Gay shit

Is there a way to get rid of homosexual feelings that actually works?
>inb4 nofap
It made things worse.

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Date a chick and hang around girls more. The gay often results from isolation or excessive exposure to only men. Stop browsing gay boards, be productive, and don't beat yourself up about temporary feelings.

Just fuck girls dude it isn't that hard.

Stop hating yourself and follow your heart


Live in daily misery in order to appease people who hate you for who you are

You literally can't. People have been trying for centuries. Nothing works.

Fuck dudes, u big homo

If you are willing to feel no sexual desire at all, chemical castration would work

Honestly, stop looking at porn and presumably masturbating multiple times through out the week

i think you might be gay user its nothing to be upset about no one in the real world is nearly as judgemental or insecure as on Jow Forums

In the real world people would rather avoid conflict so they hide their disgust at homosexuality.

My heart doesn't want to be a sodomite.
The number one person who hates me right now is me.
I don't know man there's a whole gay propaganda industry out there. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a way.
Already tried that.

>You literally can't. People have been trying for centuries. Nothing works.
Flagellation works dumbass.

Stop thinking it matters, cause it doesn't. Sexuality's such a minor and inconsequential thing, it amazes me how much importance people place on it. So what if you wanna fuck dudes? What difference does it really make? It doesn't make you any worse of a person, it's just a preference. It's like liking the color blue over red, that's how little a thing it is.

Don't let something so minor define you user, just let it be. Focus on something more important in life. Heck, its not like any of us get laid to begin with.

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homosexual feelings are purer than het feelings. Be happy you don't have to deal with roasties. Hope you slay.

Hang around women but not too much because that also turns you big gay.
Or you realize homosexuality outside of the biological term is nothing but a spook.

I think it depends on how gay you are. I'm one of those new age faggots that only likes cocks and traps, but feels totally straight once I leave my computer, so its easy for me to manage my faggotry. How gay are you?

Gay enough that I still feel pretty gay after I leave my computer and don't really want sex with women.

Okay that's pretty gay. First you have to figure out why you want to cure it, it shouldn't be for petty self hate reasons or wanting to fit in, that's just bitch made. For me, gay sex just doesn't pass the cost benefit analysis, so I don't do it. And that's really all there is to it, because we can't cure base desires, we can only look at them rationally and decide on our level of engagement with it. Since you don't like woman, your only option is a life of celibacy and focusing on the things that matter to you most.

Just get your bumhole rekt. That will make you hate gay shit forever.

2D pill

>How do I stop fapping to 3D?
Let me break it down for you with this guide I made and it works as I have done it.
if you have tried and failed taht is ok because this trick will work!

>How to quit 3D
>right now you are conditioned to fapping to 3D
Not only are you used to fapping to 3D but also video so an important thing we need to do is shift you from watching video porn to still images, if you dont ween off video before going full 2D, you will find it much harder as you dont even know how to appreciate a still image let alone the art that is Ecchi and hentai.

>you are fapping to 3D video, fap instead to 3D images but you may need to do the following trick (important)
>start fap to normal stuff you view in this case 3D video
>half way through the fap session you switch to other material and aim to finish your fap session while looking at the target subject matter
so in this example you are fapping to a video of a 3D pig and then you switch to still images of 3D girls to fap to.
>so, fap to your 3D porn video and then switch to 3D still images on /s/
>do this until you are comfy to just fap to /s/ (still images)and then start doing the same thing but this time with hentai
so now you are used to fapping to still images, you repeat the process but with hentai and ecchi
>now you can fap to 2D fine,
you should ideally ONLY fap to 2D from this point forward and then you will notice the psychological changes and the
pure feeling you will have.

Will make you feel like a better person 100% guaranteed
a important point and rule of 2D pill is that you ideally want to be able to fap to clothed ecchi like pic related.
it is fine to fap to hentai but you want to possess the ability to fap to ecchi that is softcore if you want
>reminder taht it is 100% fine to fap to loli

Seems like youre brainwashed my dude. It is in your heart that desire for buttsex resides. The hate for these feelings lives in your thoughts and the echo chamber you live in. Need to break your outta that prison. Time to eat some shrooms gay boy.

>Time to eat some shrooms gay boy.
I'm not going to damage my brain even more and would I even know where to get them if I wanted to.

*I wouldn't even know where to get them if I wanted to

Like I said, brainwashed. Shrooms are the safest psychoactive drug in the world. Safer than weed, hell safer than water you cant OD on psilocybin. As for sourcing, EDM shows, dark web, or nearest college.

If you're gay you're gay, can't do much about that.

howdy there cowboy.

ya kno the problem you've been talkin bout has always been an issue for folk like us out there without any women about... spending weeks and weeks with hairy sweaty men riding together and rubbing our crotches against thick leather saddles one does tend to get some frankly strange ideas in ya head.

i wouldn't worry about it partner! ya kno what they say, what happens out on the range stays there. you don't be neednt worry about explaining none of it to your wife.

by the way now that i've helped you partner would you mind returning the favor? how does my butt look in these pants?

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No honestly this isn't true most people are completely unphased

Uhm... wat

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Gay isn't even real. Abandon your hatred of women and your past traumas

>dewd ur brainwashed bro
>u need to take this psychoactive drug that lasts 5 hours then u wont be brainwashed dewd
t. retardbro

before you respond by bitching: yes I've done shrooms, you feel good for a few days because you "really figured stuff out!!!" and then it's back to same old same old

But I'm still afraid they would be. I know they would silently judge regardless

Nah I know it's not an insta-fix. Idk, psychs just helped me a lot with my own shit. I know there were a lot of other important factors, mainly a willingness to change and desire for self-acceptance. But, those two factors didn't arise till I started using psychs.

you're bisexual, or atleast bi-curious, congratulations welcome to the club here's your rainbow hat, no one cares

>It made things worse.
this. when fapping I jerk off watching traps or twink porn at least, imagining how I'd fuck them. On nofap I want to be the trap or the one getting fucked in the ass instead. I actually don't mind really, I hate women anyway. It's even better this way for me

give yourself a severe electric shock every time you have a gay thought, you might be able to effectively suppress it then.

or, just accept it, there's no reason not to. all that undue stress, for what? there are far better things to worry about than who you find attractive.

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Well just be a goddamn gay. You will be out of the competition with chads

there is literally nothing wrong with being a homosexual, being a faggot is the problem

user, learn the way of the stoicist.
Mind over body, discipline and virtue above pleasure seeking.
You need your mind to be in peace with yourself and the world.
Ask yourself why are you gay?
The boipussy is too appealing?
The roasties are too aliens for you to bond with?
Seek the answer within and then think about it, what's good/wrong with this?

it's called prisongay. our body needs the chemical oxytocin. in school we got it from interacting with boys and girls even if not directly so just being around women gave us a hit of it. if you've been alone or around only men your body is getting it's source of oxytocin from interactions solely with men. this confuses the brain. and it starts to react stronger towards the sight scent sound and touch of men. it is reversible if you weren't originally gay. it just a phenomenon explained by science bro. you'll be fine

he looks nothing like a cowboy. More like a generic model

>homosexual feelings are purer than het feelings.
This. Women are disgusting creatures of passion. Wanting pure qt bois and strong caring men is the purest form of love out there.

fuck dudes and feel manly doing it