Jow Forums

>Jow Forums

>guy works out, gets really big and strong
>nice brah, got more pics? routine? how long?

>girl works out, gets big strong butt and thighs

Why is this?

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Its other females that are jelous who does this to other girls. They’re toxic

Because the guy doesn't actually go to the gym dressed like a whore.

To clarify, I'm gonna use the pic poster here:
She's pregnant, and still wears the tightest and smallest thing possible. Observe the guy in the back. It looks like he might be wearing the same leggings as her, but put shorts over them and is wearing a full sized t-shirt.

What? Nearly every guy at my gym wears a thin, loose tank top that shows everything, and tight shorts. The only case you have are the girls that try to wedge their leggings up their arse crack which is very rare.

>Observe the guy in the back. It looks like he might be wearing the same leggings as her, but put shorts over them
>shorts over leggings
Yeah and he looks like a fucking weirdo because of it. Unless it's like 45F in that room.

post the unedited one next time

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>guy achieves something
>other guys ‘mire and seek wisdom from him
>woman achieves something
>other women try to discredit it so that their own self worth seems greater

Been like this forever.

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males and females aren't equal.

if a guy wears a revealing top, it isn't sexual.

if a girl wears a revealing top, it's highly sexual.

deal with it. roastie trash.

because women are shit human beings on average

> If a guy wears a revealing top...
Yes, it is user

Because Jow Forums is full of seething incels and/or homosexuals.

Just look at all the threads started on Jow Forums by people fuming about girls even being in the same gym as them. Who in the normal world does that?

There are some seriously sexy girls in my gym. I love it. It's a free test boost and something to look at between sets. Beats looking at ugly ass men. Why would a straight non-weird guy have any other opinion on them?

Because women are an easy scapegoat for Jow Forums and incels who can't own up to their own problems.

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>free test boost
That's a meme

Because we want women with feminine qualities not built like a twink or weight lifter

Why does Jeff have that stupid haircut. Has great aesthetics and ruins it all by having some bieber haircut

A guy can work out for himself, to reach his own goals, to be able to be proud of himself, and to improve.

A woman works out for other people, to catch a rich Chad husband. No other reasons. It's a simple gender difference.

Because women are oppressed in todays society.

Get raped and die in a ditch.

not that guy you replied to, but being on no fap and seeing a cutie working out with huge ass next to me instead of a fatass boomer benching 100kg for 1/4 range of motion does give me more energy.

>no fap

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t. Skanks

Women need to be beaten, and raped/killed if caught unsupervised.
The muzzies are simpletons but they got that right.

bros on Jow Forums
>tryna make it
>struggle alongside us
>looking for explicit validation they will never find in meatspace

femmeroids on Jow Forums
>have already made it by virtue of existing, don't even understand what "making it" is
>receive explicit validation constantly but still come here to milk lonely gymcels for attention

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You need to go back

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>original post doesn't mention jews
>muh joos, back to pol nazi incel
Like pottery

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He is a fake. He roids and doesn't admit to using roids. He has good leg genetics though.
Use natties for your set goals and achieve the same by working your ass off. Or cheat and lose the plot entirely.

>reveals bare chest in front of coworkers
>gets reported to HR for sexual harassment
>mEns tOp IsNt seXuAL

>seething incels and homosexuals
Jow Forums might as well print that on the Jow Forums banner ad.

>roastie slut with plummeting smv