It's not fun down here lads >Be 5'4 >Eww a manlet don't speak to me! No don't even look at me!
Guess I will just have to find a womanlet >Ummmm.... sorry user I only like tall guys... >No offence, you are cute and all but I just like to wear my six inch heels and still be smaller than him, it just looks silly otherwise So in theory I have to aim for 4ft'8in women and under Not a lot of 4'8 and under women, infact I don't think I have ever seen one as small at all never mind one my age. Idk maybe I can find some girl that doesn't care so much
I know a guy your height. He married a single mom with 4 kids. If you're 5'4 you have to have very low standards if you want a gf.
Wyatt Brooks
for fucks sake I might just become a wizard instead. No point in spreading my manlet genes and having my kids suffer too.
Cooper Carter
5ft4 here, fucked 13 girls, nearly got married, got one pregnant. AMA
Juan Baker
Are you good looking? You must be a 10/10 as far as manlets go
Michael Walker
>5'4 I'm 5'8" and I feel emasculated everytime I go outside since everyone is towering me, how the fuck do you even cope?
Asher Myers
I just have to cope. You just cope or you suffer even more. That's that, It is what it is. Count yourself lucky. In saying that I'm very glad I don't have dwarfism, that would be fucked all together. There are many short commings people have that you don't and you are not even aware of. A lot of our good traits and health we don't really acknowledge until we lose them and we focus on everything negative and cry about them. No one thinks every day "thank GOD my lungs are healthy" or "i'm so greatful I have four fully formed functional limbs" But when something goes wrong with your lungs or limbs we would think "I'd give anything to have my right leg back" or "My lungs are ruined, I wish so dearly I stopped smoking so much when I was young"
So you eventually learn that you just have to accept it and realize it could always be worse. You learn to work with what you have, and you have to make the most of it. The "I wish i had" 's turn into "wouldn't it be nice to have". The desires to be better or have better doesn't go away but you don't get caught up in your short commings. The short commings still suck however
Daniel Foster
Why the fuck do you keep agonizing over your height? If there was anything you could do about it, you would do it already, but there isn't so stop bitching. Yes you are short, are you seriously on r9k because of your height? Just because you are short, your life sucks? If that is your way of thinking, then you truly are pathetic.
Dylan Garcia
Theres no point looking for sympathy om Jow Forums any more.
All you get is blue pulled retards like or "im 5'0" and everything is perfect, girls love short guys bro" having to reinforce their worldview that everything is fair and just in the world.
Noah Clark
mate, I am 6"5 and I'm still here. doesn't work as you think it does