How do i grow fat on my shoulders to make them look strong
How do i grow fat on my shoulders to make them look strong
>macbook pro
>not using thinkpad
fuck that whore. I bet her vagina is running proprietary software.
Get stronger shoulders twink
You’re an incel who follows instagram whores instead of talking to real women so you’re definitely already fat
I bet you havnt even read taocp desu
Neck yourself filthy casual
I bet you can't even write a compiler, you filthy CIA nigger
>doesnt even use tweezers to manipulate the electrons in the transistor
Not gunna make it
>Doesn't even pray to Allah to flip bits in logic gates
What's going on here?
>doesnt shrink down to molecular size to farmers walk electrons to each gate
I literally can write a compiler. It was my Msc thesis.
Honestly, it's not even that interesting. I regret the thesis. Wish I did something else.
This guy is a faggot since 95%+ of ThinkPads run Windows anyway (proprietary) and ThinkPads use a proprietary BIOS anyway.
In fact, on average, I bet Mac uses use less proprietary software than Windows users. Let's also not forget that Darwin is open source.
Thats a trap isnt it
Youre not fooling me this time
These people are retarded Jow Forums and /prog/ memelords pay them no mind
If you're just wanting to be one of those fat fucks who thinks fat counts as muscle then it's all about your genetics and where your fat deposits, on some people literally all their fat goes to hips while others get massive 20" fatceps
This shouldn't be your goal though because fat arms isn't fooling anyone into thinking your jacked, just do a lot of ohp and lateral raises and build actual muscle on your shoulders if you want them to be bigger
Just take steroids
You don't have to turn in your natty card,just tell everyone you're natural.
Remember, it's not a lie if you believe it
steroids are basically supplements
you supplement your t
i mean who has anything against protein supplements right?
This. All normies will believe you, the only people you won't be fooling are the autists on this board but who gives a fuck what they think
go away schlomo apple shill
Anabolic steroid misuse might lead to serious, even permanent, health problems such as:
kidney problems or failure
liver damage and tumors
enlarged heart, high blood pressure, and changes in blood cholesterol, all of which increase the risk of stroke and heart attack, even in young people
increased risk of blood clots
Several other effects are gender- and age-specific:
In men:
shrinking testicles
decreased sperm count
development of breasts
increased risk for prostate cancer
>go away schlomo apple shill
I literally use a thinkpad, nigger
You can't spot increase. You'll have to gain body fat in general to gain shoulder fat. But by the time you've gotten fat enough to gain noticeable shoulder fat, you'll be morbidly obese, so ymmv.
I literally told a girl that I hardly worked out and she believed it, regardless of looking like I'm roided out. Got her number too
At least I'm not a pathetic natty LOL
I want to give you a wedgie so bad rn
Any ThinkPad you got in the last 10 years or so or more was made by lenovo and therefore comes irreversably pre-rooted out of the box by chinks, just like all laptops
> just like all laptops
Yeah, I know. It sucks--but the fact of the matter is that the hardware vendors are the only ones that can produce the firmware and there's no strong market incentive at the moment for them to make it free/open.
You can use a Librebooted thinkpad, but it's basically cucked 10-year-old hardware.
I mean Intel cpus themselves are compromised with shit like V-Pro and whatnot. Modern computing is simply not absolutely secure, but for the average user, just making reasonable security-conscious choices like whole-drive encryption and using Linux and abstaining from social media and the like is likely sufficient.
>Not just buying a high end hardware laptop and running Ubuntu, or chromebook with Mint and SSH'in into your HPC.
Different tools for different folks, a lot of the software I use is UNIX based only, so I'll use Ubuntu. I wouldn't bother with a Mac because it's expensive and does the exact same job a cheaper laptop can do, or a worse-off job. Mind you, they are supposedly more reliable.
Just dual boot senpai, I can do alll my windows shit on windows, like making games for fun. Only downer is I can't use the latest version of word in Ubuntu but Mac can, and let's not lie, word is awesome for writing documentation. Libre is total shite.
wew lad. I'm a bioinformatician with major in biology tho who codes in C, C++, Java, R, python, perl, bash, JS/angular, and R so I don't know shit about how compilers are actually made because im too dumb to know (only started coding a year ago)
I just say I watch my diet and do wii fit, people believe anything
>> Not just buying a high end hardware laptop and running Ubuntu, or chromebook with Mint and SSH'in into your HPC.
A ThinkPad is a high-end hardware laptop, and many people do just this. I exclusively use ThinkPads because touchpads are fucking garbage and I can only use a trackpoint, and Lenovo is the only company that knows how to make a good trackpoint.
> I'm a bioinformatician with major in biology tho who codes in C, C++, Java, R, python, perl, bash, JS/angular, and R so I don't know shit about how compilers are actually made because im too dumb to know (only started coding a year ago)
Write a little basic lambda calculus-like interpreter and you'll understand the basics of the front-end of a compiler in like 2 hours. Easiest to do this in a functional language like Haskell/OCaml/Reason.
Anyway, that list of language makes me sad and shows the sad state of things where functional languages are still a niche thing.
How do threads get derailed like this so often
I dunno, who cares. We're just talking. It's fun.
>major in biology
faggot detected
Stop Samefagging and post your body with timestamp
Nice list, personally i don't get why anyone would code C++ and Java as well as python and perl but i guess students will be students after all.
The only languages I enjoy programming in are Haskell, OCaml, Coq, and Rust.
I'm such a pretentious cunt when it comes to this shit, but literally everything else is absolute garbage.
Programming languages that aren't statically typed/strictly typed/have mature type systems are just fucking diarrhea
man you looked better pre roids. are you reborn?
Can we dox this namefagging nigger?
Post body
CS people are insane autists who should fuck off with their linux programming socks or whatever
Im not him and least my dick isn’t tiny like your iq
> CS people
> unironically thinking CS is programming
It's not "kek" no one gives a fuck about your little faggot corner and who does what in it. Go back to it and hang out w your body pillow
Mean desu :(
CS is mostly a mathematical field. People who take like 10 programming courses as CS majors are really software engineering majors at shit US universities that want to glorify their shit degrees.
Its a convenient, powerful, and portable music making platform thqh
Got so tired of making it work on other laptops
If it works for you then more power to you user
I would do it, but losing natural test production, cardiac issues, plus potential fertility issues makes it really unappealing to me
Other than that I have no issue with it
It’s some incel from r9k who lifted for a month, quit when he didn’t get results and now pretends to be a microdicked nigger who wants to make you quit
>CS is mostly a mathemati
no listen to all my opinions about a subject you dont care about
i dont care that you dont care
if you think Jow Forums is autistic, never journey into Jow Forums. People literally argue over EVERYTHING.
>writing a compiler as msc thesis
Unless It had some serious nice features, writing a compiler is a rather trivial exercise and you went to a non demanding shit uni
I like c++ as bad as it can be, but that's mostly because I'm autistic and just like moving data around and writing my emulator instead of actually being productive like a chad webdev
You simply don't. Shoulders are muscle territory.
> Unless It had some serious nice features, writing a compiler is a rather trivial exercise and you went to a non demanding shit uni
Thinks all compilers are the equivalent of some toy compiler you write for a course
fucking lel dude
you know compilers are an active area of research and new compilers are written as proper research all the time, right?
>behind the neck
McMurder yourself faggit