11 PM

>11 PM
>still need 1000 more calories
FUCK I'm gonna be SICK

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What should I eat!?!

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Just go to mcdonalds brah
20 pack of mcnuggies is 1.1k cal with sauce


Smoothie King faggot


Try pic related if you’re part fag.

Iktf user. I was in 6’1” 145 lbs skelly hell. Now I’m almost 180.

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That's more than I'll eat today, top kek

Bro, a good way to get 1000 extra calories is to drink 10 ounces of raw veggies, with a quarter ounce of meat, and a cup of veggies from the grocery store. That will provide you with 2500 calories per 1/4 cup of veggies you use in your diet.

I cant decipher what this post is saying


Look, take the 10 ounces of raw veggies and quarter ounce of meat and shook those up. Get that toaster oven covered and get on your way. Go find something better. If that's your first time using the internet, it may be a nice little hobby to look up online. I've been doing it for 10 years now and have had few problems. If you want to keep it simple, grab a cup of coffee and do it again.

Yeah what even.

if bodybuilding, i have no idea
if strength training, just eat fast food for one of your meals if you are struggling to gain weight

assuming you have already hit your protein for the day...
two bananas mashed up and mixed with five tbsp of peanut butter all washed down with 16oz of milk

>struggle to eat 2400 calories a day
>need 3.5k to grow
the lanklet curse

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Ive been drinking a gallon of milk with 1000 calories worth of mass gainer along with a bag of chicken nuggets everyday and I have gone from 133lbs in January to 173lbs as of a couple weeks ago. I have about 4500 calories per day

Thats like 2lbs a week weight gain, you sure you didnt overdo it?

This has to be bait. No one can be this retarded

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Fucking kek these posts are like an alien trying to communicate

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Are you fucking retarded? Or anorexic?

damn I wish I was you, I can eat 1000 calories np as long as I haven't eaten in a couple hours

Fun fact,
Peanuts aren't actually nuts, they're legumes

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Lmao im 5’10 prince of manlets and i need the same to grow musclelet

>a bag of chicken nuggets a day

Im in the same boat, buy quaker cereal oats with chocolate, a good batch of that + melk is like 600 kcal u can eat in 5 minutes


2 scoops chocolate protein
3 lbs unsalted pb
3 tbs of olive oil
1 banana
1/2 cup of oats
a blender!


make sure you drink it before you go to sleep or you'll be full for a long time

200 grams of halva

cringe but redpilled mom
call the faggot in the name he was baptized and slap him good for acting the retard

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>wake up 12pm
>don't make myself breakfast bc I haven't been sleeping at all
>force myself to go to Carl's Jr at like 3pm
>spicy chicken sandwich, double cheeseburger, small cherry coke, fries and a cookie
>feel like throwing up afterwards, didn't even finish the fries
>gotta go for a jog now
>feels like I'm dying every step
>get home like 4:30
>text from dad
>"let's go to the local frozen grill food chain restaurant"
>"like right now"
I didn't count but I think I ended up getting like 2500 calories in over the course of the day just from two meals

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This is effective and pretty nice too

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>3 pounds of unsalted pb
Jesus user that's a little under 2 jars of pb

7:00 Good fucking morning goddamnit
7:30 500ml + 100g oats + 30g whey - 600kcal
9:30 2x double bread with pb and cheese - 1006kcal
12:00 500ml milk - 240kcal
13:00 whatever my family cooks at least 350kcal
15:00 1x double bread with pb and cheese - 503kcal
17:45 200g rice + 200g dark meat chicken - 1000kcal
19:00 workout
21:00 500g cottage cheese - 280kcal
21:45 100g codfish + 100g mini potatoes - 160kcal
22:00 Good night gains

This is how you lean bulk with 300g of protein
>inb4 u dont need 300g
I'm on steroids

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7:30 is 500ml milk*


No because im trying to get to at least 220

I wish I had this problem. Make pasta nig

Jfc how fat did you get? Even if you were on test at least half of your gains would be fat+water. Otherwise gj on the ultrabulk.

pasta is pretty low cal though

sleeping in is the ultimate gains goblin
waking early and having a big breakfast first thing makes me hungry by lunch somehow
then im hungry by dinner again


>who else has to deal with this shit?
snotty cunts who were raised believing the world owes them something just for existing
but I think you already know that

Is this an AI

thanks man i’ll try it tonight

Just accept that you gonna burn some fat tonight and be okay with it

>complaining about eating on a bulk
jesus you faggots are utterly worthless

thats because 1k literally a fucking sandwich. op is an absolute faggot

>tfw its taken me 3 years to go from 123lbs to 151lbs at 6'1
ill be dead by the time i get to a normal weight

God, I wish I had this problem.
-T. Fatass

It's absolutely amazing how people think a thousand calories is a lot. I could eat a thousand calories of chicken and rice and not feel full. It's really interesting how this is such a difference to people and i wonder what the underlying cause is for this. And i am 175 cm and 80 kg so by no means a big dude who would need a lot of food.

All you fatasses have to do is not eat, how fucking hard is that?

>I could eat a thousand calories of chicken and rice and not feel full
Id feel bloated to hell.
but i could eat 1000 calories of cake and not feeling a fucking thing

I want to know the reason too.

Just eat 500 so you can have a good night of sleep and plan your meals better tomorrow.

GOMAD faggot

Very hard. Food is awesome.

Half gomad stupid

Goodbye health.

>Eating 15min before bed, rip sleep quality for the first hours of your "sleep" when your body has to process all that food and can't focus completely on just resting
>14 hour feeding window per day fkn LMAO
>Eating 1000 kcal of chicken and rice just 1 hour before workout
>Using steroids, rip your natural test levels

Not him but bro, it is an hour of sleep he's "missing" and if he can push out the reps regardless of when he eats then it is all gravy. Why nitpick the small thangs when you can hit the big thangs? At least you mentions the roids

I am 6'2" and started at 132lbs, about 3 or 4 weeks ago.
Pure skelly mode.
Been doing SS and half GOMAD, eating a lot of yogurt and cheese, lean meat. I get about 2400kcals in a day. I know I need more but my body is adjusting to consuming this much.

I weigh about 141 now. Starting to feel healthy and happy. Obviously my journey has just started but I'm happy as hell to be on my way

>be 5'8
>just need a little bit of food for my little body
>the food stores well and does not immediately get burned all up since i have average metabolism
>can get by with just a protein shake alone if I wanted to as the nutrients can carry me all day

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Nothing is funnier than faggot lanklets who can't eat in a day half of what the average american throws back without thinking per meal

what the fuck does this mean

Post body. Lemme see them milkers

i could easily do it if i ate like them. I could go to mcdonalds right now and throw down 2k cals easy. But i dont want to do it trough the unhealthy rippetoe way.

>force feed shitty fast food
>go for a jog
This is just plain retarded, what are you even trying to achieve?

a gallon
chocola te


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Maybe, half gallon of whole milk, add peanut butter and the powder, maybe strained yogurt or something. If you count by weighing your food and get to 2k you should be good

Wow great punchline Jessica, this is a really funny and relatable comic

I wish I was an anorexic fuck like you. It would be so fucking easy to bulk up to 200lbs with melted ice cream, cookies and hot whole milk, pizza and fast food in general

Imagine having your son eliminate your from their life because they heard a rumor that you called them by the name you gave them.


Sleep for 3 hours. Wake up and pig out.

Heavy whipping cream will do it. Just make a protein shake with that and you'll be set. Well, that is if you can handle it's rich white creaminess.

Do this OP, it's based

>3lb of PB

how much of my diet can i supplement with granola? it's pretty easy to down a bag worth ~1200cal and it doesnt fill me up too much