Skinnyfat here (5'6"), how many weeks of working out until I look like this? Or is this just steriods?

Skinnyfat here (5'6"), how many weeks of working out until I look like this? Or is this just steriods?

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Read the sticky, fag

112 weeks of productive training and eating gets you there.

The homophobia was unneccesary, you insecure incel

If you didn't read the sticky and you made this shit thread, you're a faggot

Go the fuck back nigger

kek kill yourself manlet

Try a year

probably two years tops since your a manlet, read the sticky and just start lifting, no need to cut unless you are so fat that putting on more pounds will cost you loose skin

homophobia is never unnecessary

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kys sodomite

You lost the war

Why are 90% of the posts shit or bait these days? We need zoomers tho get drafted and have their nuts blown off by IED.

just begun

At your height about a year of consistent working out with a decent plan and good nutrition should get you pretty close. Certainly after two years you could surpass that

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a war I never wanted, was only pressed in it tbqh

also it is never too late to start another one - I live on and on in the spirit of the young and healthy

Lel, it's been 74 years since the end of the war. You lost. Move on.

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It's funny you post that pic despite being a disgusting skinnyfat midget

Yikes. You didn't do anything. All you do is post inflammatory comments online. I bet you aren't even in shape. Post body. Timestamped

>newfag can't see new IP posters
I'm not OP, you colossal retard

A 30 second montage of you working out.

>muh inflammatory comments
how does it feel outside your hugbox? does it hurt?

>muh everyone outside of Jow Forums is from another site
how does it feel outside your hugbox? does it hurt?
Post body.

Hey OP I'm the same height as you. This is how I looked after 6 months of lifting/dieting from never having lifted before in my life. I went from around 130lbs to 165lbs in the pic. I also have very low levels of total testosterone (437ng/dl) so chances are you'll have even better results than me, so that physique should definitely be attainable within a year and a half for you.

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>or is this just steroids
I fucking lose it every time I imagine the goose banging out pushups like a mad man in between shots to maintain that PATHETIC pump for the cameras. This is easily achievable natty, year or less for anyone excluding extreme cases I’d say. Make sure you have proper programming though.

bad cope

>valknut tattoo
Based and redpilled

that was part of the plan

Lol keys newfag

Post body

big yikes on the tat there lil buddy

I mean it's not like anyone's ever going to see me shirtless anyways...

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sodomite negro


Good bait, look at all the fags that took you seriously.

Also I'm tired of you fuckers mislabeling yourselves as 'skinny-fat'. I was actually skinny fat and would've be thrilled to have that body.

Plz clean that jizzy mirror

And who won exactly? And what did they win?

are dirty mirrors Jow Forums?

Fuck off faggot.

get a load of this fag

You will hang pretty soon.

Based and baitpilled

if you even have a thought in your mind of this kind of physique being achievable only through taking steroids then you're either naive, retarded, stupid or desperate.
Or all in one.
Just remember to train systematically, considering you're skinnyfat you probably have poor genes, but don't lose any weight. Just lift a lot. And eat as much proteins as possible. I mean. It's all really fucking simple. I will never understand how normal, healthy people pay for a personal trainer. There's not many secrets to this "sport" that is bodybuilding
I could make a redpill-core video on youtube about workout that would last up to 5 minutes AT BEST, and would explain everything and help 90% of the people. Not including people with certain conditions, heart diseases, back problems ettc.
also, if you wan't to learn how to do certain exercises with good technique just watch any yt video lmao. There are like 25 videos and 200 images on the internet about technique of every single exercise, on average.

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