Does fapping affect lifts?

Does fapping affect lifts?

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Yeah it drains testosterone

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its impossible to make genuine gains if you are fapping

Keyword: watching
Blasting rope 5 times a day is not the same and you know it, shill

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what does that have to do with fapping?

Right...So just watch porn without jacking off. Thanks for the advice guys.

just get a cuck cage, its redpilled

Well if you don't fap for 7 days u should get a testosterone boost for 1 day. It's not worth it user. Fucking increases your testosterone and so does watching sexual content without fapping

ever wonder why you have narrow shoulders?

This might be a fetish of mine

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If I've been fapping 1-2 times per day all my life will I notice a difference if I stop?

>nofap virgin (no superpowers) loses argument and his best comeback is ... "methink u hab smal soulder"

only talking from my personal experience if i fap and bust (especially after a week or so of not fapping) during the day any time before the gym i feel much more drained and more distracted lifts usually a little bit lower

Yes. Do it once a week on rest day before sleeping.

Same. I actually feel like complete shit afterwards. Like a power tool struggling bc the battery is about to die. I’m not sure if I even feel good when I don’t fap, but I know I feel remarkably worse when I do. That’s enough to get me to abstain. Every now and then I’ll bust one out just to see if I feel worse, that way I now I’m getting better. To make up for it I’ll just go a bit longer the next time. I don’t get the same drained and shitty feeling after getting laid

Depends for me. I dont watch porn anymore because I would always feel drained after. Now I use just pictures of women only and there is a pretty significant difference but you still feel slightly drained. Using just your imagination has almost no effect.

imo yes. makes me tired and i end up not working out

it does

I went in with a nofap of 30 days and my life was on a whole different level before giving in.
All my breh should at least try to get at one month of nofap.

Does sex? You really think body builders out here abstaining to keep their Aesthetics? Fuck no

If I actually take the time to track it instead of vague inconsistent results with selective memory, I find that doing it right before is bad as it simply lowers energy and drive. Long term however nofap does absolutely nothing fkyr me, zero difference in mood or lifting capability, with the added negative of having to change bedsheets every few mornings after 2 weeks in.

>that pic

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If I fap the night before a workout I find I have a worse session the next day

I noticed a pretty big difference

dude, i don't listen to any fag with narrow shoulders

Day 12 of nofap here.
The shit is real.
I stare down everyone, talk to every woman i have the chance to, and absolutely demolish the gym.
Also i'm getting jaw cramps, JUST LIKE I DID WHEN I WAS ON 600 TEST ENANTHATE WEEKLY + 40MG DBOL FIRST montH.
If you are going to fap ever again, fuck you and kill yourself. Pussy ass bitch.

everything is just like i did when i was on etc.....*

I bet most people in this thread don't have the willpower to stop porn/jerking off for more than a month.
Prove me wrong.

Did it a couple of times
Right now on 40 days some streak


>they finally get it

holy shit