Try talking with a robot

>try talking with a robot
>hes always angry, no interest in doing anything, mad whem asking questions or when receiving answers, suicidal, manipulates, ghosts, goes full faggot and falls in love even when you repeatedly say youre not a fag

>try talking with a normie
>only cares about parties and aports, angry if someone doesnt have a "normal" job, pays no attwntion and barely writes anything, has 50 friends he juggles, only talks when he gets with a girl to brag in detail on how he banged her

How do you find online friends?

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i guess you dont.

or you keep trying until you find someone that is okay.

You don't, get out of your room.

Most of the normie examples were when meeting irl people to be friends with. Its the same shit.

still low on people, but only good people. i promise

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These kind of discord servers are the worst cases possible, but im not surprised your kind slithered in here.

I agree mostly, but you won't find out if you keep yourself sheltered like that. Also there is literally no harm in checking it out first

I never said i dont check them out. Its the repeat dissapointment without fail that makes me say theyre horrible without an exception. Extreme meme spouting cliques with orbitting or 98% of the server in absolute silence is not quite a social community.

I'll be your friend. We can talk about anything from philosophy to how niggers indirectly caused 9/11.

I really understand your feeling, but here i've joined a server, picked out the people i liked and made a new one.