This is my current body, guys

This is my current body, guys.
What can I improve?

Attached: IMG 102342.2019.jpg (675x1200, 87K)


Why don't you ask reddit you fucking FAGGOT.

you can start by improving your neck muscles! do weighted neck hangs till failure and you will see results fast :)


For starters, stop with the onions lifestyle. I'd bet my ballsack hair you're a vegan cuck.

You look like a cartoon

post dick

do you even lift?

start lifting

Would you?

Attached: Holly.jpg (534x810, 72K)

Fucking chinlet being ass blasted by his ex wife for cheating, the cunt deserved what he got.

If I looked like OP that would probably be the best I could do

pick up heavy objects and put them down multiple times

that user who said he could do whatever he wants

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Brother! So this is where you escaped to?

I should have known.

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Seething vegan-boogeyman incel

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My sides are gone

Ooof. Stop trying so hard to be Jow Forums cool. It is just awkward.

"Hey mom, I totally trolled this internet guy by calling him a faggot in all caps! I'm so 1337 h4x0r funny!"

So I'm guessing this is one of the nudes he's been sending to that other bitch huh

>no chest hair
how does this happen?
I have a young boy looking face but I'm a gorilla under my shirt
what heritage causes it?

Nah, different bitches, not only was he cheating on his wife with Ross (from GameGrumps) ex wife, but he was also soliciting lewds from random internet thots. Some potentionally minors.

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>different bitches, not only was he cheating on his wife with Ross (from GameGrumps) ex wife, but he was also soliciting lewds from random internet thots. Some potentionally minors.
Lmao this guy is fucking slayer, proof lifting is a waste of time and you're better off getting famous.

Ffriggin gay frog water

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Fuck wrong pic how do I delete?

living the dream

JAMES wood

Junk. Absolute junk. Discarded.

Stop cheating on your wife
oh wait she broke up w you
ahahahah faggot

you sure showed him

post glutes you cute little twink


I'll take "How to out myself as a 12 year old fucktard for $200, Alex"

Attached: kys.jpg (376x300, 46K)

she has grandma face