Is Jeremiah Peterson natty or nah? Claims to have lost 95 pounds in 5 months all on going alcohol free, keto, weight lifting, and daily hikes
Jow Forums I ask you
Lol are you retarded this is obviously not natty
astute observation Plato, now tell me why you think so
not the poster ur replying to but, A nips, be, that amount of progress that fast at his age is literally impossible natty
he gained too much muscle for it to be natty
keto and cutting would get him real lean, nowhere near the amount of muscle he has
Can someone explain how this asshole doesn't have any loose skin? wtf.
>lost ~5 lbs a week
>maintained/gained muscle
>very little lose skin, likely do to a hardener like winstrol
>all while consuming low carb and at age 40
either hes enhanced in some way, his results arent actually as they seem (inflated numbers + photoshop), or he has godly genetics.
He wasn't that fat before. Have you been in Walmart lately? This guy was an ubermensch compared to the genetic abominations I see on a daily basis.
He is way fatter than I have ever been and unless I just have more fat to lose than I realize, I will have way more loose skin than this guy.
I guess dnp cycles were a great idea?
Losing 95lbs in 5 months with diet and exercise is not unbelievable, anyone with 95lbs to lose can do that. It takes discipline and it's not easy, but it's doable.
Going from untrained doughboy to jacked and lean, at his age, without using drugs, in 5 months, is unbelievable.
You can see a bit towards the bottom of his belly, but he got lucky. Some people bounce back, others just sag.
My fucking ass he lost 95lbs. 50 maybe. I wouldn't believe a word out of his mouth just based on that. Let me guess, he's trying to sell something.
Imagine being a white man and not being less than 20% bodyfat and strong as fuck. Must be fucking horrible to be a disgusting piece of shit when you could look and feel like an ubermensch.
yikes and considering he's doing the keto meme he's probably fully redpilled on the importance of collagen, quality sleep, skin care and micronutrients.
Wow hiking is great for your obliques!
>Going from untrained doughboy to jacked and lean, at his age, without using drugs, in 5 months, is unbelievable.
this. he has the muscle mass of someone with at least 2 years of training
Looking at this pic reminds me of myself. In 5 months I didnt lose that much weight but I did gain muscle based on dexa scan and dropped body fat % so I still have some to go but just looking at this old fat fuck gives me motivation
Wonder what his after body fat % and weight is
i out skin care 95% of men
He looks like a typical former fatass that got "fit". He will never be lean.
Nigga what
>lost 95 pounds in 5 months
>and probably doing more than 1/2/3/4 now
average Jow Forums poster I guess
Not a chance. The weight loss is possible, building that much mass at the same time is not.
You think this is a lot? People lose 50 pounds in a month in a serious snake diet
that amount of weight loss in 5 months is doable but you sure as shit dont get that jacked in 5 months
How do into douche?
If they are famous they are lying