Neglected muscles

What muscle/muscle group do you think is the most neglected among lifters?

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Rotator cuff.

I have seen a lot of chicken legs in many local buff dudes. Their only leg workout is squats and nothing else.

why do you need strong legs doe?


Hip flexors on everyone i know

Their heart

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Rhomboids, traps, teres minor

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rear delts

Definitely Abs/Core

They just look ridiculous


Literally anything cardio hits.

tricep long head
rear delt

What's wrong with only doing squats, since it works all leg muscles?

your hamstrings will be to small for your quads. Also calves, but I never train them so ignore that

squats don't hit hamstrings at all

anything that's below the waistline bruh

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fuck legs. just do 30 mins of biking 5 days a week. Good for heart, and tones legs. Nobody likes legs that jut out like a tumor.

Based and ostrichmodepilled


Squats don't do shit for glutes, deadlifts barely do anything and it's easy for your hamstrings to take over.

idk i dont work out my legs much i have 25 inch thighs naturally so i look pretty good

>highbar plebs spotted

T. Only squat for legs

A big upperbody with no legs looks so bad. I can squat 3 plates have nice defined quads and still fit into size 32 pants you have no excuse except you're lazy

nothing, hes just retarded, ignore him


no you fucking idiot. Squats are for chicks and retards.

Back to the leg press with you

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Lunge > squat

Squats are for faggots and hoes

>Squats don't do shit for glutes, deadlifts barely do anything and it's easy for your hamstrings to take over.

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>do biking bro, toned legs
Is just an excuse not to do legs because you're a weak pussy who can't squat
Biking does almost nothing for your legs. You're gonna have chicken legs

I think you mean front squats