What's the point of barbell bench press when you can just use dumbbells instead?

What's the point of barbell bench press when you can just use dumbbells instead?
Dumbbells just feel superior in every way.
Someone who lifts heavy dumbbells will lift a lot of plates, but the contrary ain't so true.

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Easier to progress on a barbell, less taxing on the nervous system and more about brute strength

dumbbell press hurts your shoulders and literally kills you (DO NOT DO THESE OR ELSE YOU'LL LOSE ALL YOUR GAINS AND TEAR YOUR ROTATOR CUFFS)

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Do dumbbells then
Are you asking for a permission? Okay, I will give you permission. You can do dumbbell bench press.

Do both.

Unless you have limited(shitter) routine.

I wish she would cuck me and slap me with her feet.

This is false. Barbell Bench Press is worse on shoulders than DB.

Jeff bitches about dumbbell flies, I might be wrong but I never heard him talking shit about dumbbell press.

>Brute strength
I swear every time I see this, I read it as "ego lifting".

I switch between barbell and dumbbell every week, I feel like I waste my time with the barbell.

BB = more weight, more tension, greater strength and hypertrophy stimulus

DB = a little less weight, potentially fuller ROM, more work to stabilize

db bench hurts my wrist :(

Not a cuck


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I love the JAVs this actress does(dont remember her name), specially the hypnosis ones where they hypnose her into thinking she is 10yo and she acts as being one; pure retardation, probably fake tho, but who cares kek

Does she cuck somebody or its just the shirt?

Based and Fredpilled

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Ppl who do DB bench are usually sub 100kg benchers and are just insecure about it
Use pause benching and bench more often guys, that's how you grow your bench

I'd let her spit her lover's cum on me and kick me and steal my money and beat me and slap me and humiliate me while she acts like a dutiful loving gf in public
what does this mean for my psyche? Am I a nutter?

I do db because my non dominate arm is weaker and working on stabilizing has helped alot

I mean, what if SHE'S the cuck, though? Would you fuck other women for your waifu's sexual gratification?

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>not forcing yourself upon her after she asks if you want to see other women

dumbbells will fatigue the shoulder faster than barbell benching

literally perfect body, holy shit hnnng

I'm gonna need some sauce, amigo

she doesn't do porn

dumbless make me feel very sissy like
i must do it the man way
t. 140kg bench presser

It's way easier just setting up the barbell and then getting to it to lift it on a barbell bench than getting the huge dumbbells up and settled once you start getting to big weights for dumbbell benching.

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

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>those 5-pound-lookin' weights
i can't watch gym thots work out unless they're actually doing something impressive

Wtf. My boss just walked in and I got a promotion

Can I ask where the idea that Exercise A is better than Exercise B even originated?

Is it really so difficult for people's egos to do both exercises? Or is it not the ego, but just your brain not letting you be open-minded?

You have to understand that every single person is different and so every person's workout goals will be different.

If the dumbbell press REALLY was superior than the barbell bench press then no one would the latter, simple. But, it's not superior for EVERY person, maybe for you it is; and good for you for finding an exercise tailored to your specific needs.

Exercise is about growing, developing, challenging yourself and this is what we must do!

We must try new exercises, workouts, programs, protocols, whatever you want to call them and judge for ourselves if they are good or bad for us.

Keep your minds and arms open and strong!

Why not both desu

>i can't watch gym thots work out unless they're actually doing something impressive

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She looks like a child with small tits and a mong face
now Anna Konno, that's closer to perfection.

why does she look so scared? im turned off. dissapointed.

>What's the point of barbell bench press when you can just use dumbbells instead?

bb bench is what's used in powerlifting. that's literally it. if you don't compete you have no reason to use bb bench other than personal preference

Truly low test

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>less taxing on the nervous system

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my dick is big enough

I think barbell is to practice technique of the motion, then when you are good enough you can do it with dumbbell.

A noob could hurt himself if he starts with dumbbells, normally people are weaker on one side, barbell help balance strength and form.

Exercise is a battle between oneself, you bring shame to the art by judging others.

I forget my photo

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why this pic make my pp hard

Imagine liking adult women with the bodies of 14 year olds lmao you fucking incels

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Cuck me baby

If you have a two plate bench how much dumbbell weight should you use.

im pretty sure jeff actually recommends DB press over barbell

im not sure if there is a general rule, but i predominantly used dumbbells and whenever i switched to bench press occasionally i could load maybe 20% more weight than the combined weight of my heaviest dumbbell set

I haven't been on r9k for 2 whole weeks.
I expected better Jow Forums.

>she's a JAV actress
Thank goodness

>probably fake tho

Never reproduce, user.


>tfw when they're all probably shorter than you cuz nips are short as shit
cute amazon gf nver :(

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>tfw 6'4
>most woman taller than me have odd facial features/proportions
Not fair bros