Recent Motivation

So basically
I used to have an alright body, went to gym every day, cycled everywhere you know the general good shit
But over the last year I've fallen into a nice pit of depression and have lost all motivation to do anything.
I'm now fat and personally very very unappealing in any way or form.
What could I do to help my motivation again, if any of you have had the same thing?
Pic related me now

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well, what is there to lose? Get off your ass and work dude, it can only go up from here

i find my depression just came from boredom

You need hobbies you genuinely enjoy and life goals you work towards

I dont really have any real motivation to go but I have a friend that is determinated so we have been going 4times a week for almost 2 years now.
Only depression I´ve had was when my first ex dumped me, but I got over most of it after a month and started working out with my friend instead

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do you have pics from your fit days?

I fucking love skateboarding but recently i just have no motivation for any of the shit I love
There's nothing to lose, I really wanna get back into it but every time I try I just can't, can't get out of bed or actually try shit

google snake diet and fast

Sounds good dude, I just can't seem to get any of my friends to do it with me so that's made shit ass

Uuuuhh I can try to find some pics but I never really took any pics of myself lmao

That's what happened to me after my 8 year high school relationship broke down in my early 20's. I was recently dating a girl that seemed absolutely perfect for me but I drove her off by trying to push the relationship along faster than she was ready for.

What motivated me to improve and get better after the first time my life started falling apart was that I had turned into a fat slob that lived for nothing and just passed the time online and had absolutely disgusting habits and behavior. I refused to be that person and decided I would prove that there's something more to me and that I can overcome the bullshit. It got so bad that I was getting winded going up stairs.

You're worth a lot more than putting shitty food in your body and sitting on your ass. We all are. It can also be worse, my situation right now is such that I can't even socialize with anyone. Start looking at life more positively, talk to your friends about things that matter, get back on track bro. You deserve to make it, we all do.

Man that's ass
I dunno where to get started and what would be good for me
What would you say the best place to get started would be?

Nothing. You either do it or you don't. Motivation is a meme for fat women who need excuses to never workout because the fitness trainer is not motivating them enough.

I mean yea
But I'm not a fat woman looking for an excuse not to work out
I'm tryna get back into working out because being fat is fucking disgusting
I just don't know where to start

>What would you say the best place to get started would be?
That would depend entirely on you, my man. I'm a bit of a /his/tory guy, so for me it started with dipping into philosophy.

One of the major things that I decided to do as part of my self-improvement was to extend it to others and offer to help people who mention wanting to lose weight or improve. I didn't do that during my most recent relationship because I focused on the girl too much. I still have no idea if she'll be willing to kick it off again or not, but I'm getting back into trying to help others. I'm taking a recovering NEET jogging every couple of days. If you're on Discord, maybe I can give you some one on one time, since it seems like you're trying to walk a path I'm a little further along.

Read the sticky. Do some basic strength program like Reg Parks. Be in a caloric deficit. Avoid Keto threads, IF and OMAD is OK. And the rest will come with time. You're pretty fat so it will take you probably 2 years to get good looking (including phases where you stuff your face with shit).

you look like you have a certain degree of musculature already developed, try to stay in -700kcal range, combine CICO and fasting with a low carb diet and see where it gets you.

I wasn't as huge as you, but I managed to drop 8kg/17.5 lbs in 2 months thanks to this combo.

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Yea I guess, I'll have to have a look at trying to get back into my skateboarding I guess lmao
And Yea I have discord bro sound like a good idea
Yea I think when I was at my fit days I was like 190lbs but mainly muscle, still a bit of belly chub but that's how it's always been, I'm currently like 250-260lbs and shots taking a toll on me lmfao

>sound like a good idea
hmu K. Constantine#6744

Fasting solves 90% of humanities problems

I don't see how that wouldn't help a land whale like you

user, motivation is an unreliable fuel. It is blessed upon those that work and those that yearn to change.
You will be caught a million times in life without motivation, it is your duty to build a foundation of consistency and regular effort.

You’ll get motivation when you deserve it user. Stop relying on it and start chasing it.

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You know it

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Yea it's true
I just hate that it's caused by being a fucking depressed piece of shit
I wanna get back to who I am and honestly it's gonna be so fucking difficult but fuck it, shit needs doing

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Fat is a symptom. Really dig down to what’s causing the depression. Focus on where you are at fault, fix it and forgive yourself. Make an effort in positivity and stop hateful self-talk that isn’t making you productive.

Stop writhing around wishing you weren’t fat and respect yourself for wanting to change. Depression is something you have to try and fight everyday, start gettin good at it.

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i don't have any motivation to go to the gym, life is a disgraceful thing which never gets better. the pit stares at me everyday and i just say, you won buddy.
gym is a coping method that i've been using for years, it makes me forget about this disgraceful life for a hour and half or two.
if i could give you an advice is, think about how shit your life is while working out, think about how different your life could be if you made the right decisions, if you are friendless like me think about how would it feel to have someone who truly cares about you at your side giving you strength to finish your last rep.
sometimes i stop working out because i start to get on the verge of tears, recently this has become a common occurrence but whatever, at least it's nice to have a nice shape and something to discharge my anger everyday.

tldr; turn your depression into anger and lift.

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exactly what i did a year ago but i let it take a hold of me again
as soon as i can afford to start going to the gym again i fucking will. personally i dont look BAD, BUT im not as happy as i was, regardless of losing weight and getting those gains im still ugly so fuck it. might as well get those gains anyways

Just wanted you to know that this was pretty inspirational

>but i let it take a hold of me again
can't relate to that, but sounds tough. when i get depressed, it slowly turns into anger and makes me feel like lifting. that's why i never stopped going to the gym.
>im not as happy as i was
and you won't be even after you start to lift again. but at the very least you'll get your gains back.

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MGLA changed my life

a good band indeed, i enjoy listening to the track exercises in futility vi between reps. my favorite.
sometimes i listen to the whole track while thinking about my life issues and when the vocalist starts screaming "AS IF ALL THIS WAS SOMETHING MORE" i lift so hard that i finish my rep feeling like i'm going to faint.

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Been feeling a bit like you. You can't wait for motivation, you must force yourself to do shit.
If you are giving yourself an excuse to not do something you will end up not doing it because it's the easier path.

I have been in a very similar situation OP. 18 Months of just sitting on my ass, drinking beer every evening and eating like crap. In that time I gained a lot of weight and consider myself an ugly piece of shit now. But, for just over a month now I have been doing intermittent fasting, going to the gym every morning, counting calories and eating only good food. I've lost 18lbs so far.

It's hard but you have to tell yourself "for the next 3 months, I am going to be miserable but on the other side I am going to look so much better". It has been especially hard for me because my motivation to change was getting a crush on a qt a LOT younger than me and being jealous of her easy lifestyle of drink, casual sex, friends with benefits and no responsibilities. I'm 32, I don't think I can emulate much of that anymore and I have had to kick this girl out of our house share today because of her lifestyle so I wont be seeing her for much longer. The point is you and I are both in a bad place and it is going to take time to look good, feel better about ourselves and actually have an OK chance with the opposite sex. Just knuckle down and get on with it. Weigh yourself each week, watch your weight and bodyfat go down. Depending how hard you push yourself, you might be done in 3 months but give yourself 6.

Step 1: Get that gym membership and go as often as you can
Step 2: Count calories and aim for your macros
Step3: Keep telling yourself you are making progress and that it will get better.

I'm only a month in as I said, but I know i'm gonna make it. You can too

You need to struggle in a meaningful direction under your own autonomy. It’s the only way. A lot of people hang on by moving from one distraction to another but they’ll always be angsty and bitter until they are on a path they believe to by significant.

The hardest part is actually getting to the gym and getting a routine you like, i had a shitty routine so every workout i wanted to kill myself, now that i have a much better one and i go less often but do heavy ass sets every workout (so almost no 4x15 bullshit) going to its fucking awesome, the fucking hype when even holding the weights for 1-2 reps is a struggle and seeing your strenght go up is the best thing ever

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Plaster your walls and your fridge with fat people, obese people.Use the most ugliest one you can find.

Look at them everyday you're about to eat something, and ask yourself these questions:

Do I want to be like that?
Do I want to end up like them?
Will the guy/girl I like ever love me if I look like that?
Do I want to wither and die and accomplish NOTHING?

Make sure you stick to your diet at all time.
It's not necessary to go the gym, but it's gonna be faster if you do,if you chose to do sports,do cardio until you reach around 20 BMI.
Then either do some light lifting to get to otter mode or go full bulking.

There is only one escape from this hell and it is in your hand OP. I lost personally lost 20kg myself to get to where i am, you can too.

So?What's better OP? Suffer from starvation for a few months? Or be doomed to a lifetime loneliness?

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I get in good shape than fuck off and let myself go, just got want it man and go to the gym.
From left to right
>March 2018
>January 2019
>last week

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is this what you send to your tinder matches? urgh

Never have and probably never will have tinder.

Grinder matches, then?

Nope, sorry

Ots not motivation you need, its discipline to workout despite motivation.