I have erectile dysfunction because of excessive porn usage. Some of you might to...

I have erectile dysfunction because of excessive porn usage. Some of you might to. Try to fap without any porn whatsoever in the bathroom, and if you can't, porn fucked your brain over.

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I do that literally every morning before getting out of bed

>he faps

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I fap to porn less than half of the time but still can't fuck girls cause I dont get hard.

Porn sucks ass compared to the imagination.

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just did in the shower this morning if that counts

I cant fap in the bathroom because the bathroom is not a sexy place you degen. I still have my weekly imagination only night.

You need to find stronger stuff. These days I use tomboy vanilla, there's no side effects.

what do you do if imagining women liking you is impossible?

I cant but girls irl still get me hard. Your test is shit