This dude steals your bench when you aren't looking. What do?

This dude steals your bench when you aren't looking. What do?

Attached: Wolf.png (593x554, 725K)

>roid manlet playing with a dumbbell

Joke's on him, whenever I'm resting between bench sets my butt is glued to the bench and I am on my iphone.

i would politely tell him that i was using it, but if he didn't respect that i would probably drop it because it's not worth fighting a guy twice my body weight at my gym

throw him in the manlet pit

He needs it more than I do though? Why would I care.

Cuck detected

How tall is he?

about three fiddy

>twice my body weight
He was 290 off season, so you're only 145?

I'm 175, I don't know who that guy is

"hey i was using this"

yeah well if fucking Duke Nukem took my bench I would just let him have it, thanks

That's Dennis Wolf, here he is barefoot next to Arnold himself. He's definitely not a manlet.

Attached: 2014-dennis-wolf-arnold-classic-2.jpg (601x900, 71K)

I know right? He's probably happier getting the bench than I am losing it, so the overall happiness in the world goes up.
So whatever.

It's so hard to fathom that level of strength and size. 200lbs at 6ft is still impressively big, and that's only 2/3 his size? Fuck that.

I admire his physique and his work ethic is obviously level but holy fuck I bet his blood test is out of this world.

I say this as someone on TRT, so no hate here.

I poke him with a needle, he explodes

I'd eat his corpse and drink his blood if it wasn't so toxic from all the chemicals and unnatural products he used

G-get sniffin' on this butt, s-sir.

implying arnold isn't a turbomanlet

Syphon the liquid gains breh