My gf is gonna cuck me

Hello fellow robots,
I recently acquired a gf after being khhv for the longest time. And it's very nice ngl.
The problem is she's very insecure about her body AND personality and seeks validation 24/7.
Not from me though, she just says "well ofc u would think that, you love me".
Instead she seeks gratification from third parties, social media, etc.

2+2=4 so I am now fully convinced she's gonna cheat on me and leave me with the first "chad" she comes across...
what do

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cuck her first normalshit

what would that accomplish u mornalfag sperg

It would cancel out you sperg...keeps everything balanced.

Sounds like she only cares about the affection you give and not you as a person. Don't go after shallow women like this user, it's better to be alone. I'd take initiative and break up with her.

It will make her insecure and crave for your approval.

how about you talk to her about this shit like anyone would in somewhat a normal relationship .and dont straight up ask her if she is gonna cuck you just start that youre worried about it n shit man.

throw her a party, but honestly, if she keeps doing this, just dump her, dude. Not only do you not feel as bad, but these types of people who seek validation are always jealous and usually overzealous. Get out now while you can.

"Cheat" on her.
Put a pair of panties (not hers) under your mattress.
Leave some used condoms in your trash.
Save a few pictures of some 10/10 on your phone.
Send yourself emails and have fake correspondence with your fake side girl. Say some really personal shit that will get under her skin and eat herself up from the inside forever.
Sprinkle a little glitter in your bed or on your passenger seat.
Then wait for her to destroy herself.

>"Cheat" on her.
>Put a pair of panties (not hers) under your mattress.
>Leave some used condoms in your trash.
>Save a few pictures of some 10/10 on your phone.
>Send yourself emails and have fake correspondence with your fake side girl. Say some really personal shit that will get under her skin and eat herself up from the inside forever.
>Sprinkle a little glitter in your bed or on your passenger seat.
>Then wait for her to destroy herself.

and this would solve what exactly except satisfy your fucking sadism?

I concur. This is a real dick move, user, and it would do nothing but make her hate OP forever.

SeeGirls as mindless dogs that's why it works.

holy shit, that actually *might* just work.

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Yes i figured.. she always goes on and on about how nobody ever genuinely liked her etfc
you might have a point, but i really don't want a relationship like that: i.e. based on psychological threats
I did... she says I'm crazy to think that and she "thinks" it won't happen but yet daily behaes like described in OP, so what am I to think?
much true in this statement i guess
I might if things get really bad but as of now she knows I'm using tantan and just blocks it out... I don't think she cares really about me as a person is all. Also don't wanna destroy her

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lol this isn't gonna go well cause even women have some form of will its just a complete fucking mystery for us lol

She is already insecure as hell, and nominally seeks my approval, the problem is she gives it for granted (ie doesn't count bc I'm her "bf"). So she "has to" seek it elsewhere.

For instance a compliment from a random person is valued as much as months of me reassuring her_ idk what to do

>she knows I'm using tantan
Holy shit just break up with her. This is far beyond the talking point.

Stop giving her compliments then

maybe dont reassure her but like randomly compliment her thats all i can say cause i dont really know all the details of the relationship. but i think its a good thing you dont want a relationship based on psychological warfare.

Don't give her compliments so often. Don't give her a single compliment for like a day or 2. She must think much more of the next one and not take you so for granted

what is the page to make this anime girls i've seen recently?

forgot to say

I'm guessing this is what you do. You give her too much gratification so it stops being meaningful

that might work yeah

I wouldn't care for gratification from other people if I had a loving bf. Even when a friend approves of something I do no matter how autistic it is I don't really care what strangers think. This has caused me problems in the past of doing retarded shit because nobody I cared about said anything and maybe also did the retarded thing. But I don't have friends atm though so I win

well she's not happy about it but she just says not to mention it to her, bc i think she thinks of herserlf as garbage? so a man is entitled to cheat, idk
good call, if anything bc they're just discarded and i feel rejected bc of it
i initally thought a constant positive reinforcement strategy would work to make her feel better, but as said in OP my efforts are in vain bc in her mind what i thin does not "count" bc it's a given i would think that given i'm a rel with her

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It'll be fiiiiiine not a dang thing to worry about. What's her number I'll talk to her for you and make sure no funny business happens
this is this template

Honestly, it's sad but I don't think she is well enough to be dating anyone if what you're saying is true.


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thanks cutie originalinarino

Alright thank you I'm gonna try "neglecting" her a bit to see if the situation changes; as of now it's just frustrating as hell as not only i am dismissed but i constaly hear her negativity and it makes me just feel like she would go to chad at any time if he appreciated her, which I don't wish on anyone

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no problem user i wish you the best of luck with this (and maybe stop using tantan)

>what do

learn to have self respect and be single. only cucks date nowadays.

thank you you're very kind, but no I'm not gonna give up on tantan as I don't feel like she appreciates me. It's not like I'm going on dates anyways

Tbh you kind of have double standards mate. If you're on tantan she will think that being there is fine too. If she thinks it's fine as long as you "don't mention it to her" maybe she thinks it's fine to be on there to, as long as she doesn't mention it to you.

Just saying, why should she not look elsewhere if you do?

Neg the fuck out of her until she becomes desperate for YOUR validation. Sad that it has to be this way.