Do women lift for men? Or what do they lift for?
Do women lift for men? Or what do they lift for?
I lift for myself
Women don't lift. And yes, the very tiny minority of women who exercuse do so for male attention. Both while they are exercising and to look more attractive.
Women who say they don't wear makeup or certain clothing for men are liars.
Women lift for the same reasons men do, it’s just that the proportions are way off.
i lift because i want to tower above other women with the body of a goddess and shame fat people
i'm socially awkward i don't even talk to men lol
But men talk to you
>i'm autistic and will not admit to myself that I do it for the attention
cool beans
Not much at all anymore, I've maxed out my avoidance skill + I'm going to kill you dead face, and also stopped using social media.
i mean they still try to talk if i'm with a girl friend but never when i'm by myself.
i am free from the chains of the other gender
what about lesbians? checkmate incel
bitch ass i just said i did it for the attention that being fucking fit gives you?
do you read, god damn /fit still the shithole it always was
Same as it ever was
Damn, it is easy to bait you, 100% a woman.
sometimes i come back hoping to see a fps thread or some idiot making a janky home gym out of a broomstick and 2 liter water bottles, but it's probably time to move on
almost nobody is that poor anymore. even NEET can afford gym membership with the sudden influx of gyms the price has gone down aswell.
but you said idiots, these people still exist but the poverty levels have made pretty much everyone ATLEAST below midincome.
I lift and dress for women, anime titties and I'm a virgin
Lesbians aren't real
shit that's true, it doesn't feel like it's been that long. It was good while it lasted.
gifs of people misusing the smith machine just don't have the same flavor to it, but maybe i'll come around to it
Women who do lift lift to improve their sex lives. The number of women who were riding my dick and then said something like 'this is why i do squats' is pretty much 100%.
It's been 6 years since korean gf 2013. How's the relationship going, Jow Forums?
I lift because my husband tells me to. I prefer to just do yoga and cardio if it was to my preference.
They lift purely for attention, in the immediate sense of the word. That's why there's practically zero women who set up home gyms, only exception being married ones who use their husband's home gym. Because 9/10ths of why they go to the gym is to wear gymshark tights and do twerking exercises in front of men they like.
How do you explain women only gyms then?
Gimme till 2020
Have you seen women-only gyms like Curves? It's literally only old boomer women who go to those. Non-geriatric women never go there, and it's for the same reason I stated before.
Wait, so if a thot starts squatting in front of me while I deadlift, she wants the benis?
Maybe, maybe not. She's doing that for attention, but not necessarily from you. She might want your dick, she might want someone else's there, or she's hoping that Chad will show up later even if he's not there presently.
Were there plenty of open squat racks but she decided to pick the one right in front of where you were deadlifting?
There are 2 squat racks total (shit gym) but yes, the other was free. And better to squat in, but I don't expect thots to be able to judge that
Excellent argument
Good question since apparently it's not for gains.
They clearly don't lift for men or for aesthetics, because all a woman has to do for a good body is not be fat
Fpbp. It's the only reason women do anything.
Well it's certainly a possibility, but again, it might not be YOU she's after. Look for other signs. Is Chad also nearby and she's possibly going after him instead? Does she wear headphones but took them off? Is she glancing at you? Is she doing anything that's an attempt to make herself "available" to be approached?
Also, keep in mind that attentionwhoring doesn't necessarily mean she wants to go any further with a guy. You know how the guys in those mirin' threads get off to being mired, even if they have no plans or desire to hook up with whoever was miring? It can be like that. The woman can just want attention in general from men gazing at her, even if she doesn't necessarily want to fuck any of them. Same reason they keep beta orbiters around.
>don't lift for men because even fat and ugly women can get men
>don't lift for gains because women can't naturally make gains
>don't lift for strength because women are naturally weak, and even average joe dyel men can overpower female weight lifters
>don't lift for aesthetics because all they have to do for aesthetics is not be fat
>don't lift as a hobby because no woman can enjoy lifting as men do
So theres only one resaon left as to why they lift: attention
She's not yours, it's just your turn
And this is why I'm now against women lifting, where once I was in favor of it. Firm thicc thighs/ass just aren't worth it when every woman who lifts is an absolute thot.
Thank you Daisy that's very kind
Kek. For most women i know, they couldn't give less of a fuck about what men think. You think spending hours on makeup techniques that you idiots can't even distinguish if your lives depended on it is for men? Same goes for lifting weights or whatever it is you do for your looks.
It's a women's pissing match, brehs. Yeah, no, ain't for you.
Post legs
Are you pretty atleast? Like in the face uwu
Unironically this. All lesbians are just confused dumb women that have never been dicked good enough. Thats just how it works and anyone who disagrees is a low iq sandwich maker or a virtue signalling whiteknight.
Kek. You can do the research yourself: lesbians actually have way better sex than straight women.
i just want abs and muscles. also i want to look and be healthy good when i'm old
Me no care. They are just cinfused perverts and the cure is alpha penis.
Also im sure that the research is biased but plwease, i'd like a linky winky to this game changing research
This image is an actual work of art.
Proof? Everything I've heard about lesbian sex lives is related to lesbian bed death.
you did not say that explicitly, fuck your wamen speak you insufferable cunt
also post tits or gtfo
>le "makeup is for other women" maymay
go outside i beg
Sure. As opposed to
>le ebin men liek natural girls maymay
And they compete with other women for what? That's right, for men, you fucking mongoloid
You're a fool.
Uh, no. The competition is the end for itself. Has it never occurred to you that there are things women do (which men often claim is beyond their comprehension and, egads, even preference) just to show other women who's the shit? For example, acrylic nails and fucking neon hair.
*end of
>what is pandering to a niche group of males
Nearly everything humans do is based on the will of passing on your own genes, consciously or subconsciously. It's extremely evident in female behaviour. Fucking hell, how do you live in the age of information and remain this bluepilled?
Pota. Going by that logic, not showering and never leaving the house is also pandering to a niche group of males. And you're calling me bluepilled?
That's what people do when they realize they cannot compete on the sexual market and isolate themselves.
>tfw I actually did find a gf this 2019
I never stopped believing in this image and it paid off
I was just using an extreme example of metrics you set yourself to illustrate that people don't always do things for sexual motivations.
But as has been previously stated, lesbians do not exist.
And I suppose gays don't either?
But it is a sexual motivation. They have slim to no chances of procreation, so they give up. Sex is in the equation. Whatever the surface reason, it's founded in not being sexually fit enough if you go back enough iterations of reasons.
>Not caring about what men think
Then why all the constant attention whoring? They're sure not doing it for the attention of other women.
So yeah, foreplay that men can do as well means that lesbians have better sex?
They have sex but they almost always end up pretending to be male(s)/getting masculine in bed to get the other off after the foreplay is over.
Problem is that they just have enough sex to get the edge off but can't really scratch the itch unless some insertion is involved.
Even then, they're still unfulfilled.
Then comes the inevitable lesbian bed death and emotional and physical violence after the honeymoon phase is over. Then comes the cheating with other women and or them going over to their totally platonic male friends home Chad/Jamal/Chang to "hang out".
Anyway, dykes are dykes not because the sex is good but because they can only connect with women due to genetic fuck ups or them just being really thoroughly groomed and gaslighted ala vagina monologues or the singing nun or them being horny fucking stupid and have a connection to modern western media and social media and no good men in her life.
So what gets them off means absolutely nothing to het men, het women who see them dykes coming from a mile away, and even bisexuals.
God. Stop shoehorning men into everything women do. You know you can use all the rhetoric you want but that doesn't change the fact that dynamics exist among women that don't necessarily always involve men.
I can give other examples, but you're going to keep pulling that bullshit, "niche group of males" excuse. I could refer to feminism, but you're probably going to say penis envy or some other nonsense.
On this week's episode of Jow Forums tries to understand women
>lifting for this, wymyn edition
People who talk you inevitably end up being gay chicks who're trying to gaslight stupid cunts and men.
They never actually have anything to say of substance and are completely retarded when it comes to heteronormative activities of both sexes.
They just want to reiterate that women do stuff without needing men or wanting anything to do with us.
Name something.
Just anything.
I found a gf but I think I want to reverse this find
Okay. For funsies, let's try feminism. Or engineering.
>They have sex but they almost always end up pretending to be male(s)/getting masculine in bed to get the other off after the foreplay is over.
According to... you? Next thing you'll be telling me is that you're well-experienced with lesbian sex.
>things men can do
But apparently don't. Wonder why.
You got anything else besides trying to explain to a bunch of women how women actually think?
You're a female aren't you?
>Okay. For funsies, let's try feminism.
Built to make women act like men.
99% of it is anti female and without men backing it or acting as the bad guy that shit collapses in on itself.
>Or engineering.
You mean that thing that women aren't going into and are being forced to go into by academia. That thing that you yourself are not a part of but just love the idea of women being FORCED into it because it means that they are manly and thus good and not shitty women?
>According to... you? Next thing you'll be telling me is that you're well-experienced with lesbian sex.
According to lesbians themselves.
Unless strap on dildos and and double sided dildos and women taking on a masculine role and the constant drumbeat and attempts to find and define masculine and feminine roles by lesbians is just a big farce.
>>things men can do
>But apparently don't. Wonder why.
We do actually.
The reported orgasms amongst lesbians assumes that lesbians are normal women and that bisexuals aren't all oversexed.
But you're a big ole gold stary dyke apparently so...who cares what you think.
A thousand orgasms, none of them satisying, and an inevitable messy violent dead sexual relationship within the year.
Great sex life you gals have.
>You got anything else besides trying to explain to a bunch of women how women actually think?
You got anything else besides trying to explain to women what they should think my lesbian friend?
You aren't an actual woman. You're a lesbian.
I mean you have an entire movement like femininsm and fucked up modern academia and media in the west to use to brainwash and gaslight them into lesbianism bisexuality transexualism and misandry and some mysogony when they don't act like you and your strong penis envy having compatriots.
>not a sexual strategy
>not a means to earn cash and elevate sexual market value
you're actually sub 85 IQ fuck
>>not a sexual strategy
You're right.
It's for dykes and ugly/hatefull chicks to get the same treatment as decent looking good women.
Also for dykes to get more pussy from stupid women and for those ugly/hateful chicks to demonize attractive women so they get more access to dick.
>>not a means to earn cash and elevate sexual market value
Cash =/= more attractive to men...OH. You mean gay bitches trying to get gay bitches or soulless easy whores.
Yeah you're right.
Many of them do whatever they do (or a big part of it) simply to mog other women or get a sense of superiority based on nonsensical shit just like the insecure fucks here that lift to be bigger than other men.
Most girls are just as insecure as fitcels
Do females that earn a lot of money marry men who don't? No. That's my point fren, not the cash itself
>everything is sexually motivated
>durr that's not a sexual strategy
>That thing that you yourself are not a part of
Fine. I'm from chem.
I'm actually pan, but I have a boyfriend.
>strap on dildos and and double sided dildos
Gee, who knew dick-shaped objects were ideal for fucking? Had no idea they came with mandatory masculine role-playing though.
the few ones that are actually at least bi just have mental problems. There are gay men, but there are no gay women. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to give you any arguments, so I trust you to use your brain and find them.
oh my fucking god you insufferable roastie, do you even know how to read and understand greentext? I'm fucking done, summer came early this year
>muh fucking greentext REEEEEEEE
100% of zero is still zero
>I'm a roastie with a chromosome surplus and noone can stop me haha
Sure babe. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
What the fuck does "pan" mean
God I fucking hate tumblrspeak
Yes there are dykes. They just fuck it up for everyone by pretending to be bi or straight and ruining society so they can hide better and get access to our dicks when they get in a mood
not the other user but you are hella retarded.
So you're a stupid loser slut. And you don't understand basic human sexuality. Brilliant.
Based Pastor Anderson PBUH poster, BTW I don't lift for attention. I lift cause I'm bored at home. Idk it's not unisex gym.
Pretty much. Also Sam Hyde was right, gyms should be men-only.
Why the fuck do I need to wait 10 minutes until some skinny thot is done doing literally 1000 reps on the lat pulldown machine set to the absolute lowest possible weight.
We all know it's going nowhere. She's not getting nearly any protein from her rabbit food diet to make any noticeable gains. It's not like she has a routine either, she's just picking equipment at random.
She's basically holding the machine hostage to do cardio outside of the MASSIVE cardio section where she could be using any of the machines.
Man, fuck women.
Womens body function differently and she doesn't want gainz.
She wants "tone" and to lose excess fat.
Holy shit you need to neck yourself. I bet you boyfriend cucks you to actual women.
lmao, your biologial needs will fuck up your "le independent womyn" thinking brain pretty fast once you hit late twenties sweetie, but thats ok, youre a woman
Bless you nugger
Lifting =/= bodybuilding or powerlifting.
No they preferrentially don't marry men who earn less or are poorer then them
Not unless the man is more "powerful" then they are in some way.
Lastly, men(actual men not half retarded giggolos)won't marry women for their money. Not unless it's marrying into a wealthy as fuck family/bloodline kind of thing. And that is rarer then shit.
user, there are actual female doctors who know their shit and make skads of cash who can't get a single male doctor to even look in their direction or even use them as a fuck toy.
But those same male doctors will break their neck to fuck that hot decidedly average intelligence broke nurse with a community college degree.
That's how it is.
Wealth and position doesn't make a woman more attractive to the average man. Never did. Never will.
And basically every woman who is forcing the issue(usually has no love or talent for those money making jobs or wants to go for those jobs themseleves)just has kind of penis envy.
To not be landwhale