Old fags of Jow Forums

Any faggots in their mid 20s that started lurking Jow Forums in high school after Zyzz passed and tinytrip got butthurt?

What are you doing today? What are you interests?

>reached my goal body by the age of 19
>had no idea what to do after HS
>went to shitty work, lost some gains, since I started drinking and smoking here and there, plus got serious gf
>after 4 years went into CS college
>realize I was way too much focused on my physique and body in hs
>pick up interests in literature, programming, robotics, trading, finance/economy,
>start training like god again
>currently looking for programming related job
>meanwhile work in good paying job and swing trade on the side with occasional day trades doing fine

How did you turn out faggots that were here around 2010-2011

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I watch MMA by myself and go outside once or twice a week.

Hows the trading going?
crypto or stocks or something else?

And how old are you now user?

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Real talk?

>Started training in 2011 because Jow Forums told me I was a POS if I didn't
>Made some gains on SS and Greyskull
>Finished uni and went to the world-leading grad school in my field
>Joined the army as an officer
>Deployed to a couple times, once with British special forces, which was pretty sick
>Lost my virginity at 27 (I really had no choice, if you have helped kill people . . . you should fuck)
>Still lifting heavy, ~10% BF, 74kg, 513kg total
>Leaving the army this year, trying to find a job that will use my MA
>Planning on getting an MBA in a couple years and going full lizard-person

Overall, not bad.

Good. I've missed millions in crypto and felt bad for a while, but oh well, I'm happy with my job desu and life right now, that's really what matters to me :).

I'm swing trading mostly stocks, but then again keep an eye on indexes and do some forex trading and commodities here and there, if I see an opportunity (like onions beans right now, hitting critical old support - pic related).

If you are wondering how I missed millions in crypto, it's due to not sticking with my trading plan and how I felt about the market going. It ended up going and having corrections that I've exactly predicted due to comparing the previous cycle, but was kind of hesitant to trade it (ended up missing millions basically, if I went with my 5-6 trades I planned on by shorting and longing BTC at certain critical levels). I could of also made 100x on certain shitcoins, such as SNOVIO, but were unable to purchase it before KuCoin listing, because the Etherdelta exchange was lagging so much, that I didn't get a transfer in two days or something like that and gave up on trying to purchase it. It was a lot of pain, given I could be sitting on a beach right now and be set for life, but I'm looking forward to next cycle.


Oh, s-o-y beans*

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OP here, I've been actually planning with idea of going to FFL and contacted one of the former guys and how it was. Still not too sure about it, clearly I want an adventure and am still young, while knowing robotics and could help with embedded systems. I'd probably sign up for free, if I would get accepted into 2°REP.
However, jumping out of planes into some AIDS or zika land probably wouldn't sound so fun anymore, when you'd be low on food, ammunition and behind God's back. However, still debating it though, I'm sure it would be a hell of an experience.

Truth is I never stuck with my program long enough, but I've made massive gains in all other departments - namely getting getting my mental health in order, going through a few girlfriends and fuck buddies and calming the fuck down in general. Here's what I found:
>nofap and noporn works, but don't beat yourself up if you fail, just continue back on it
>intermittent fasting is amazing for mental clarity
>caffeine is the god damn devil and will fuck shit up long term
>GFs truly are gains goblins if you're weak mentally - only get one if you're sorted out and successful
>pick a program, stick with it and don't think about it too much
>don't be on Jow Forums for more than like an hour a week or something

My biggest regret is not sticking with one program, but on the other hand it's impossible with my lifestyle and the amount of moving and changing I did. All you teenage cunts still living at your parents' place or going to college/uni have absolutely no excuse.

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OP here, I agree with every thing you said 100%.
Came to same conclusions, from intermittent fasting to women.

What nationality are you?

I don't know much about the FFL, but being enlisted sucks. If you have the qualifications, go officer or into a special operations accession program, if your military has direct entry options.

Europe. The normal military pay really sucks, neither do you go on missions really often.

FFL seems like a thing that is suited for me when I take everything into consideration.

Where did you start learning about trading?

I started browsing Jow Forums around 2013.

youtube, I guess most people really have big misconceptions on how to even go about learning this or where do you "learn to read the charts" and so on..

Basically, first you have Technical Analysis (this is where you do a chart analysis, what I posted ). The things with Technical Analysis is that it's completely subjective and doesn't really always work, due to various factors, but if you know what you are doing, then it comes really really handy to find entry/exit points.

Second thing is, you have Fundamental Analysis, this is basically looking at fundamentals of economy/company and what is happening in world or company and be long-term oriented.

Anyway, if you really want to start from the start, just go through lectures on babypips.com, they cover things really well for beginners and you will get familiar with trading really fast.
Then make an account on Tradingview.com and just open up few stock charts on weekly and daily timeframe and do some Techincal Analysis and so on, to see what it feels like and you get familiar with tools.

After that it's up to you and doing analysis/research on different things (be it bitcoin, DOW, coffe, EURUSD, it's up to you).

Be aware that there are multiple markets: Stock Market, Commodities Market, Crypto Market, Forex Market,.. and they are somewhat correlated.

Moreover about Technical Analysis, it's one big cluster fuck, because different people use different indicators to understand where the price is going (and some are trading on hourly levels, some daily, some weekly, some monthly, etc..).

So it's basically one big ego fight with guys that are having a dick measuring contest and you'll have to learn to develop your own trading style and analysis and stick to it. Just because someones chart has 10 different things and indicators on it, doesn't mean jack shit. It's like a guy that looks cool, but is actually fucking retarded when you get to know him.

What matters in the end is if you were right and you made money, not if his chart looks cooler and better.

>>GFs truly are gains goblins if you're weak mentally - only get one if you're sorted out and successful
Fucking BASED advice. Trust me brothers.

Thanks user

Fuck it, then. Roll the iron dice while you are still strong enough to play the game.

It would also be a good background for further carer I guess, since it's a sign of extreme discipline and bravery. I want to end up in Finance world before the age of 30 and get an insight from ((((lizard-people)))) before I'm 40. I know couple of guys in top tier universities studying economy/MBA while having ((((conections)))), so it'd probably get into their circles, since I'm a guy that likes to joke around and am taken seriously, because of my killer appearance.
We'll see, hard to give up on pussy for 5 years though or the fact you might end up getting killed and never having a family.

No one will really care that you were a gunfighter, but it would be something people will whisper about you for the rest of your life. Once you are out, you will only impress women that get off on the appearance of power, rather than the thing itself and the real lizards are too soft to understand why anyone would willingly suffer that.

That being said, if military service appeals to you, it has its own rewards.

At the end of the day it's a personal thing, I have a lot of background in martial arts (a warrior is a warrior), not something to impress others really.

I'm back in here for maybe two weeks now. I got somewhat fit (starting strength BTW) got my qt3.14 K-gf, got my bachelor's. However I've been trying to get into medical school for almost 6-7yrs now. Mind you, I went for veterinary in undergrad, but got a research assistant job I wanted to be a stepping stone to med school, eventually depression sets in due to stagnity, Marijuana as escapism, and worst of all I stop lifting. Thought grad school might be for me but the institution that employed me didn't even want me after almost 2 years working there. I always knew that medical school was what I needed but to cowardly and undisciplined to dedicate my whole self truly. Depression so bad I quit my job went back to family. However, I enrolled back to school to improve my grades so I can apply again to med school. I'm 29, old considering the profession. Just finished the first year back in school, first semester wasn't great, still smoking and depressed, but this semester was a little better, been having on off smoking, but now I'm 1.5months weed free and I'm staying like this for a long time. Getting ready to take the mcat, moods improving, so much so I went jogging last week, my diet is getting better.

The recent changes have taken a long time, but Im changing for the better once again, and last time I changed, the Jow Forumspill was there. So I'm back here now, reading motiv threads and having a giggle.

Truth is im terrified of failing and it still freezes me. It's been at least a decade of pursuing this castle in the sky, and I'm almost certain I have no good shot. But I don't want to die thinking 'what if'.

I've decided I'll give myself two more years to get into med school, after that I must attend my social duties to my family and possible wife.

I'm just so goddamn afraid of what to do if I fail. All my life I've trained to be a physician that my knowledge and skills are too specialized too do anything else and thrive.

One last try. One more rep.