If you can't attract and seduce a girl then you have bad genes and shouldn't pass them on

If you can't attract and seduce a girl then you have bad genes and shouldn't pass them on

Attached: 1a6f46d.png (271x910, 303K)

>cool boat
Rather looks like a cuck boat, am I right?

I decided not to pass my gene long ago.

That's absolutely right. Selection in a nutshell.

I like doing what I shouldn't though.

They can still participate in natural selection by going in a shooting spree and weeding off roasties.

Attached: elliot rodger by latuff.jpg (1080x1110, 108K)

Hey cool, you stole my screencap from reddit.
I finally made it bros, my contributions to the world are finally paying off.

Attached: feelsgoodman.jpg (620x572, 26K)

I like how that picture portrays a beta as the journey and the deatination as a Chad. In real life is usually the opposite, they fuck Chad their whole life and marry a beta to provide for Chad's children.

If you want a higher res pic try pic related (phoneposting)

Attached: 2019-1-24_23-0-41.png (720x2418, 964K)

>muh Eugenics
fuck off. If my Dad and Mom had bad genes, why the hell would I be here?