Comfy and a little side of feelings /Comfeels/

As usual, post pics and music that makes you feel comfy here, share with us your current mood, feelings, ambitions, etc.

Get away from all of the negativity, pessimism and nihilism of this board for a little while user, its hurting your soul, reflect back on the positive things you've seen, had, heard, etc. Think of yourself in the current and project yourself in the future you desire to obtain.

Yet another day of work is over, tommorow will be another.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Working on building a company. I doubt it's gonna take off but it makes me feel like I'm doing something positive with my time.

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Oooo sounds interesting user! Its always a good feeling indeed to fill our time with productive things instead of procrastinating, I always try to be as productive as possible, at least during the day. Would you mind sharing with us a bit what it would be about?

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It's a web app service for self learners and tutors. It's still in the prototyping phase at the moment, but it's shaping up quite nicely :)

>For tutors
That sound nice, I did a bit of tutoring a few years back, I was interested in getting back in it in the near future perhaps, in my gap year inbetween college and uni most likely.

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Well the main mission statement is to provide a service for self learners to collaborate, but extended that to include tutor features and a bunch of other stuff. Like I said I'm still prototyping so nothing's set in stone just yet!

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Well thats nice my man, good luck with the project.

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Thanks bro!
You from the UK btw? You mentioned college then uni.

Just found some older comfy pictures from a thread that probably happened 2 years ago, lemme post some
Nope, I'm a Canadafag, but in my province we do shit in a weird way where we graduate from "high school" at about 16-17 years and start a sort of college right after and usually end at age around 19
its Quebec

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Damn that's comfy. Would love to retire in a log cabin out in the middle of nowhere.
Ohh, Canada does some things the same as the UK. We have the same here, school till 16, then collage then uni.

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I'm glad I somehow found those old pics, some of these are absolute comfy tier

Just hoping for some more anons to join in

Talking of log cabins, this picture probably fits with that description ahaha...actually I have a few with that same thematic. But yeah, Canada's like a weird mix of American, British and in my province's case, French tradition, culture and overall structure.
For example here in my province we still basically kept the french civil laws from back in the 1700s and adapted it over time making it quite unique compared to other code of laws in north america. If I wasn't a brainlet with a bad GPA (or equivalent of that) I'd study laws for sure. But oh well..I'm too much of a retard so I guess I'll just do a Polsci or history or idk to be fair.

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/come fee/

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Based /come fee/ poster

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Yeah Canada confuses the hell out of me desu lol.
History could be interesting, not sure about job prospects though. Why not STEM?

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I'm really not into STEM, plus I'm too much of a brainlet for STEM shit, never was good in maths and science never really peaked my interest too much. and desu all the STEM elitists kinda put me off from it. At this point I don't know if I even really care about job prospects, as long as I can do something I like while I guess wagecucking like I always do then alright.
What I'd really want to do is writing, but of course thats not really a proper project for the future I guess

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Yeah I get that feeling. Esp the hipster STEM folks, they're annoyingly cringe and I hate being associated with them. I feel like a brainlet sometimes too when I get stuck on a problem, when that happens I just sleep on it and I usually have a eureka moment in bed lol.

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Yeah, they're of course not all the same but for some reasons lots of them like to "brag" about how hard they have to study and shit, never really understood the point to brag to everyone about that and how they'll def be paid 100k$+ once they leave uni

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Lol, entry level jobs don't really pay anything, especially not in today's economies. But yeah man, just do what you enjoy if you don't want to just do the safe STEM shit, we only get one chance at life after all, no sense wasting it doing something you hate.

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That your place user?

So do we my user.
Yeah, I really dont see the reason for me to go thru the whole hassle of studying shit I dont like to do even more stuff I dont like for the rest of my days, people seems to think only the salary matters in life, sadly.

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I got into STEM for the safety, too. I don't really enjoy it too much, but it allows me to do the things I enjoy, so things could be worse I guess. What kind of writing did you want to do?

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Well I like to dwelve into philosophical and historical themes while writing fiction basically, I've been kind of "building up" a book for the past few months, haven't really started writing it per se, mostly just elaborated the themes I wanted to talk about and kind of build a "skeleton" of the overall structure.

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Ohh, would you mind sharing the premise? I've always wanted to write a book, but my writing ability is lacking. I've tried numerous times, even attempted NaNoWriMo a few times, but to no avail.

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Alright, I'm still quite unsure about it but ok here we go
TLDR: I'm exploring the ideas of young men escaping society as well as their responsabilities in a way only to find themselves creating something meaningful and learning how to find their true oneself and achieve something with it which they couldn't with the constraints of the current modern society based upon consumerism and gross productivism. It also has some underlying political themes, in short its a critic of current western democracies, especially compared to what it replaced, traditional styles of government that is. Its a bit complicated to get into more details, so far I haven't really gotten much in writing the actual thing but I've written over 20 pages of thematics to talk about, of ways to bring certain ideas into the text without looking too obvious, chapter divisions and how the whole storyline goes, some characters, the way the society resulting from the men in question works and such.

Oh but yeah, I also have to add that I'm writing in French.

I dunno why but I'm reminded of the quote, "Weak Men Create Hard Times, Hard Times Create Strong Men." Was this an influence by any chance? Either way it sounds intriguing!

henlo fellow comfeelers, how's it going?

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Drinking copious quantities of tasty coffee at 2:41 AM. How about you?

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smoking copious quantities of cigarettes at 3:43 AM. ;D
you've got some nice pics in here btw

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Aye, nice aesthetics. I'd smoke too, but every time I wanna smoke I have to carry my dog downstairs, it's getting quite tiring.

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Thanks! Personally I had most of my inspiration coming from all the guys I met, either thru the internet or in real life. For some reasons, there's this one sort of fantasy I've seen in quite a lot of people, it is to literally escape to some reclused place and live far away from civilisation
Just here you also said the same, and for some reason this whole phenomenon intrigues me. Of course thats only scraping the surface and its a lot more complex as I'm touching the subjects of masculinity, the role of hierarchy while critiquing modern politics.
I'm doing okay I guess. Trying to relax a bit, things aren't totally going fine in general however. I have financial problems and I try my best to work as much as I can while also attending college. Not easy but I manage. I've been making these threads for the past 3 weeks (?) and I always appreciate the discussion I get with people from here, even if its a debate or something. Ah and of course I like to see some comfy images and hear some musical suggestions from anons.

Its kinda hard having an actual active thread tho, out of the dozens of threads I made in the past 3 weeks only 3 or 4 actually had people in it actively participating.

Album linked here was actually a suggestion from a fellow user a week or so ago, I'm still listening to it, I like it quite a lot.

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actually the problem is that lately there are way too many comfy threads on the board
don't get me wrong, I like it, but it's normal that anons get spread across the various threads
I try to contribute to every comfy thread I see, I'm sorry I missed yours during the past weeks

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I think it definitely touches on something we all feel. I think that as men, we weren't destined to live as we do. Take any man and remove him from society - throw him out into the wilderness or whatever - and instinctively they feel like they belong. I just don't think we were meant for our current lifestyles. We were born to hunt and build, not sit an an office chair and type up sales data. It's just too bad I could never read it cause I don't speak French! :D

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Nah its fine my man. Like I'm not sure if maybe I'm just crazy but before I started making some comfy threads back in early january there were literally none. Now for some reasons a lot more started to pop around. I'm not sayin' I'm the one that "revived" these kind of threads but the timing is indeed a bit weird lol. Tbh I like creating my own threads so I don't really go to other people's really, I try to avoid all the degenerate shit and all the "ahhh why can't I get X kind of gf" and that sort of thing, I feel like its kind of ironic how people will reply to bait threads in dozens and then talk about how shit the board is while they literally and sadly, contribute to the shitty threads.
Well I could always translate it in the future of course. Its just that for now, French's the language I feel the most at ease to write with, since its my first language and all.
But yeah I more or less agree with us not meaning to live in the current society. But imo its not civilisation thats the problem, I think its the fact that we're so "far away" from the true source of cosumption for example. Do you really know where the food you eat really come from? Nope. Self-sustainment, gardening and stuff is quite interesting imo. I personally also like more "intellectual" activites but I do feel the need to actually do things with my own hands as well. I know it sounds silly, but I miss having a fireplace lol. Used to have one at my teenagehood's house, maintaining it and all was kinda fun desu.

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Yeah I get where you're coming from. Translations also welcomed :D
I've never had a fireplace, only ever had gas fires. Sucks.

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Fireplaces are really top tier comfy to sit by during a cold winter especially right after you came back from outside with a windy -30 celcius

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Holy shit that's cold. Coldest it gets around my area is like -4.

Yeah, the joys of Canada eh

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I can't wait for winter to end thought. The cold is getting annoying after a while.

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An healthy little bumperino perhaps?

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anyone got some music for a comfy night in?

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