Fembot Feels Thread

Misogyny-free safe space to discuss our feels

>tfw no qt bf to make delicious club sandwiches for

why even live?

Attached: download (3).jpg (277x182, 10K)

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why do you make these threads? men just come in here and act like jerks specifically because you say "misogyny-free safe space"

also >tfw no nice voice bf

>was involuntarily celibate until met him, don't know what sees in me, he's so handsome
>thought he was the best guy in the world, always treating me like a queen, calm, dependable
>but today i asked him why we never have sex anymore (months maybe?)
>his response: lost interest because i "never initiate" and turn him down "too often"
>my reply: this makes me feel unwanted though
>his reply: "i can't help that, just looking after my own needs"
I left the house at this point because I didn't want to hear anymore rationalisations and guilt-tripping. How can I be feeling just as alone as I always have been? How did I never realise he was just another asshole. What can I do?

Attached: wj.png (560x560, 193K)

i bet you're fat and ugly
give discord please

What makes a club sandwich different from regular sandwiches again?

>tfw no bf with high-pitched voice he's insecure about it

>involuntarily celibate
Is this even a thing?

>he's insecure about*

99% of guys assume that they own their women sexually. They'll destroy relationships and families over it, I'm sorry you had to get one of the assholes.

Not real. Girls cant be lonely
Stop larping