
How often do you shave Jow Forums? I had a beard for about a year, but recently shaved it off and have been using pic realted and I love it. I was wonering how often you lot shave though, as I hate the feeling of stubble and doing it once every other day just doesn't cut it?

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I do it once every other day, but I wouldn’t be able to grow a proper beard yet either so its not like it grows out that quickly. Guess you just gotta shave every day, only takes a few minutes anyway

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Being military, I shave daily. Never on the weekends to give my skin a break. I also use a safety razor, glad I switched over and stopped using over priced five bladed.

I have a mustache, but I usually shave the rest every 2-3 days. My hair is really thick and curly so I get shave rash if I do it more often than that.

Why the fuck we dont have blades that dont lose their sharpness? We have the technology like diamond tipped shaving equipment

A thin edge will always lose its sharpness over time, even when cutting something much softer like hair. Keep in mind that in order to make the edge more durable you would have to make it much harder, which would also make it much more brittle. Not sure you could make a single, thin edge with artificial diamonds anyways, e.g. saws have a wider edge that is covered with diamond dust, not a thin, single edge

>I also use a safety razor, glad I switched over and stopped using over priced five bladed.
This. After the (((Gillette))) commercial I tossed my old razor out and switched to a safety razor recommended by some fitizens in an earlier thread.
Pretty happy with it, just took 2-3 shaves to get used to it.

The blades vary. You can buy some ridiculously sharp ones that will cut you if you are even 0.1% off coordination.

This was a confusing time for as I saw how effortless the movies made it look. Switched to a different kind of blade and I have to put in effort to cut myself.

Me on the other hand can't get a good shave no matter what, I'll be damned if I get it right once. Always nick myself and have to fix few spots still covered in hair. Had a shave yesterday which felt pretty good, didn't nick myself and after I washed my face it turned out half my face still had some hair.

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Those things get shilled alot should I get one? I use an electric razor most of the time cause it's easier but I do like a clean shave when I'm going for a night out or something.

I used this for about 6 months but got tired of cutting myself nearly every fucking day. I just want to shave fast and easy without it feeling like I'm performing surgery. I'm not the target audience for those kind of razor.

Ye, bought a bunch of blades from different brands to figure out, which works best for me - only tried mühle and feather so far.

Tough luck m8, I read some reviews of dudes having the same experience. Maybe switch up the razor/blades/shaving cream/foam/soap.

What do you use?

Yes they're great. I was using an electric before a safety razor and the difference is night and day. There's just a bit of a learning curve but the shave is always great.

>used one for six months
>still kept cutting yourself
Sounds like the problem is you retard

Militaty, so I have to shave everyday.

Use only a small amount of pressure, just enough to keep the blade on your skin, and figure out the right path for the blade along each part of your face. Right now you are probably pushing too hard, which is why you are cutting yourself, and pulling the blade over rounded areas, which leads to hair being left over

I usually shave 2-3 times a week, too lazy to do it more unless I have some specific occasion that requires smooth skin. I use a safety razor with Gilette 7 O'Clock stainless steel razors and proraso shaving cream, after shave, and pre-shave oil. Everyone seems to react differently to different products, those ones were the nicest for my skin.

Wilkinson razor and blades, posted in these threads a few times already. Bought myself some quality razors but Amazon fucked up so I still haven't gotten them.
Yeah I'm probably still used to applying pressure, but I've noticed that if I don't apply any pressure and "let the weight of the razor do the work", the shave is incredibly shitty and barely removes hair.

I use pic related. Its a very tight and comfy razor process but I cut myself the first few times I shaved with it. But now its worth it since u invest once and then buy the blades super cheap. Plus I didn't want to support (((Gillette)))

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How to get a thicker beard?
I'm almost a 27 year old boomer and still can only grow a mang-stache

I have the same exact razor, been using it for 2 years. It's great.

Did the blades that you use maybe become dull?

I used each one once, then threw them away. I have one more left and the blades I ordered still haven't arrived

Sorry, if it doesnt grow at that age it never will

I shave about twice a week. Gives me enough stubble in between while not letting it get too out of control.

Yeah its bretty comfortable. I guess this ist the standard version to get the job done

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I use Dorcos 7 bladed razor and change the head once a month. I shave my whole body, but pubes cause that's fucking weird. It's cheap and I never get razor burn or bumps. I also use Aveeno shaving cream. Shit is smooth. I don't shave my face though. Smooth body, with a beard. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

when I shave all of a sudden I get acne and very dry lips. and I don't even have much facial hair on me!
I just shave moustache so I don't look retarded

anyone else has this problem? how'd you fix it?

You do need a little bit of pressure, just not much. Take care of getting the right angle between blade and skin as well, shouldn’t miss that much hair

What angle should that be though?

only shave my head but i do it every 2-3 days
sounds like your using autisticly sharp blades, dont buy feather blades.

No mustache + disgusting beard = muslim sleezeball appearance
Not a good look

Any recommendations on creams? Do you use the same cream for both face and body? Thinking of switching up my cremo

I shave my head once a week and face every couple of days

shaving cream? dont use the gas can stuff, buy a puck of soap and brush. ~£10 and it will last roughly a year, better quality too. i use Mitchells Wool Fat Shaving Soap for the lanolin.

I used to have a beard too, I have thick and quick growing facial hair. I shave with drugstore razors every other day in the evening. It does leave stubble, but I kind of like that. I also find shaving daily results in bumps and other irritations. I believe to shave daily you need to take very good care of your skin and probably get a fancy brush and razor and shit.

nah i dont look like a muslim lmao
also im very young (19) and it makes me look slightly older
and, even though it's very rare and patchy as seen on pic related, people told me that i actually look better with it than i do clean shaven

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Do you guys only use the ones with replaceable blades? I was thinking of getting a straight razor, but I don't know if it's worth it over the safety razor I already use

Once every 4-5 days maybe

Depends. Usually twice a week.

Well, firstly because it somewhat hard to make, secondly because it's make razor producing companies bankrupt.

If you really need something that will serve forever you need - high carbon straight razor and leather belt. Whet it once and fix the edge on belt sometimes.

Forgot to answer you last tire.

You got shitty mild razor and shitty dull blades.

Minoxidil + vitamins. Nothing else (except hormones probably) work.


Thinking of getting some proraso for the face, and cremo for legs and body

So buy a quality razor (something like Merkur?) and quality blades (Astra and Feather), got it.

18 year old zoomer here. Should I keep my beard? I haven't shaved in about 3 months I think. Even when I shaved I would only have to do so once every 4 days. Is this a good beard for 18? Will it fill in more?

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Take the /shorthair/ pill first
t. metalhead

>and quality blades (Astra and Feather)
i wouldn't, stupid sharp blades will just cut up every imperfection on your face, derby are cheap and more than sharp enough. cheap safety razor is also good enough, the difference isn't going to be worth the extra cost imo

yeah, you can grow facial hair better than most 18 y/os and men generally see facial hair continue to grow in until at least their late 20s. a lot of guys actually don't achieve their full facial hair growth until their 30s. should you keep it? that's a personal call.

So just improve/practice and get it right over time before switching?

the cheap stuff works fine, only upgrade to a more expensive razor if you dont like having cheap things. dont upgrade blades, the extra sharp ones wont give you a better shave they'll just cut your face up

I run my electric trimmer over my face every few days to keep the hair low. I love having stubble and that's when I look the best but I look like a pedophile if I try to grow it out

Try going for a larger angle, almost scraping off the hair. Don’t go all the way to a right angle of course as this will lead to more cuts, just a bit in that direction, should help with not skipping too many hairs. People tend to say the ideal angle is 30 degrees, just feel it out a bit

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What's the point in using pic related? I just rub some cheap shaving gel with my hands. Works pretty well. Is having a more expensive gel/cream + a brush really going to make a difference?

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pucks aren't that expensive and will last around a year. wont necessarily make much difference but it is more enjoyable & helps get the lather worked into your hair. gels and cream are more likely to have skin irritants