
Any anons in Florida report in
>/305/ here

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yes, and if any femanons live here be my gf please I dont want an e relationship they just hurt

tampa here
any submissive egirls with daddy issues need to get pounded?

If there are any cute girls or boys nearby FUCK OFF

tampa boy here. life is suffering.

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Miami here. Fuck this stupid crowded city.

what is even the point of florida

Well it's warm, that's nice at least

Tampa robot UPRISING NOW.

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Jacksonville reporting in

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sweet be my friend pls im a neet and i dont go outside

Your state looks like a flaccid peepee

Ask all the people moving here

idk either

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305 here , I hate this city

Tampa gang reporting
Because I can walk around in shorts and t-shirt right now while almost everyone else in the country is trudging through mounds of snow

Orlandofag here, desu I really like this state

it's easy to like when you live next to all the big time attractions (Disney, Universal)

everywhere else is horrible

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I haven't been to universal in over a decade and the last time I went to Disney was like 4 years ago. I just like the environment honestly, I feel nationalistic about florida it's my birthplace and homeland. Florida is like the Australia of the US and there's always something entertaining going on, "Florida man" for example

305 here
they say Miami is one of the rudest cities in the US.
I took a trip to Austin and I might've accidentally told the nice hotel receptionist to go fuck himself in an indirect way so I think I might wanna stay here in the containment city of social autists
I felt anxious around all those really nice people

the meme of Orlandofags loving their city is real
that being said I like Miami, don't really see why it's so bad. I've never even noticed rude people here.

/954/ here, kill me desu

hello cheap airport 305 here how's life?

Same here, boring suburban city. What's the best place to live in Florida? If it exists.

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New Smyrna is alright

move out of Florida

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Sweetwater part of Miami here. I hate life here.

West palm reporting

Who wana get high

near orlando

anyone ever lived in gainesville? lived there for 7 years and it was fucking horrible. glad i escaped that shithole. living with my parents is better, even though far from ideal

Imagine living in the worst shithole of the US of A lmao

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>If there are any cute girls or boys nearby FUCK OFF
Okay, user, I'm an ugly boy and I'm also a shut-in so we'll never meet.

321 reporting in

27 male, anyone want to hang out?

813 here

From NY

>all these cute ass latinas
>tfw dont even like spanish women

a conflicting feel

whaere you guys at. dont tell me you're one of those simply southern npc

tampa usf here, anyone else?

Well bay area more accurately. I live in pasco county, makes me feel proud to live in a county hundreds of thousands of normies know as a methhead area due to live pd.

i'll be at usf next year chief am at hcc right now
pasco is actually nice in the rural areas, i like it

Moved last year used to be a 386 user

i graduate this year, it's a good school. campus is nice to live on

whats your major? origninally

creative writing because i'm a pretentious artsy poor girl lol

Yeah I'm doing cs meme degree at USF

Miami boy, didn't realize I was clicked on /soc/


cheers to doing a meme degree my dude, solidarity

/727/ St.Petersburg. Attending USFSP.
I like this town, events are always happening and it's clean

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/305/ here too

fuck this shithole city. lived here all my life, might have some chance to leave it this year for the first time

St. Pete always seems like a bit of a basedboy/hipster city to me. The museums are nice though, and the mahaffey theater is as well (saw juden peterstein there when he came in september)

St.Pete is a hipster town but at least this keeps the city fresh with new trends. Besides, if you get too tired of the hipster stuff, go to South side. It's the poorer side of St.Pete but has some damn good food as well. .

352 here
I love Gainesville what's not to like about it? Just avoid near UF because all the college normies and it's comfy

I live in Miami and I'm pretty sure there isn't a single robot or introvert in this city. Every single person I've ever met or seen is a total normie party/clubbing whore. I've always been seen as a complete freak in this hellhole

>what's not to like about it
- shit wages
- shit traffic. took like 20 mins to go 5 miles to work in the morning
- too many blacks and they are often violent/drug addicted, some of the worst i've ever met
- overpriced rent and shit ass apartments
- all sorts of hot stacies mocking you with their existence
- all the clubs and bars are filled with 6'13 super-muscular chads

it's fucked

>The city's job market scored only 6 points out of a possible 100 in the Cities Ranked and Rated guide, as the downside to the low cost of living is an extremely weak local job market that is oversupplied with college-educated residents. The median income in Gainesville is slightly below the U.S. average.

^^^ once you graduate, GTFO that place. it's terrible i got paid 1/2 the median for what i was doing [web dev] and got no benefits. fuck gainesville

Any sarasotafags here? I might move there for good near the summer. My dad had a summer house in Venice so ive been out there for a few months over the years. Last summer drove to Orlando but it seems a less version of Arizona, so Im thinking beach town. Tampa seems far from the beach? And St Pete, I dunno. All that area seems complicated to pick where to live. Any thoughts?

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Yeah that's true I suppose. Plus tampa and clearwater are both close by and very different so you can just go there to change it up

What's downtown Orlando like? Seems comfy but I've literally only ever gone to orlando for disney/universal

>wake up
>walk outside in shorts and t-shirt while the rest of the country is experiencing a harsh winter
>enjoy the pretty swamp scenery right in your backyard, look at the gators if they're out
>drive to publix and grab a sub and cookies
Comfy as fuck, florida is the best state in the country

Yep, I am from the 305 my guy

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iktf fellow miami bro

Have you ever met pitbull?

No but he actually went to my highschool

USF grad here

Accounting lol

I agree, but the traffic is getting terrible

It's dogshit. Bad laws, bad people, bad weather, nothing good about it. Dry counties, five years for saliva, no legal weed, hot as a desert but worse at night than one, nothing but old people, rednecks and niggers, insect everywhere, three strikes your out law, targetted for going on nightwalks by pigs, etc. Gators walk up and hiss at you along a highway, you get west nile, you deal with country and rap booming, you have no fun people that live there just sticks in the literal mud and pure trash gangsters. You could write a book about why the bible thumping retirement facility bog is one of the worst ten states of the USA.

It's a flyover state meant for rich people to escape the Winter. Being born poor here is child abuse.

Not him but Ive seen Stitches at a Cuban cafe and the bald porn actor jmac is a regular customer where I work.

There's some autists here myself included.

who else /hialeah/ here

>the bald porn actor jmac is a regular customer where I work.

wew I saw JMAC at my store too once. He's actually a cool guy.

239 tard here. thinking of streaming suicide but dont have a webcam.

>tfw live next to SS office and always see a line of balsero cubans wanting gibs because theyre "disabled" (dont want to work)

Also a lot of people claiming they're disabled in line of work Im in.

I'm Cuban and have been on disability since I was 12, lol

Eyy! Currently going to school in Daytona, originally from Bradenton though.


Nothing but college students and hicks. Doesn't bother me too much since I just work and go home most of the time.

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Any Kissimmee bros ?


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Sooner or later ya'll are gonna get fucked up by a mega-hurricane

I used to think hurricanes were fun because I could miss school. But now I'm scared

oh shit 305. im 954 over here. you got KIK? we can hang out and grab a few beers or something.

Jacksonville rise up