Day 1 of posting everyday until I get a chubby Asian gf
Day 1 of posting everyday until I get a chubby Asian gf
the pic would be way hotter if she sat on the gear shift
I don't know about that one user, but ty for bumping my thread on my quest to find an asian gf
Maybe go talk to one instead of waiting for her to magically appear and love you out of nowhere
I don't know any, besides I'm too shy to talk to anyone irl, so I'll take my chances and try to find one online
>inb4 suicide on day 2
Why would I kill myself when I can post this thread everyday and have a chance of getting a girlfriend?
That's not how females work, my autistic fellow robot.
welp im not going anywhere until I get my gf so
>chubby Asian gf
are you trying to make this more difficult by narrowing your goal so much?