Did I invent a new workout?

does doing squats while overhead pressing a weight exist or did i invent a new excercise?
I think it may strenghten the core if you contract the ab while you go down and relax them when you go up.
it trains the arms(resistance) and the legs (explosive power)
I can call it "the body-maker"

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yes, time to start a youtube channel

Already exists. My high school weights coach had a workout that was that super settled with pull-ups.

>Did I invent a new workout?
A. Yeah. The first way to exercise is to go to your doctor, because if you have anything nasty you can run up and down stairs, or get a cramp, or something, and then walk up a ladder, to go through the door. There are two ways. One is to sit down and relax. And secondly, one is to sit down in a chair, because by having your legs up and your butt up that's a much better chair. Now, what's a chair? It's one of those things where if you have a chair it puts you in a better way of walking. It doesn't look like a chair. It actually keeps your knees in a good position and puts your hips higher, is pretty much what it is. That's what you would call a chair. Now to exercise with a chair we try to bring our legs up, and to do that we have to have the legs elevated with the feet, the hips are up, and then a little bit of your butt as well.

yeah, well your high school weights coach didn't name it "the body-maker"

You mean like an overhead squat but you press the barbell instead of just holding it?
Sounds like a bit of an awkward movement, but not any weirder than most crossfit exercises.
If possible please demonstrate, for clarity.

have your tried googling two words from you're sentence that say "overhead squat"? get a brian dude

something like this

Attached: the body maker.jpg (983x504, 62K)

They do it to check your mobility at my football team

american football or soccer?

I also invented a burpee where,each time,you have to land on the opposite side of where you jumped.
i call it the twister.

So a reverse clean and jerk?

im not interested in lifting, i just want a body that evolves me into volcel status.

I invented the T-bar goodmorning

It gives me crazy trap and glute actication

describe your invention!

This and then you do goodmornings. It's like t bar squats, except with a different grip, which I guess I also invented

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That's not what OP is talking about doing.

OP is doing an OHP while doing a squat, probably more akin to a full squatting push press.

you mean the overhead squat?

Pretty sure that's already a crossfit move

I think he means the squat to overhead press. It's like a front squat which turns into a pushpress at the top

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Wow, OP!!!

You could world for Women's Fitness!


so a shitty clean and jerk?

I think you just invented a new workout brah, get a patent on that shit quick or you're already too late by that time.

Rita: I love you, Rachael. I hate you, because you're not as attractive as what you want me to hate.

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The only exercise OP ever invented was Faggot Deadlifts (6x6)

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And the standing knee sits of course

i deny this.

nope propably just overhead squat like in snatch. Op is absolutely fagit

Found your personal program OP.

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How do I correctly perform rampages?

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