New Thread. I'll start
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Stupid question. I'm just finished cutting down from extreme skinny fat (from about 22% bf) and want to get to 10-12%.
Wondering what bf% I am currently? Also are my hips super wide or is it just I'm starting to get skinny?
Is an ABABABx routine too much? Currently doing AxBxABx
Is Jeff's 7 Minute a Day Ab Workout another meme of his or does it actually help with core strength
Fuck ab visibility as Im fat
You could try ABCxABx
C could be a training day to add volume to a lift or body part you want to bring up.
If you don't want to train 6 days per week.
Whether or not a routine is too much, depends on your training age, workout volume and recovery ability.
Idk 10%. About time you bulk
Describe the workout
>super wide
your shoulders are far wider
It's time to stop cutting and begin a lean bulk.
I wouldn't worry too much about bf % unless you're competing.
Every way of measuring gives a different figure.
It helps, but the most important thing to take into account is how much a workout actually stresses your system. If it's easy for you, you should look for a more advanced one or increase the volume/add weight.
What's a decent dead hang time?
Just starting out. I can bench 110 for 3x5 as of now, but I have to bench 135 by Monday. Is it possible to make these gains?
Are 4x10s actually work doing, if 5 days a week alternating between A/B workouts?
>inb4 degenerate
>inb4 making slow progress
I want a real solution, not a keep on trying. How tf do I quit smoking and booze long term? I manage to quit for 3 weeks, 2 months, and 7 months for each attempt but either socially or stress related pick it back up.
Smoking, it sounds autistic cause it is, but vape. Start with high nicotine levels cutting down gradually till zero. Works like a mother fucker.
No clue bout rest mate. Gl.
>can take multiple punches to the face and body perfectly fine
>one hit to the leg and I'm out of the fight
I think I feel too much pain in my legs and they're hypersensitive or some shit, how can I increase the toughness of my legs (specifically lower legs and feet)?
whats the deal with onion? i keep seeing it but i cant figure out what it means to be called onion boi
Onion = S O Y
thank you :) but does actual onions have a lot of xenoestrogens in them, read some article about that it could be a test boost, is that just bullshit?
I've relatively large calves as I'm one of the reformed fat cunts, and I never gave it much thought but recently it's been more consistent, when wearing certain articles of clothing I'd sometimes get insanely sharp shin pain that borderline incapacitates me, any idea what's causing this and how to prevent it?
not a Jow Forums person.
but recently saw my doc who's pointed out that I'm hunched over a lot due to my chest and has suggested I work on my back muscles. what can exercises can I do that will strengthen my back muscles but not my chest?
chin ups, pull ups, pull downs, any kind of row, face pulls,
Do you train Muay Thai?
Should I do 5x5 deadlifts or 3x5? I’m doing 5x5 right now and I have the feeling that I‘m overexerting my muscles.
Is there a difference between building strenght and building muscle?
Right now i do a combination of OHP/pendley rows/bench press/squats/chin ups/pull-ups and i go for 5x5
Going for 5x5 is building strenght?
If i wanna build muscle, what do i have to change?
how long would it take for a fairly light person to learn how to do a running front flip
Whole food (eggs, chicken...) vs whey shake post-workout?
What's better?
not that long
Practice receiving low kicks few times a week with your friends, particularly on thighs. Just like punching abs, it's conditioning. Do it without protection doe
I don't think they're wide at all, looks normal
Make sure to read before Monday so you don't burn out
Try adding in some accessory work if you want to build muscle as well. Do 3X12 on these and you should be gucci
If you only care about protein then Whey as it is the best protein source per gram and the body can easily absorb it, but whole food contain other important factors such as vitamins and minerals that Whey don't. I would personaly stick to wholefood and use Whey if i don't reach my protein intake of the day.
This user is right. Eggs are a complete protein, but otherwise supplement whole foods with BCAA's.
How long do you guys wait after an injury to work out again? Strained my neck/ back and am wondering if I can start light while I'm still in a little pain or should wait until there's no pain?
Got any good pickup lines for when you approach a girl at a coffee shop? Pls be quick
I would say 13%-14% bf.
Row row row your boat
I am 24 and I don't feel like having kids. Well I've had some really shitty relationships in the past and realised how there isn't really "the one" and that women are never to be trusted.
Question is, am I missing something extremely important from life if I never get married/have kids and just fuck around 'till I die?
I'm having trouble to even run for more than 100 meters.
But when i'm on a running machine i can run for 5 minutes straight without issue.
Does that mean i'm actually exercising lesser on a running machine?
or that i'm simply too heavy for running? (I'm about 85kg now) That's why my leg hurt and stuffs.
You are missing something. It's called regret.
Children are the ultimate gains goblins
I rearranged my routine. What do you think? Should I change 3x5 to 5x5 on some exercises or am I good if I want to train muscle and strength?
Thanks, I have pretty bad body dysmorphia so I can't tell. I've decided I'm going to lean bulk at the end of the month.
Is a 10% surplus good for a lean bulk?
how do i go about creating a strict meal plan/diet?
I’m a dicklet, why should I bother when the most important aspect can’t be made better?
What clothes most make shoulders appear wider?
Are you fat? I thought I had a micro dick until I lost weight and I've only just discovered it's above average.
Wear white (or other light colours) if you want to look wider, and v necks create the illusion of bigger shoulders
Running on pavement is extremely different from running on a machine. In order to emulate running outside (especially if you live in a hilly area, not flat), increase the machines incline.
Also, if running is hurting your legs, REPLACE YOUR RUNNING SHOES. Worn out running shoes will cause shin splints, and potentially stress fractures. The only symptom is pain. Replace your shoes immediately if your calf begins to hurt.
any experiences with olympic dumbbells? thinking about getting a pair for my homegym. Standard dumbbells are expensive af.
Should I be lifting heavy on an OMAD fast?
Haven’t been taking much of my protein powder since I’ve been hitting my protein goals via food. Am I missing out on juicy gains and amino acids by not taking my protein powder or am i fine?
no words, just find a chick in leggins and put a finger in her crack
I have some kind of lower back injury that has prevented me from doing deadlift and squats for about two months. I never really figured out how to treat it so I just stopped doing exercises that would aggravate it and iced it. I really want to get back to doing these essential exercises, how else can I treat the injury and how will I know when it's safe to start doing lower back exercises again?
accessory work ?
explain a bit more?
Same here but I have some routine. What helped me a lot is McGill's exercise:
And also:
But I am going to doctor with this next week because I feel slight pain when I do squat still.
"accessory work" = main lift a different rep range/weight, variation of it or another compound exercise targeting same/supporting muscles
For example, accessory work for bench press (if you're doing 5x5):
Doubles or singles as close as your 1RM
8-12reps sets
Close grip bench press
Incline dumbbell press
Gonna be doing Strong Lifts after months of not going to the gym. Should I add any acesories to pic related?
Also should I still stay on it if I deload after 1x5 but still in beginner range weight ?
When doing curls (while being standed) at which point do you turn the dumbbells? As soon as you lift it or when you are at the middle of the movement?
This might be retarded but whats the point of lifting weights on a caloric deficit since you cant gain muscle anyways?
Middle of movement
Food protein > protein powder
As long as you reach your daily target, you'll be good.
If you can, do it. I feel like shit training fasted, so only did OMAD on my rest/sick days.
Find recipes you like, adjust quantities based of your caloric/macros/micros requirement.
Or, find the foods you want, use same strategy, come up with your own recipes.
Try it for a while, track progress, analyze results.
Does it work better? Keep it
No? Change it (back?)
I'd prefer having low reps (3?), high intensity sets one day, and high reps (12?), low intensity on another day. Different rep/intensity ranges bring the benefits from both worlds.
Use my fitnesspal to PLAN not track your consumption. Figure out what macros you want. Plan to eat a lot of canned tuna and ground beef stir fry.
I would recommend increasing your level of activity and shooting for 500 cal excess.
Is cutting/bulking really worth it? Can't I just train hard, eat whatever I want (yet get the daily protein amount I need) and do HIIT twice a month? Basically maintain a good weight while I don't turn into a fatty/skeletron? Im just getting real sick of counting my calories desu brahs.
meant HIIT twice a week* kek
What's my body fat percentage? Navy method said 17% but that seems low.
At what point is a DB row with 110lbs a waste of time? 20 reps?
My gym only has DBs up to 110
Why do I never sweat during chest day? No matter how hard I go? I sweat like a whore in church during legs, back, shoulders, and arms but never during chest
That’s probably right. I’m at 20% (15% according to the marine corps, but I have thick traps and the tape test is a joke) and your stomach is smaller than mine
Low carb, bb
Thanks man. I'll keep cutting regardless. Aiming for 10% before I bulk again. This last bulk was a bit dirty and I got up to about 20% I think. Didn't watch my diet on weekends.
>starts lifting
>temperature of breath raises
whats up with that?
Thanks! How long have you been doing that routine? How would you recommend reintegrating squats and deadlifts into my lifting routine?
legs/back are bigger muscles that need more work.
also, same hydration level, humidity, heat, food intake every day?
16 or more doesn't really matter when you can't see the abs, which is your case.
i count calories by weighting the food once per week when i meal prep.
there's a tiny difference between recomp, lean bulk and beyond, which i believe the only way to minimize the risk is by counting calories carefully.
or, don't do it, but you'll sooner or later you'll have to cut again.
I had been doing this routine for 3 months. After about month I did squat and deadlift once a week. I see difference with my abs and core but I have some fear with heavier squat. Also I forget to mention that I started doing hyperextension and hip thrust:
It really depends on you. When you make stronger your abs and core you can start once a week. But there are many things that result in lowback pain so you I reccomend going to doctor also.
>he doesn't know about raw onion benefits
don't get us started
Can I do bodyweight training every day?
I recently started practicing calisthenics skills (levers, handstands, etc) and it's very fun. I just don't want to overtrain and hurt my lifts or my skills practice.
Also, can I get a rundown on MCT oil?
Genuine question, does working out ever get easier? I just fucking hate it in every way.
Is that Masaokis house
Guys I did it. I got a date with a MILF.
I'm 23 she's 37.
And I can't even bench 1 plate.
DT's grill
OMAD, meal prep for 3 days:
>1kg chicken 1650kcal 310g proteins
>420g tuna 500kcal 105g proteins
>9 eggs 700kcal 60g proteins
>300g grated cheese 990kcal 80 proteins
>150g rice 550 kcal
>100g butter/olive oil for taste/cooking 800kcal
>300g tomato sauce 165kcal
>3 pomelos et 3 bananas for desserts 720kcals
>2 onions, 3 garlic cloves, a bit of ginger
I cut the onion and garlic, grate the ginger, put into a bowl, cook the chicken and rice, cook the eggs scrambled, then mix everything into the bowl. Add some olive oil then. One pomelo and one banana for dessert.
How's that sound? Been eating that for two weeks and it's pretty fucking delicious.
It's approx 2000kcal and 185g proteins for a meal. I'm down 1kg since i started so it adds up to the 500kcal deficit i calculated.
I've been losing from 103kg to 95kg just by fasting some days in the past 3 months while eating like shit, mostly eating out but i started lifting again and i wanted to feel happy about my meals and lose fat while getting enough proteins.
Just wanted to ask if any of you got remarks or ideas for stuff i should do with that
You forgot the question
How long should cutting take for me?
I started at 55kg (120 pounds), on track to gain ~12kg to 67, and plan to cut from 67 down to 60. What's your estimation for how long the cutting process ought to take me?
Review food/water intake, sleep, stress, rest between sets
Take a deload week.
Reset the weights.
Take an off week.
Try that in prescribed order if you can't recover/keep up correctly.
Run it as prescribed. Then read the program for when/how to add assistance work.
You can run still for as long as you want, the 2 signals to switch programs are:
1 - you're bored the hell out of it
2 - the constant stalling after resetting weights/changing rep schemas, which contributes to 1.
IMHO, SL5x5 is for a couple of months worst (or best!) case scenario.
Minimize muscle loss, which will happen when you cut. And when you're a noob or fat as fuck, you could still gain some (little) muscle too.
Is benching without a spot just a matter of knowing your limits really well?
I'm thinking of making a home gym but I've never benched without a spotter before and I'm worried about hurting myself by accident.
Largely, but I'm only benching about 1pl8 sadly. Around 2 pl8 I'd probably want a spotter just to be safe. Or metal bars beside me to catch the weight if I dropped it
That said, I saw someone bench almost 3 pl8 without a spotter at the gym the other day like it was nothing. So Idono
How much would you need to slam a slampig until the sex burned off enough calories for her not to be a slampig any longer?
my gym doesn't have a leg press so i'm using the hack squat, but how do i count the weight i'm lifting? is it my bodyweight plus the weights i put on the side or?
Count the plates and the bar. Fuck a leg press anyways. I'd rather do front squats for quad isolation
Are carbohydrates good or bad?
The big fad right now is ketosis and carbs=bad. But that doesn't really explain why countries like France, Italy, and Japan are able to eat tons of carbs and not get fat. It seems like even real science is bro-science when it comes to nutrition. Here is an example article talking about how high carbs are why Okinawans live so long.
Keto isn't "real science", it's a bunch of industry funded (((shills))) citing each other in an incestral circle jerk in order to "disprove" that reality is real
carbs aren't bad, mandatory or making you fat.
assuming no underlying medical condition, for an "amateur fitness enthusiast" asking this kind of question here, after you reach your daily caloric/protein/fiber/fat/micros targets, eat all the carbs you want.