How do i stop being a manlet?
Im shorter than literally everyone i know
I hate this
How do i stop being a manlet?
surgery on the legs, high boots, hair upwards, and maybe elongating your neck
Just start lifting bro. Theres no other way for us. We are cursed.
This. A 175cm buff manlet will still mog everyone who's average built and 10cm taller than him. Start to lift, be serious about it, maybe do some boxing and you will feel bigger than at least 80% of the people you see outside.
the copes you manlets use, its cute really.
what else are we supposed to do??
>mfw 6' feet tall
but really it doesn't matter because 6 feet is around average in my country so I'm feeling little bit manlet.
>Im shorter than literally everyone i know
I know this feel but then
>finally meet a guy shorter than me
>he is literally a full head shorter than me even though I'm only 5'4
Unless you're under 18 it's over desu.
How tall and how old are you?
Wish I took human growth hormone. I already have a huge frame and big wrists, strong back and huge bideltoid. I frame almost everyone under 190cm/6'3. After that it's impossible because bone structure.
Btw. I'm 182cm/6' and that's manlet by my countries standards.
Kek you're probably northern european. Try coming down to southeast. you'd get mogged to oblivion. You are megamanlet here. Tbh most women are my height here and I'm the same exact height as you.
I pass 4-5 school girls daily that are around 6' or so.
Most guys in eastern europe are actually in 6'3-6'7 range. See pic related.
>I'm 182cm/6' and that's manlet by my countries standards.
Stop trying to fit in faggot.
>tfw 19
>tfw 172cm
I'm a turbo lanklet and it sucks. Everyone sees you as a freak
I don't know what you meant by this. Fit in with them? Of course I don't want to but my intrinsic biological needs just push me to be ''out there'' and compare myself.
It hurts quite a bit but I can't do anything about it.
I am 6 1 and never really got the *manlet* bit until about 2 years ago. New guy joined the sales team- I thought he was 5 7 until I realized he had the gelled hair going up and was wearing lifts - maaayyyybeee 5 4.
He was an average salesman but just lived to talk shit.
>I am in the gym 3 hours a day. You should try getting in shape, you might not look so chunky
>hour at the dojo last night. Arent you scared you will get beat up? I know I can kill any man, so I feel no fear
>you arent really a man unless you can box; I was sparring in the ring 3 hours this weekend
The manlet, call him Manny, fucked up
There is a guy on my team, Richard. 6 4, 300 lbs. takes steroids for arthritis he got from shrapnel in Iraq. Richard is a super nice guy and the BEST salesman on the team.
Manny starts calling him Dick. Richard laughs it off. Manny (who has no idea Richard is a vet) keeps telling him how lifting & boxing could help Richard overcome his fears. The Manny spent 3 months boasting he was gonna be top sales and get the special bonus
Manny was 4th of 5 and Richard tripled his numbers.
We are all having a drink that night. Manny walks over and called Richard Slim
Richard smoked and said
>Hey, Stretch
Manny was furious and yelled
>you making fun of me you fat fuck?
>yes, little man, I am making fun of you.
And stood up.
There was about a minute of Manny dancing around doing boxing shit then he came in to punch
Richard grabbed him and threw him toward the door
>Down, chihuahua. Chihuahuas are not allowed on the furniture
Manny came at him again. Richard threw him again
>does the chihuahua need to go outside and potty?
Manny lost it and just ran at Richard. Pow! Right in the nose.
That was Friday night
Monday Richard is telling us how he is going to get Manny something for lunch. Told Manny, who was really sulky.
Richard got himTaco Bell.
Manny lasted 3 more weeks then quit.
That is NOT the picture I tried to post
But I do like it
Even though the story is fake and anecdotal and has NOTHING to do with the insecure europeans in this thread, you should probably get some reading comprehension.
These threads are for men in the 5'10-6'1 range who have trouble dating as they are the manlet cutoff and manlets make them look bad.
if someone is fucking 5'4 or 5'7 like your imaginary friend I mean, he's literally genetic waste in every way, nobody is even paying attention to him.
Anyone in our height range is literally trying to compete. That's our problem.
Pay attention
I said I did not get manlets before.
Now I see you LARPers.
Women say 6 feet but mean taller than they think is average
6 1 meets that
If you were 5 10 plus you would know that
>if someone is fucking 5'4 or 5'7 like your imaginary friend I mean, he's literally genetic waste in every way
There's this guy who's 5'6 and unironically makes money off of giving date advice on youtube.
People on the internet are generally losers, don't give any credit for what they say.
>no vagina on my penis
Can someone explain to me why the FUCK do women care so much about height? I genuinely do not understand. I'm 6'2", but it's not like someone under 6 foot is that different in height. I can only see this being a factor if you're goddamn Shaq.
>who's 5'6 and unironically makes money off of giving date advice on youtube.
So, tell me, you trust someone whos 5'6 and gets money off of giving anecdotal advice on fucking YOUTUBE with no veracious evidence, OVER SOMEBODY who is 6' and over living in the most volatile dating environment in the world and striving to be the best he can and talking about the dating climate in a serious manner without posting cringey anecdotes.
So smart
190cm is 6'3 not 6'2
and it only matters if you have good bone structure and a good face. Matters to us.
If you're ugly and over 6' it doesn't mean anything at all.
Plus, your height is average for a white european male nowadays. It's completely normal.
>Imaginary friend
Ryan Walters, lists Philotek as his employment.
look him up.
t. Also a manlet
Move to Peru? Peruvians are pretty fuckin short I think
Kys manlers
haha manlet
This was an emergency original broadcast
5ft 7 here. I know my height was caused by malnutrition. My father is an inch shorter, as he grew up poor, but his younger brother is taller. all of my brothers are at least two inches taller than me. 19 now, so I know it isnt going to change.
tfw 92 cms
this manlet meme is stupid, just impatient kids who want puberty to happen now
just wait a few years and you'll get that added height you're desperate for, trust me it happens to everyone
i don't know any men under 5'10
You still have to eat to grow/ I didnt and everybody most of my family is taller. Failed to reach my genetic potential.
just wait till puberty, kiddo
Once I hit wizard age I'm gonna kill my mother I'm gonna make sure the bitch is nothing but red paste.
Thanks to her short genes and refusal to breast feed me and only give me formula (soia) I'm a fuckin manlet.
She deserves it she deserves all of it
Nigga, I am 19. I get that youre joking, but I do not find it funny.
people can hit puberty at any age, you can't rush biology
I grew from 4foot11 of 5 foot 7 in hree years, havent gained height since. Puberty happened on the very little nutrition I maintained. I missed out. It is over.
either take the arthritis, joint issue, and weird proportion pill and get the surgery
or just wear some shoe lifts and boots
Poor guy still has the tattoos
woman here to give woman opinion. left is WAY better. he looks like a freak in the after. height doesn't help if your proportions are fucked. choose something better to have a complex about, like bad cooking skills. cause at least you can get better at that.
it's not over yet, i know its shit watching all the other kids grow up around you but i promise these things take time
Holy shit how did I not see this before? Pic related is what women want
>funny because he's angry
It makes so much sense now all we gotta do IS COOK
How tall are you? I'm like 177cm/5'9 (which is kind of short) and life could be worse really. I'm taller than 90% of girls and average compared to men.
Heads up, I grew a bit when I was 20. Make sure to eat healthy, work out (promotes HGH) and maybe eat some supplements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, ...)
Well time to add a new person to my list of people who I can step on like ants
>Plus, your height is average for a white european male nowadays.
190cm isn't average for white europeans lol. Even if you substract the non-whites from the statistic they it maybe adds 1-2cm per country.
Scandinavians, dutch, and northern germans are pretty tall but even there the average height isn't 190cm. Spaniards, italians and frogs are manlets, central europeans are around 180cm
t. someone who actually lives in europe
172 :(
My father is 185cm, I will still grow r-right guys?
Age? If you're still growing do this If not accept it, it's the only thing you can do. My brother is same height as you and more succesful than me (177cm) in almost every way. Smarter, more charming, was better in college and has a great job now. He also has had multiple gfs while I'm a virgin. Being a manlet is a state of mind.
Sorry to break it to you but it's doubtful that you'll get more than 1-2 cm. I was already 181 cm at your age, and almost a decade later I'm 182.
If it makes you feel any better, being tall doesnt automatically make girls like you. I'm 6'1 and still a khhv
Fuck. I never really had a drastic growth spurt. I'll happily take every cm.
still better chances than me