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Look at the pure fear, this is a woman who knows judgement is nigh.

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I watched that episode early and god that bitch is a fucking cunt.

This doesn't really work.

Intense Roid Man will be in the grave far sooner than Joe Average. Just look at Rich Piana.

It's also just plain not funny

How long does she have left? Will we see her on 600lb life eventually

Blank post.



Only one of them has even lived to begin with

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nobody on gear is drinking a kale shake
red face man doesnt exist

is she wearing underpants under the bikini?

Sounds kinda gay, user

>TFW my mom is obese and constantly complaining about joint pain and how fat she is but she never wants to go to the gym with me even when I offer to help her

It feels bad bros, she's seriously unhealthy but won't let me help her

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I don't feed on the rage these threads seek to generate, does anyone have a fat person owned story? Something victorious or just vengeful.

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I'm sorry man. Have you tried to talk to her seriosuly?

People like this have no intention of losing weight. They have no impetus for losing weight. Losing weight means they have no more content to make and they can't milk their weight loss journey for more videos.

But more importantly it takes away their victim card. 'Muh eating disorder' 'Muh depression' 'Muh childhood abuse' 'Muh weight is caused by factors I can't control and therefore I'm the victim'. Somewhere in time in America people have learned that being the victim is a positive thing and if you take away that victim label then they actually have to work like the rest of us and that terrifies them.

1990s: The running gag is you need chloroform rags to knock someone out

2019: All you need now is 2 pizzas

>Mom, I'm sorry to have this conversation with you but I'm really concerned about your health. You are going to die a premature death. I don't want to live my life knowing I could I have helped you. This is me telling you that I love you and that you are dying. Killing yourself with food. I want to help you.

tell your mom that if she wants to have any chance of seeing her grandchildren live and grow she needs to lose weight because right now she's going to die before they are born.

Parents go crazy over the mention of grandchildren, maybe that will be the catalyst for change

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Presumably your mother loves you and trusts you somewhat (maybe not), so when her child tells her "mom you're going to die, you won't see your grandchildren. Your health is failing and I'm scared for you." then that might wake them the fuck up.

>lifting for women
>giving a shit about what women think

Never gonna make it

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Welp. Looks like im finally joining planet fitness bois

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excess fat on both genders is disgusting

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Highly based and very redpilled

This is the superior Amberlynn kino

Officially forced

20 piece McNugget is like a snack to her fuck. How much does she eat, does she even taste the food

Weak willed faggot

>How much does she eat

That’s a... pad.

Oh ok, was thinking diaper. Would she even get her period at that size

Yes and they smell horrible. As a young nuble teen I worked at a Walmart and had ham beasts coming in and it’s just the worst smell imaginable.

enjoy the pizza you fat fuck

Yeah... I know that feel. I truly empathizes with you. my mom is super depressed and anytime i mention her health she gets super mad at me. Her poor knee isin't going to last much longer and there is nothing I can do

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you people are getting pretty advanced with this shit

over and over till she dies


Kind of like you, lifting, stretching, and cardio.

user, are you literally me?

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Sorry user, you can't save people from themselves. She is the only one who can save herself from her impending health crisis.
Try to spend as much time as you can with her now while you still can and try not to let it get to you.

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the fact its blurry makes it look like she's going super fast
o i am laffin


it was only good the first time

This kind of complacency ripples down the line down to the progeny. Parents don't give a fuck about health and they get fatter as they grow older and start to accumulate health problems. When junior eventually comes he doesn't give a fuck about his health because he was never taught to give a fuck and junior grows up to be even fatter than his parents. Then it continues. Dad bod is like the male version of HAES which is usually associated with fat women.

>no more weight loss
there probably never was any weight loss in the first place

>live like rich piana
>live like the average fat worker drone
It's not a hard decision

>2 pizzas
look again there are four boxes there

>69% are into it
>80% say they'd be proud to have a husband with a Dad Bod

Fucking hell planet fitness. How the fuck are you supposed to feel if you're one of the 80% that are husbands but you're married to one of the 11% difference between that number and the 69% that are into it? What kind of woman is proud to be married to a man she's not sexually attracted to? What kind of disgusting, sexless marriage are you telling men to go for?

>They see a man who leads a happy life - and works hard
>works hard
>Dad Bod
Fuck me.

Why she puts her shoes into the little bedside night wardrobe?

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Deja VU! I have been in this place before

There’s a happy medium between being a self absorbed lunkhead and a whiny soi boy.


I love this image
Nobody mentions how when they say 69% of women, they put that woman biting her lip to distract you. When you really break down that number, it’s the death of dad bods.

I just typed out a long, dumb breakdown of their sample population, but it’s easier to just think of it like this. 69% of women find it attractive, but the most fit people will find it unattractive. So the group who are 7/10s and hotter at planet fitness don’t think it’s hot. 1/3 of that group are probably gold diggers and would be willing to marry a man with a dad bod if he were rich, which is where you get their 80% marriage number.

>i get up at 4AM and chug a kale shake
>then i take and i
>an ice cold slap myself
>shower if i even
>THINK about skipping my workout

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That is pathetic & disgusting. Fucking retards. It just gives fat bitches an excuse to do nothing about their own weight and fitness.

Or they don´t like a fit man because it will play on their own ego and insecurities.

Men don´t have to strive to look like Arnie, but they should be striving to be be better than they were before.


Average guy, obviously

yes because everyone dies the same way

Good luck with your kidney stones from all the oxalate you drink daily

not gonna make it


damn, she counted calories for 7 days? Can't believe it didn't work.

>be gym
>tell your clients to stop working out
>lose clients

weight gains tho

but can it go farther ?


Stress and high blood pressure would kill him much quicker than the roids if the Jow Forums character truly always raged himself into a tantrum at the sight of normies.

That aside, the whole comic takes a reverse-perspective of reality; in truth the chad would just be doing whatever minding his own business while fatso in his chair would stare at him and perform mind gymnastics to justify his gluttony, i. e. "I'm not going to abuse myself through workout routines h-ha ha". (I've unironically had a normie who was watching my cardio routine refer to it as abuse. Simple jumps = abuse.)

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>implying that women don't crave the BLOAT

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Remember last year when there was a mysterious concentrated effort to push the "dad bod is what women really want" meme? This image reminds me of that. Moral of the story is never to survey women about what they want.


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>simple jumps
>cardio routine

ha. ha. ha.

That's a good point. A fit person aggressively approaching a fatty to berate them about working out probably happens a lot less than the reverse situation. The kale guy in OP's post is pretty much a ghost of the author's own self-scrutinizing inner voice, but demonized in an exaggerated way so that he can dismiss it easier.

>his cardio routine consists of just one (1) exercise

Let me guess, you're out of breath after a flight a stairs?

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nah. My cardio routine is run 1 hour every morning. That's why I think simple jumps is a bit weak.

These are the best ones


"she looks like she smells like hotdog water"

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based > poster




I'm skinnyfat and these faggots make me sick.
This is how land whales got normalized.

> be landlord
> landwhale applies for one of your appartments
> idea.jpeg
> give her the appartment with a door that only normal people can go through
> get a screaming call that evening
> mfw
> watching fatkino
> her voice sounds familiar
> one of your appartments is being filmed
> watch the landwhale’s cry
> mfw

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I have strange urge to slap this belly. Not in sexual way, just to make her scream in agony. Hit that hard that her skin just will tear up.

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Based, gotta Purge those pawns of Nurgle

The problem is that the meathead in the original comic is a caricature, the fatso in the edit is not.

Works hard as in earning money for the wife and kids


as a woman you don't even need to go to the gym. i walk as my primary mode of transit so it's not like i get zero exercise, but honestly all i do is eat 1-2 meals a day instead of 3. yesterday i ate 800 calories and that's pretty typical for me. huge tits, nice thick ass, tiny waist with ribs visible. just stop eating. food is disgusting anyway, if i could get all my nutrition from a protein shake i would. i don't understand how people are even fat to begin with. and men really have no excuse, for a man to get fat he needs to eat like 4x what i eat every day.

i don't even know how fatties afford that much food. if i spend more than $20 a week on groceries it pisses me off.

look, back in the day women didn't exercise, they weren't even allowed to leave the house if they were aristocratic. and they looked straight fine, right? no one in the 1600s was hitting the gym 10 hours a week. no girl in the 1600s was doing a bunch of yoga and squats and other horseshit and running on the treadmill 2 hours a day. women don't even need to exercise, just take the stacc-sticcpill.

how the fuck does anyone even eat enough food to get fat on? if i tried i would spontaneously throw up.

not related to the post but to the picture. How can the guy holding the shoes even consider himself a man at this point? Does he consider himself a main? He has one job at that moment and it's to protect his wife and kids and he's letting another guy do that, in addition to holding his wife and child, while he's carrying what is probably minor stuff.