A thread for those who have an illness to discuss and share with other anons
>what do you suffer from?
>how does it affect your day to day life?
>what's been your latest bad moment?
>medication you take?
Feel free to talk about anything else about the topic, we are all anonymous here
/Mental Health/
i hate being on medication and if i stopped taking it i would get injected
>what do you suffer from?
Bipolar disorder
>how does it affect your day to day life?
Makes me feel like shit desu. It makes people hate me in the long run so I just isolate myself.
>what's been your latest bad moment?
Totaled my car on purpose in a failed suicide attempt. I was fucking scratch free.
>medication you take?
I'm supposed to be on Seroquel and Prozac but have not been taking them for the last few months, I have also been dodging therapy
Otherwise known as "excuses thread"
>what do you suffer from?
anxiety/depression. got a handle on the anxiety for now but the depression is worse atm.
>how does it affect your day to day life?
it's meant 10 years of failing out of jobs and university, endless feelings of hopelessness and hoping to die. I'm working at a job I like, living at home with people that love and support me, have friends, am at least somewhat attractive, and none of it matters. I just feel a permanent sense of emptiness and how everything isn't important. I feel like I'm always playing a character and just going through the motions. I feel like a real me is out there somewhere and I'm stuck in this body that someone else is controlling. I feel like I've been on autopilot for so long, and mostly I just feel tired.
>what's been your latest bad moment?
I lost a shit ton of dota games in a row, like 9 in a row, and I derive a lot of my self esteem from how well I'm doing in games and still dream about being pro (though it really isn't going to happen). I went into that spiral of depression and started to think about everything I hate about myself and how much I wish it could all end, and went into a zombielike state. I was literally just walking around with my mouth hanging open robotically doing tasks I needed to do, before I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling for a couple hours.
never again. it made things even worse for me. I would rather die than live on meds
i miss being on meds
I don't believe in mental illness but doctors, psychologists and the like keep saying I have this or that and trying to medicate me.
not real
>makes me feel like shit
Are BPD sufferers the only ones on Earth who feel like shit?
>It makes people hate me
Does your brain chemistry let off pheromones that turn them against you or is it things that you do that put them off? If it's the latter (which it is) this problem is your fault, unless you don't believe in free will in which case just kill yourself because nothing matters.
>failed suicide attempt
attention whore. You BPD faggots are all the same.
>I don't take meds or seek help
Is that the BPD hijacking your brain to retain its hold on you or do you choose to do this?
feelings, not an illness
>I'm materially provided for but not happy my brain must be broken
or maybe we have more needs than shit to do and not being 100% alone
>I play fuckloads of DOTA
I suspect this is your real problem
Social anxiety, MDD, probably some paranoia. Lately I had a gym employee approach me trying to "protect" his coworker because I had a slightly annoyed tone (and probably my usual resting bitch face) and I told him off, and I thought someone asking me if I wanted a cookie was being sarcastic when in fact, they were offering me cookies. Over the last year I've made myself drug, alcohol, and med free.
4k senpai, I used to be 5k 4 years ago when I was trying to go pro
>the armchair psychologist arrives with absolutely no insight whatsoever
why do people like this even post? do you live in some autismo world where you can't understand the complexity of human emotion and how the bodies compisition of hormones and chemicals can have catastrophic, observable effects when it's out of whack?