Best exercise to treat shoulder pain? It's only overhead shit where it really starts to bother me

Best exercise to treat shoulder pain? It's only overhead shit where it really starts to bother me.

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3x10 shoulder dislocations while warming up
Alternate pressing sets with facepulls

Depends on which injury. The shoulder is the most complex Joint in the body

Work rear delts then medial then front.

Huge/lots/some volume respectively.

take some aspirin for a week or so. it will impact gains but it will help a lot.

Do shoulders with chest,when doing incline bench make sure the bench is close to 70d incline,then do shoulders after,but no press movement.

You have shoulder impingement (most likely), you should avoid any vertial pressing motions, this includes incline pressing
Don't push through the pain, you'll fuck your shoulder up beyond repair, seriously

I've got shoulder impingement and have avoided any pressing motion over 90° flat for 2 weeks, and the pain is starting to go away.

I got pain in both shoulders, from Judo. Sitting here right now with lingering pain and it sucks.

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Have you tried doing sets of dead hangs user? Hanging from a pull up bar like a monkey for like 15-30 seconds? I feel that those do wonders to decompress the shoulder joint

Shit, I'll do that now before my shower. T-thanks.

Facepulls you fucking faggot

I stopped working out for 1.5 years and it went away


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Its hard to describe, but:
1)stand in T-Pose, arms spread
2)bend your elbows 90 degrees
3)rotate arms in shoulder so your hands go up and down

Thats what physiotherapist recommended me for shoulder injury. You can hold small weight, but not too big.
this exercise is the only one that actually worked treating my shoulder bursitis, i used to do 2 sets of 15 reps before every workout

Overhead press and facepulls.

I used to have shoulder pain, from benching mostly. I started doing 30 dead hang chin ups before I start my actual lifting every session and it cleared up within six weeks.

Can anyone else help me try to diagnose my lower back pain? It's about where the pelvis bone ends, usually on the right side of my spine. It's a sharp pain, usually. What's weird is that it mostly only starts up when I rack the bar after some squats. I might feel a little bit of tension in the lower back during my set but the pain only starts the moment the weight isn't resting on my shoulders anymore. Like my muscles somehow contract so hard that they pinch some kind of nerve when there's no weight they have to stabilize or something.
I have an appointment with an orthopedic in two weeks but I want to keep working out.
It's not that bad with light weight but since as soon as it starts acting up again I feel it whenever I bend over and move the lower back I'm not sure if it's still a concern.
Has anyone else had this?

I learned this from a Martins Licis video. I do it holding onto 2Kg plates for 20 reps before any upper body workout. Feels great on the rotor cuffs.


This 100%. Once you hopefully heal up, like I did, you can do this motion with NO MORE THAN 5LBS MAX to warm up yout rotator cuff.