Anyone else here cycle for cardio gains?

Anyone else here cycle for cardio gains?

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anyone cycle for leg gains? I usually just run for cardio, but cyclists seem to usually have really big legs, how effective is cycling for legs?

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

Imagine spending your entire day sitting and then you decide that your form of exercise will also involve sitting.

Bicyclists are literally the lowest tier of humanity.

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I know this pain. Im on nofap and when the sexual thoughts hit they hit HARD. There have been moments where im in the shower holding my head in my heads whispering "please stop please stop please stop"

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I bike 2 miles before and after every lift. Is this a shit warmup/cooldown?

its actually mostly standing, in the 'attack position'. t. mountainbiker

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No one was talking about mountain biking

But I think the most adrenaline I have ever experienced was flying down a muddy Snowmass Mountain on a mountain bike. We had to walk up because they deemed it to muddy to allow people up so the lifts were closed.

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Why don't you just get laid?

i usually don't see myself as some weird pervert but i'm a cashier and sometimes, when its been 5 or 6 days since i last beat off, i'll catch a whiff of a really cute girl and just imagine pulling her head close to mine and smelling her hair and touching her face.

its been so long brehs

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>the most adrenaline I have ever experienced
This. Mountain biking is a fucking drug. Almost died several times in Colorado. Can't stop.

I live in a rural area so pickings are slim and i'd rather practice abstinence than fuck vapid whores.

these dudes know whats up

>using a lift
What are you, weak?

It's not as easy as going to the sex store my dude

Honestly it's as effective as you make it.

Same with most exercise. You can low gear limp it up a grade or you can jack up the gear and put in max effort.

It's entirely up to you

Lol holy fuck TLDR autism

a little higher res.

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I have a gf but she only wants sex a maximum of once a week. That simply isn’t enough for me so I remain sexually frustrated yelling into a pillow because I got meme’d into doing no fap and refuse to give up my one year quest

>not spinning 130 rpm up a climb
Never gonna make it.


you should get a new gf

What a boring ass, low test thread

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fite me 1v1 fgt

immagine grabbing those tan smooth thighs as leverage, and burying your face deep between those perky asscheeks, and inhaling the aroma as deep as you possibly can haha

>windows key
>print screen

I take spin classes at my gym.

>using pedals

Ok, sunday evening Drilandenpunt climb from Vaals?

yeah and i lift empty bottles for strength gains lmao

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>-t. leglet
You probably can't even ride 20 miles in one hour LMAO

>bragging about a 20mph one hour TT
around here grade E criteriums average 25mph on a bad day lmao, get good

No, my house, Massachusetts

>implying that's the best I could do
Lol, I was just setting the bar low as I said he couldn't even do that.
World hour record is something like 55 km

In a crit you spend most of the time drafting other riders, that's easy mode.
If you maintain 25 mph for an hour alone in the flats, that's something.

you talk like you'd DNF a beer-league cyclocross race.

Yup now that it's nice out I carry my fishing pole for some bass fishing comfyness

You don't really have a girlfriend then. You have a girl you cling to so you're not alone.

Every time I read about bikes it's just people complaining about how much they suck and they had to basically build their own fucking bike from separate parts, or else buy some meme $5000+ shit.

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t. pack scum who'd die 30 seconds into a break away

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>pack scum
Lol, I'm a climber.
We start breakaways at the hardest point.

actually fairly based, i always respected the guys who could tear up mountains

I cycle because its my only motive of transportation

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Most important things about a bike are:
>contact points
>keeping up with maintainance
If the geometry suits you, you have adjusted it to your preference, saddle, cockpit, shoes and pedals are good, your tires are the right size and of decent quality and nothing is worn out/corroded, your bike is good.
It's mostly training and that.
It doesn't have to be a custom-build or other expensive bike, it just has to be of reasonable quality and fit for you.
I'd rather ride a 11 kg tourney equiped bike that fits me perfectly than a Dura Ace Di2 hydro disc bike that weighty less than the UCI-weight limit with a poor fitting geo and saddle.

to add to this, most bike shops will set up your bike for fairly cheap. it's worth doing at least once to learn how and what to adjust and any decent place will show you how to do it yourself.

Depends on bike-shop.
Had a rental when on vacation recently, the fit as totaly off.
They only adjusted saddle-height (they got it wrong) and nothing else.
Hell, they even pumped up the 25mm tires to 9 fucking bar for my 120 lbs ass, had 420 mm handlebars and had a stem with I'd use on my MTB with a boomer stack and pointing up like crazy.
That setup was terrible, changed it ASAP after they refused to.
It felt like a MTB, but with so much pressure that it bounced all over the place and was uncomfy as fuck.

I ride a single gear road bike to get to the gym, grocery store, or local friends homes.

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It's how I get around town. Cheaper than a car. But for actual cardio I use my DDR machine.

Bruh, I want to buy a nice bike for fitness and transportation. I got 2 grand

>went with bike to pick up some stuff I ordered
>went faster than the traffic on average
Why do I own a car again?

Get a mid level XC mountain bike. Efficient enough to get around quickly on, robust enough to take on most trails, capable enough to rip down Whistler jump trails (after upgrading the components).

They're pretty much the perfect gateway into biking. You can set them up to do just about anything. Spend around 1000 and you will have a great starting point.

Nah, CX > XC
CX works everywhere and is reasonably fast.
XC works everywhere and is slow.
CX simply has the best of both worlds, the grip of an MTB with the speed of a roadbike.

Cyclocross definitely does not work in a many places as an XC bike. You can get away with using an XC hardtail for thinks like dirt jumps or black diamond DH trails if you have good components and some decent skill, but you'd need to be top 1% of riders to get a CX bike to do that kind of shit safely.

When you start out you don't do jumptracks anyway and have no idea what you want from a bike.
CX/gravel works as well on singletrack as it does on road or gravel.
XC sucks on gravel and road.
CX/gravel has multiple hand positions
XC just one

Cyclocross from bikesdirect or used but at your size.

I ride a hardtail xc....great cardio and awesome way to clear your mind.
Climb 2k-3k feet twice a week for leg gains. It does take a while to get use to the seat however...I recommend padded underwear

Imagine spending your entire day standing, and then your exercise involves standing around lifting things up and putting them back down

Based and dangerously redpilled

i do open-entry 4x, dual slalom and enduro.

i mean i guess? new riders will probably end up shouldering a cross bike over off-camber roots and such where they might just ride the line on an xc rig.
that being said, nobody should be riding a $2k xc bike to the store or whatever. thats just asking for it to get ripped off. something like a Cross Check is much more appropriate for a daily driver that can also tear up two-tracks and gravel.
t. Traitor Crusade daily-driver

surprised nobody posted that bitch with the crazy toilet

>tfw 135 lbs and ride bike 10 miles a day for bike commute

been doing this for like 2 years and still really no good at bicycling. my route is 5 miles each way, one way mostly all downhill other way mostly all uphill.

The toilet on that bitch

How do I into bicycle core with a touring bike

>doing the same thing and wondering why you're stagnant
You have to actually increase the intensity somehow you dumbass.

>I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.
Solid ending m8 top kek

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Depending on how new the rider is, he will walk the bike somwtimes regardless of what type it is.
In the end CX allows you to ride trails and doesn't totaly suck on gravel and road while XC sucks on gravel+road.

>all the retards posting plebian responses like 'get laid bro' or 'autism'
You may be a dangerous sexual predator in the making, but you're also a captivating wordsmith. Just keep on doing you, you crazy fuck.

Well put.

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superior bikefu coming through

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if ur single why not hire an escort?

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>Implying 130 rpm is fast

Based and redpilled

Yeah man. I have a pretty sweet Fuji Transonic. I do about 25 miles per week and a few centuries per year.

At the end of the cycling year for me, which is Nov., I do a 2 day double century. Some years I don't train enough and Day 2 is a real bitch, but good for mental grind.

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Cycling is gay af. You're all a bunch on queers

have sex

why is Jow Forums the only board with shit like this?

projecting hard

I cycle to attract 6ft tall woman with PhD

130 rpm sustained is pretty fast, I max out at 200 rpm.

>He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

I'm fucking dead

anybody around st louis area? wouldn't hurt to have a cycling buddy. gravel/road ok.

based toilet poster

that image hurts my brain, what the fuck is that?

I thought it represented how your vision can change when you have an aneurysm. Things look familiar but you can't recognize them.

Imagine being the bike haha

>motive of transportation


>be me
>stop at gas station
>go inside to pay get a bag of ice
>moderately attractive cashier girl
>very cordial and caresses my hand when she's handing me back my change
>walk out instantly think about getting a gf and railing her
It's absurd how the slight human contact can set you off

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Is this one of those AI-generated images

Can't even name a single object in that god forsaken picture

Flatlander faggot

Based and houellebecq pilled

If I were to die, I'd have her sit on my face until asphyxiation

I'm 6'2 and I'm trying to find a bike for me. Min $150, $300 max

really the only truly humane way to exercise capital punishment

Please also include my post in the official screencap.

broke my bike the other week (the chain snapped plus a flat tire), will get it fixed as soon as i can

the fuck is this? its worst that that blue/gold dress picture