Tfw 6'3

>tfw 6'3
>need 3500 calories minimum to grow
fuck this shit is expensive im never going to unskelly myself lads

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Unironically gomad or kill yourself retard

If a gallon of milk a day is too expensive then you've got bigger problems than being a skelly.

>2500 calories is a bulk

Poors lol. Whole milk, peanut butter, beans and rice, pasta are all pretty cheap. Most people say steak is expensive but per calorie it's the same as chicken(sirloin vs skinless boneless breast). Get a Costco membership and become an adult.

>3300 calories/day to bulk
How do fat people get fat I feel like I'm gonna throw up

I'm 6ft and I don't even count I just eat and lift

I did that for a while but i am unironically 25kg underweight and losing weight unless i track everything

Eat shittier, calorie dense food.

I could just buy burgers and kebabs and pizzas and shit but that wouldnt be good for me

>have to eat about 3000 calories a day with my lifestyle
>have IBS
>can hardly eat any carbs
>spend 200-300€ every month on food as a student

This fucking shit thread has been up 3 times today already. Put this shit on the sticky so brainlets can bulk properly.

>Buy a blender
>Throw in a shitton of stuff in there and drink
How do people find it hard?

Mine is 4000 due to my activity level
A 225 gram bag of nuts is 1200 calories and 50g protein.
Eat nuts user.

Damn by this logic I need 3700

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Lanklet making excuses... Good.. very good.. manlets rise up

>tfw 5'5" maintaining at around 3000 kcal

>I know your feel bro

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>Not realizing that basically everything worthwhile costs at least some money to make it


based, counting calories is for women, fatties, and brainlets

Whole chocolate milk is 230 cals a glass, whereas even whole milk is like 140. So if you can't do gomad so chocolate halfgomad.
T. 6'2 needing 4000cals to gain weight because demanding job.

drink one of these bad boys every day. Actually tasty and 1400 kcals

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I gotta try that sometime.
I found its much easier to drink a lot of liquid than it is to chew and eat a lot of food. Might be a psychological thing, who knows.
Counting calories made me realize how little I actually eat on an average day, and it was sort of a startling revelation.

I just started counting calories two weeks ago and realize I don't eat shit. The easiest way to avoid having to eat a ton in one sitting is to split things up into three 750 kcal meals and 3 150 kcal snacks for 3000 calories

>tfw 6'3" 165lb 2years ago
>distance runner
>decide to gain muscle while continuing high cardio routines
>ate a minimum of 5500 calories/day for two years while liftin heavy
>now 215lbs
>relatively jacked
>faster running times than any other point in my life
Eat up Sally. Weight gain is more difficult than weight loss if you are highly active

As a fellow protein shake guy, may I suggest 1-2 bananas to add thickness/body to the shake?

My recipe for a lower calorie shake for those of us cutting,

Minimal Cheap Protein Shake:
1-2 cups of whey/casein powder
1-2 bananas
300-400 ml skim or whole milk
2-4 handfuls of ice

Put in blender, use the crush ice mode till ice & banans are broken down, then use liquify mode for 45s to a minute.

Optional: scoop of peanut butter, 2-3 spoons of espresso powder if morning, etc

"I cant afford cheap ass great value cereal and a gallon or 2 of milk per week."