I love the Smith Machine, it's just SO much safer than-

>I love the Smith Machine, it's just SO much safer than-

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Lmao this is at the gym I go to

you expect anyone on Jow Forums to defend smith machines?

>be normie
>overload machine on your first attempt

Using the smith machine is literally gay.

I only ever see gym thots using the smith machine.

How much did he load up? 2 or 3 pl8?

>are you all right bud?

>Yeah, i only got folded by this smith machine. I'll be walking in no time. Thanks for asking!

>(Don't fear) The Reaper playing in the background

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I went to highschool with this gym lmao

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Squatting with smith machines is bad for your back because of the awkward position you have to be in.
Also it takes away valuable core training for stabilizing the weight before repping it

Is smith machine good for calf raises?

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Yeah put two plates on the floor and it's pretty nice. Make sure you're mixing it up with doing raises on a normal rack or using the leg press.

>that scream
dude probably switched gyms by now

I do seated calf raises on one of machines that feel like you’re on a space hopper, I’ll alternate between that and smith machine

I never noticed that. This clip keeps on giving

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I like how dont fear the reaper is playing in the background as he dies

Yes but why would you do calf raises? Are you a pro bodybuilder?


How's the smith machine for calf raises? That seems to be about the only thing it might be useful for.

Don't you want a balanced and aesthetic physique, user?

Fug, already asked this and got an answer. I'm a faggot.

I love his virgin scream. The fact that he fails on the smith machine makes this so JUST.

Don't smith machines have safeties built in? I've never seen them but they have to be there.
Do normies really think that if they go down for whatever reason that they're guaranteed to successfully lock the bar and not end up as a human pretzel?
Is the smith machine a secret government eugenics project targeting the retarded?

It's good

What kind of retard logic is that?

>tfw you are a chad who NEVER EVER used this godfuckingawful waste of space machine

sorry, whats so bad about this machine?

because I don’t want to look dyel in a skirt

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Yes. All he had to do was roll his wrists back to engage the locks. Also there are usually attachments that go on the rails that act as a safety bar.

Y'all dyels seething. Calfs need 3x more work to grow than your average muscle, are you really going to put so much effort on a muscle no one cares about?

Yes, they have safeties. No, he did not use them. Yes, it's eugenics.

>it’s hard so why bother
this is why lifting for aesthetics makes you gay

my calves are probably yuge because i'm a mountain biker.
>pedal up the hill
>ride down the trail
>don't die

All but one of the squat racks at my gym has safety bars, so it’s impossible for this to happen...yet they remain unoccupied by most people in favor of the Smith machine.

Saw some guy half squatting 50lbs. on the Smith using the bitch pad and his girlfriend was spotting him. Very odd

It's a piece of physiotherapy equipment that somehow made its way into every big commercial gym in the country. By necessitating a perfectly straight bar path (often at an oblique angle to normal no less) it forces you into an unnatural movement pattern which heightens the risk of injury if used improperly (e.g. with heavy weight).

How much did he put on lmao

stupid y'all poster

The leg press is my go-to calf machine. So comfy. Never use the smith for anything but sitting on or doing calolsthenics skull crushes.