What went wrong?

What went wrong?
Do girls really want BBC? This is starting to get in my head.

For those who don't know the story, horny students took a peak at the AVN awards, one of them spotted their teacher. Did some digging on her rewards and quickly unravelled her videos. Turns out there were a couple where the school was in the background and some were recorded at the school. These videos were promptly deleted, unlike the rest of them.
Some kid had stapled her picture while she was getting railed by a bunch of average sized black dudes all over the school the next morning. Now people caught wind off it.


Attached: Salazar.webm (450x800, 1.98M)

And it seems like it's only getting worse

Attached: file.png (1242x1977, 716K)

I think you mean what went right. It's just the natural way things should be. Women get to play with BBC while their husbands and bfs watch

Are you watching your 2D gf getting it too?

Attached: file.png (1242x1301, 1.06M)

it is what it is. he is huge

Of course, if I had a 3D GF I would try to find a black bull that would be bi preferably so he fucks and let's us suck him together

Americans are something else I swear

They want big dicked chads, period. It just so happens nigger have bigger dicks on average.

sure where are the other videos?

They truly are fascinating and simultaneously horrid creatures.