just me. I feel like lower income black people partake in these weird passively mannerisms any chance they can get away with it more so than whites because they have few opportunities to put on this kind of snobby behavior. Like when they go to a half decent restaurant and inspect silverware for water spots and demand a new set if they find any, or ask for a hot glass of water so they can wipe down their cutlery. Just small victories for them.

You'll have like a foot of space between our food and yours and you'll snottily put a barrier in between like anyone's going to think I'm buying the ingredients for a hummus-mayo sandwich


>not using up the space you have leaving no space for other people to use
>implying the cashier or anyone else for that matter cares what you buy, let alone make a guess whether it's you or the person in front of you who buys it

>a foot of space

Well, that's just inconvenient and wasteful. Just use the god damn divider. That's why it's there. That's it's intended use. Why invent fucking reasons to be offended by trivial things? You're not in prison any more so let your guard down. Jeeze.

imagine being this retarded, that divider is for the cashier, i'm pretty sure it's magnetic also, which means the conveyor should stop when it hits the end, so the niggers groceries behind dont just pile up, you fucking black bastard.

3RM is 90% of your 1RM. You will need to measure them and write down.

Not magnetic. There is just a little laser at the end of the belt. Once the laser is blocked, the belt stops.

That dividing stick can break the laser, but so can anything else on the belt.

>Niggers leave huge spaces between orders, making it hard for everyone to place their stuff down
>slows down the whole process
Nigers don't have a sense for the greater picture that's why they are inferior

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Provided you have maintained decent nutrition and haven’t completely screwed up your body start lifting at 30% and see how that feels. It’s going to depend. If you were lifting really heavy shit before you are not at all going to be used to it and will need to seriously build yourself back up. If you were a beginner and pussed out while you were still weak you can probably start at a higher %

You can do linear progression again

If you spend your whole life with a chip on your shoulder (and lets be honest, also an inferiority complex) towards whites you will find plenty of petty shit like this to be annoyed about.

>they'll respond to this post with "no u" bullshit because they hate being confronted with the truth

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>implying niggers are capable of any forethought or self awareness

Racism is an inferiority complex

>used to cashier sat grocery store
>people would constantly NOT use the stick.
>multiple orders would stack together
>customer would always watch this happen but never fucking say anything until the very end. Meaning I have to waste time refunding money and separating the groceries out.

Use the fucking stick

Darkies lol

Niggers have nothing concrete to complain about, so they bitch about the stick.

Having a cuckold fetish is an inferiority complex.

It's a fucking joke. Just like Seinfeld makes fun of mundane occurrences.

Yeah perfectly natural for minority actors to be always subverting the established order. And it's your duty as a (world minority) citizen of the planet (national majority) to uncritically listen and respect the lived experience of (national minority) bodies of color and/or (((history of oppression)))

Use common sense.
Wait, you’re a fucking CASHIER. The bottom of the barrel.


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