Friendly reminder

there is a group of discord trannies that spam here to try and make vulnerable people get on HRT

Attached: 1549171896164.png (585x531, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping for the verly importan informationo
stay safe, Robots.

why is this old news coming back
i hope someone beats the shit out of these faggots and traumatizes them for the rest of their life


if you ever see one of those r9k minecraft servers posted here, DO NOT JOIN. And if you do join, use a proxy or VPN with a username that doesn't match any of your online accounts.

bumping to save lives

Attached: 1519247263822.png (512x384, 205K)

Don't worry, our FBI frens are on the case. They're probably tired of all the stupid fucking Discord threads they have to wade through while monitoring dangerous alt right incels.

Attached: 1549168151846.jpg (1242x1276, 468K)

based glow niggers

FBI frens are not CIA niggers.

bumping to save our anal virginity

Attached: 1543196383793.jpg (700x750, 32K)

Why would we care? Odds are a big % will kill themselves in the end and hopefully the rest goes to /lgbt/, so it's a win-win. More trannies for them, less sissy fags here