Been lifting properly 6 months now. Would you mess with me on the streets?
Been lifting properly 6 months now. Would you mess with me on the streets?
Height and weight?
i'd probably ask you on a date instead cutie ;)
Are you a girl
I could rape you if I wanted to and you wouldn't be able to do anything stop me. Lift more. Eat more. You're not a man yet.
Oh yea big guy?
*pulls out glock17*
...heh... thats what I thought
>Are you a girl
i could be a girl if you wanted me to be
I have a CCW so I don't have to pray I'm stronger than some twink who lifts
>five nine and three quarters
On my streets? I’d toss ya. Wouldn’t be too proud on it, but I’d toss ya.
There is no way you can carry that on your twink body without printing like a retard
He's more of a LCR type of guy
>caring about printing
I'm 5'10" 160# and I carry a Sig 229. It prints a little but I don't give a fuck.
Nice tits
Unironically thought you were a girl at first, so, yeah probably
Post a better pic, twink.
i'd let you suck my cock
>Are you a girl
Do you know what website you're on?
Just say 5"10 dude.
id sexually harass you, yes
>not blvck
Yeah, I'd mess with you