I want to fast, but everyone says it's dangerous

I want to fast, but everyone says it's dangerous.
Am I gonna lose all muscle mass if I stop eating for a few months?

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Don't fast. It's dangerous.

Do as Doctor Goldblatt says and eat small portions of high carb, low fat meals sprinkled throughout the day to stoke your metabolic fire.

For a few months, yes.

Fast for a few days max if you want to cut.

fasting will kill your brain and shrink your dick


Lol. Yes, you will, and the only people who will tell you anything else are fad dieters who were saying something different last year and will be saying something different next year.

alright ill bite
post studies and proof in which there is a direct correlation between fasting and brain cell death, and the shrinkage of the penis or of the erection power one gets

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Physiologically this is good, but with steep deficits this will maximize hunger. I recognize the physiological inferiority of intermittent fasting but it's great for dietary adherence and I have realized better fat loss results in the long term due to more comfortable dieting and therefore less binging. Could I will myself through a harder and more optimal diet? Yes, and I have in the past, but life is considerably more miserable that way. Just some thoughts as I relax for the evening like a boomer

>he took the b8
lol have sex loser

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>implying i didnt reply to the bait with counter bait
>have sex
lurk more newfaggot

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Fasting is perfectly safe
I have also heard the "it's dangerous!" line before. Ask them to provide evidence for their claim and they will always fail

>alright ill bite
own bitch own

You want to fast? Do Ramadan

Yes it's dangerous you'll lose all your muscle and no fat and your metabolism will slow down and then you'll die. The best way to lose fat while preserving muscle is to eat at a deficit with 16 small, high-carb, low-fat meals a day, every hour on the hour from morning until night.

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This but make sure to supplement with semen

>16 small, high-carb, low-fat meals a day, every hour on the hour
This is what they call 16:8 intermittent fasting and is totally safe. Fasting for more than 8 hours for sleep is retarded though and might actually kill you.

do a low fat whole foods vegan diet, depending on your genetics you will eat your own fatstores until you're malnourished like every other high carb vegan

Just control your diet like a normal person without resorting to silly extremes like fasting you fucking retard.

>Fasting for more than 8 hours for sleep is retarded though and might actually kill you.
proof or studies?

Just fast, don't be a pussy
As long as you're 10+% BF of course

Semen is low carb for weight loss and too high in protein which is dangerous and bad for your kidneys.

>taking the bait at all

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When I'm cutting I like to do 24 hour fasts eating one meal at the same time each day 2-3 times a week. It always works for me. I lean out faster and have more mental clarity.

I have absolutely ZERO science to back this up so take it however you want.

If you need to fast for months to lose your fat you don't even have muscle to begin with as you probably never exercised before you fucking land whale

About the muscle, your body will make it best effort to preserve it as it's essential for hunting, do you really think yoir body is as retarded as you? Why would it stock an energy source just to not use it when it needs?


I swear, people are getting stupider by the day

> Physiologically this is good

Spiking your insulin the whole fucking day is good? What drugs were the doctors in when they tought this is a good idea?

> silly extremes like fasting

He doesn't know humans casually spent days without food in nature and that common modern eating habits are the real eating disorder

Does that mean as long as I'm active, fasting, eating 500 calories deficit or 1000 calories deficit will not burn muscles ?

Shhhhhhhhh insulin doesn't real. Fat makes you fat, carbs make you lean, and eating constantly is the solution to every problem, fasting and keto are retarded. Get with the program. Oh also veganism is the future and also eating bugs apparently. I've grown weary of arguing with the shills if you can't tell.

What the hell do you think fat is FOR?

Hell, what do you think animals do during hibernation? They get really at, along with store food that they can because there will be jack shit comes winter.