
post your current routine + fav lifting song
get help, rated and whatever else

>Yoga for 20min every morning before work
>Running every second day before sleep
>Planks every second day before work

>3x10 dumbbell flys
>3x10 dumbbell press
>3x10 shoulder dumbbell press
>3x12 side raise
>3x8 weighted dips
>3x10 dumbbell french press
>pushups until no more power left

>2x20 chin ups
>3x10 dumbbell row
>2x25 wide grip/close grip variation
>2x Dead Hang for as long as I can
>3x12 dumbbell curls
>3x12 hammer curls

>3x12 lunges
>3x12 stiff leg deadlift
>3x15 calf raises
>3x12 goblet squat
>rope jumping for 15min

PPL for home

Attached: Exercise-Routine-Gym-Programme.jpg (1000x1000, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I run the IRONLOO ROUTINE in the morning and the HAFTHOR ROUTINE in the evening. No excuses.


I did PPL for the longest time but I suffered from fatigue and my lifts were lagging, so I switched to this. It shares the PHAT philosophy of working on high rep ranges the first three days and then go heavy the last two (didn't write down sets and reps but you get the gist of it). Mainly looking for muscle imbalances, I really like this split and it's very versatile. Please excuse the clown coloring *honk*.
Seems balanced, but maybe the lack of a barbell won't allow you to progress as efficiently. Could be just me though, depends on your goals.

Attached: 5D Routine.png (1576x402, 70K)

Pull: Jefferson DL 1RM
Biceps: Strict Curl 3x5>
Back: Straight pushdown 4x12
Back 2: Banded Cable Row 4x12
Forearms: Wrist Ext 4x12
Forearms2: DB Wrist Curls 4x12
Abs: Cable Crunch 3x10

Intensity Upper
Press: Banded OHP 1RM
Press2: Banded Z-Press 3x1>
Tricep: Dips 5x3>
Tricep 2: BB OHE 6x6
Face Pulls w. Bands 5x12>
Abs: Cable Crunch 3x10

Volume Lower:
Pull 70%: Jeff DL 4x5>
Bicep: Strict Curl 3x5
Back: Bar Pushdown 4x12
Back2: Banded Cable row 4x12
Forearms: Wrist extension 4x12
Forearms: 1H Wrist Curls 3xF

Volume Upper
Press 90%: Banded Z-Press 8x3
Press 42.5%: Banded OHP 10x10>
Triceps: Dips 5x3>
Triceps 2: BB OHE 5x12
Abs: Cable Crunch 3x10>
Band Face Pull 5x12

Forgot song

ABxCDx(6 day repeat)

A- heavy deads, light squats (60-70 pullups)
B- heavy bench, light ohp (60-70 pullups)
C- heavy squats, light deads (60-70 pullups)
D- heavy ohp, light bench (60-70 pullups)

so yeah, thats 240-280 pullups every 6 days, no other accessory lifts, just what you see,

HEAVY = 3x3 up to 5x5
LIGHT = 3x8 up to 5x10

Attached: 8 month progress pic.jpg (1466x1297, 615K)

That's a pretty interesting approach to strength training. Do you ever do weighted pullups or change the variants of your lifts?

to be honest, no.

When I move up to a new weight... I start at 3x3... then I progress to 3x4 or 3x5 etc... and keep pushing the total reps until i can hit 5x5 easily... then I push the weight up and start again at 3x3... its slow, but steady progress. Same with the light days... push it until i can 5x10 the weight.

I don't do weighted pullups, I just do 5 inbetween each set of my workout... so between warmup sets and working sets, that ends up being 12-14 sets of 5 (60-70 reps)... it was a Jim Wendler tip i picked up and I just stuck with it.

What are your stats?
I'd consider changing the lifts once you start plateauing. Such as doing z-presses instead of standard ohps etc fav Lifting song

Workout A

Squat 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Weighted Pullups/Chinups 3x5
Dumbell Shoulder Press 3x8
Side Lateral Raises 5x15
Skullcrushers 3x8
Cable Flies 3x8
Hyperextensions 3x8

Workout B Front Squat 3x8 Overhead Press 3x5
Barbell Rows 3x8 Weighted Dip 3x5
Side Lateral Raises 5x15
Barbell Curls/Dumbell Curls 3x8
Hanging Knee Raises 3x8

3-4 A Week

my stats are not that impressive, and because the lowest rep scheme i will do is 3x3... i really dont know my 1 rep max's...and I have never tested them.

I would say that I could OHP 1 plate for over 10 reps... I could bench 2 plate for over 10 reps, I could squat 3 plate for maybe 5 reps, and I could dead 4 plate for maybe a couple of reps... but all of that is unverified.

That's pretty good, actually
I'm trying to find a good program for my skelly cousin to do for a while

skelly's definitely need to eat and do a program that requires ohp/bench/squat/deadlift all twice per week... the frequency is what will help progress and mass gain.

but eating will be just as important as a good program.

That's absolutely true. Unfortunately he is lactose intolerant, so he won't have the same easy bulking that I had + he is 6'4

Day 1:

Dumbbell Press or OHP
Squats if there is a rack open.
Leg Press
Front Lat Raises
Side Lat Raises
Calf Extensions
Reverse Flies

Day 2

Bicep Curls
Some degree of 21's or 24's or 30's
Spider Curls
Lat Pull Downs
Single Arm Rows
Seated Rows on the machine

Day 3:
Dumbbell Bench or reg bench
Incline DB Bench or reg incline
Tricep Extensions
Tricep Press
Cable Crossovers
Cable Raises
Those Jeff Crossovers
That Jeff Arm Raise over your body for Upper Chest
Low cable crossovers
Decline Dumbbell bench or Dips
Tricep Pulldowns
Close grip bench

Rest a day and start again

I do 3 to 4 sets of all of these and the last 1 or 2 sets are to near failure. Also I've been putting a conscious effort in to try and work Abs more frequently.

I pretty much go until I can't stop. I likely am over training the shit outta myself. Today was my day one and I was doing the lat raises until I could barely with my shoulder.

I'm likely going too hard for someone Natty and not eating or sleeping enough to recover properly.

My lifting song for maximum games is ironically weeb shit

531 BBB
M- ohp
W- dl
S- sq
SU- Hill sprints

>it's another everyone posts routines without judging others thread

what can you do my fat american friend

I don't listen to music while working out. It takes me out of the mindset

Attached: routine.png (1011x687, 42K)

what are
>upper/lower conditioning
how does it look like?

Lower conditioning is shit like sprints and sled pulls. Push hard for 15-20 seconds, catch breath, repeat until time is done. Upper conditioning is similar with shit like battle ropes and heavy bag hitting. Each activity alternates to keep from getting too used to it