How do I get rid of acne bros? What products or home remedies do you recommend?

How do I get rid of acne bros? What products or home remedies do you recommend?

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What's wrong with her neck?


For me it was getting rid of sugar and non whole grain carbs from my diet.

Imagine how good she'd look after eating more donuts

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Go vegan and I assure you your acne will go awah

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This stuff is a fucking miracle lotion for me. I tried $100 treatments and they didn't work. This stuff is 5 dollars and clears my entire face in 2 days it's the only thing that works.

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I hear drinking semen helps

you cut out dairy. go to the root cause, dont mask the symptoms

God damn it Pierce, stay away

Products don't cure the problem. Quit sugar and dairy

Use lotion 3x a day and drink water eat garlic and ginger




Please stop listening to these retards, No scientific study has ever proved a link between diet and Acne (except cows milk mildly). Get benzoyl peroxide, cleanse, moisturise, clean bedding, clean towels, dont touch face.

Im dead inside

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Head transplant. Or would that be a body transplant?

None, just dry fast

And stop using steroids

Whois this?

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Dairy, high glycemic load carbs, vitamin A, D, omega-3/omega-6 ratio and zinc. Genes are needed but environment triggers it. Could post links if you want me to.

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Sauce ?


nofap and your acne will be gone

not kidding.

Fasting, megadosing on H20 & retin A helped me a lot

why did I expect your shoe to be a dildo when looking at the thumbnail
this place man

It's her t-shirt you mong

It's a dress you fucking retard

buy one of these, lightly scrub your whole body. I wish I found out about these years ago, they're like $3, and my skin has never been clearer.

forgot pic. exfoliating glove.

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mod conflict in a fallout game

Do you not see the wrinkle folds? It is clearly a flesh toned shirt kek

>You will never have a qt's face light up like this when she sees you

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You see what you wanna see I guess.

Dont talk with your mouth fool young lady.

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*cut out pasteurized dairy

raw dairy does not cause it

dumb frogposter

>that fucking image
unexpected, I may have woken up someone in the house from uncontrollable giggling

no soda, no sweets other than fruit, regularly switch side you sleep on (back, front, if you sleep on your side switch sides) - takes several nights to get used to but once you can sleep in any position you'll sleep better overall anyways. Wash your face lightly with just water every time you go to the bathroom for anything, make it a habit. You just have to get moist and rub a little. Also get fat-free skin care products instead of fat ones, they do wonders for acne.


Accutane is literally the only thing that worked for me

I just put on regular lotion everyday and my acne went away.

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Taylor Hill

this but keep the dairy +2%

Unironically a ketogenic diet

Try vegan, even fish can add acne for people..wheat can do it so vegan can fail. So your going to be weaker and more skinny most likely..Im not sure what humans are supposed to eat because alot of us can't eat this stuff.


Beat it up n yell at em

Goddammit I would not pull out.

Cool story bro

This guy knows what he's talking about. I had severe cystic acne, and following these recommendations helped a lot - mainly cutting out dairy.
Right now I'm just left with some hyperpigmentation, but there are no cysts and maybe 1 or 2 whiteheads. is a good summary for the various studies which give evidence to those recommendations.

I took Accutane. Twice. I'm not sure if doctors are still using it or if they decided it was too dangerous. It worked really well.

Lugols iodine solved my acne problem after 10+ years. Just take 4 drops a day now and I can eat as much triggering foods as I want (sugar, milk, etc) with no resulting acne.

It's mad how well it works. Started taking it for different benefits but it ended up clearing up my acne as well. I've never heard of it being touted as a treatment before but it works extremely well for me so I may as well spread the news just in case.

Buy it off Amazon, very cheap and lasts ages

Introduce toner to your face washing routine (after cleansing, before moisture / sun cream). Wash your face morning and night. This will help keep pores clean and prevent more grime clogging up

I took accutane once now i'm balding. Temporary they said. Shit ain't temporary, yo.

Accutane. Just finished it and wish I did it when I first heard about it.

>arch itect

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Do this and watch your acne flourish

wait it outit doesn't go away, ive tried everything aside from accutane



If you are getting more than a pimple every now and again you need to go on something tested and proven instead of bullshit home remedies.

i.e every fucking retard suggesting diet and vitamins. Pimples are not a result of poor health, stop getting your health facts from your mom and The Simpsons. Jesus Christ there is this one faggot who copy pastes this giant wall of garbage that acne is your body "purging its toxins" and you idiots believe it.

I want to see a single piece of research showing a vitamin supplementation or diet "curing acne." Show me how you all know more than dermatologists.

okay so let me understand this for once. OP wants to get rid of skin problem but instead of going to someone who studied that shit he's gonna go to an anonymous fitness board to get recommendations based on anecdotal evidence? Maybe go to a doctor :)

>tfw my skin is always crystal clear, except for the occasional barely noticeable pimple on my nose
top-tier celtic genetics right here lads

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Unironically sugar, it causes insulin spikes which cause inflammation. Your acne is most likely inflammation especially if it's cystic.

That's like saying there's no link between food consumption and muscle growth, health, or energy. Your food most definitely affects your skin. This sounds like hogwash pushed by acne product companies to make you buy their product instead of just cutting out certain foods.

Taking lukewarm to cold showers and running in the sun helped mine immensely. I’d recommend avoiding any other irritating products other that dove sensitive.

I just started washing my face better and making sure my pores dont fill up, I rarely get pimples now.

How much do I need to lift to get a gf like Taylor Hill?

Attached: taylorhill.webm (640x640, 1.36M)

you need to lift that dildo out of your ass and think about it logically.

What do they actually do? How do they work?

What's she saying what's she saying what's she saying

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Christ she looked so fine then. Now she looks like shit and is ageing FAST.

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no need to lift just be yourself

She always looked like a tranny
lmao at the blind NPCs who accept the claim that a woman is attractive simply because of social programming, even if she looks like an actual man in drag when you use your two eyes to look at her

Shes cute but clearly too tall for me, I'm gonna go make a lanklet thread and pretend I'm tall with bad 1RMs

You sound like a fucking weeb. Go jack off to your round faced, flat featured mongoloid waifus faggit.