>alcohol? yikes, man, it's 2019!!! just smoke weed bro!
Alcohol? yikes, man, it's 2019!!! just smoke weed bro!
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't do either you weak-willed faggot.
did a millenial make fun of you again user?
why would you not drink at all? do you want to die prematurely?
Must be nice to not get random drug tests.
Yeah I've never met a nice pot head, they are all the Low IQ failures at my sixthform and they look & smell dirty.
Furthermore, weed is pushed by ((( them ))) so it's better to not consume what the kikes want you to consume, they are the same people that promote body positivity and LGBTQ+ Degeneracy.
Hey Che was based as fuck he killed gays
yep, the narrative has completely flipped and now we're being told alcohol is inherently bad (when for decades we've learned that it can be healthy at moderate and low doses) whereas marijuana is some miracle herb. why? because the latter makes people docile and thus more receptive to the forthcoming government mandated hormone therapy program for men. regular marijuana use puts people in a permanent haze since thc accumulates in fat cells.
This only because there are faggots that need some sort of stress coping mechanism but don't drink or do anything. Also alcohol has antioxidants and cholesterol.
However you have true discipline you don't need a coping mechanism and you have a proper diet.
The damage to your health is still present and the damage to your honor is immeasurable.
weed and alcohol are both fucking horrible, i dont know why Jow Forumsizens keep falling for either meme
weed might be marginally better for some people if you genuinely dont experience any decrease in motivation with long-term use but i feel like niggers are the only people with brains wired that way
Ancient scythians consumed cannibis and seeds have been found throughout europe. Back to Jow Forums with your faggotry you degenerate soiboi
it's largely because alcohol is actually effective at staving off heart disease which is the biggest cause of mortality in the us, but the socializing and alleviation of stress that accompany alcohol consumption definitely help.
>The damage to your health is still present and the damage to your honor is immeasurable.
the damage to your health is outweighed by the benefits to your health. the damage to your honor only arises if you buy into conservative boomer DRUGS EVIL thinking.
cannabis is a substance (with various degrees of potency) which can be consumed by a given individual, without interfering in the lives of others (both negative and positively).
genocide, rape and thievery are acts that by definition involve others with observable negative consequences.
a crime is a crime. a substance is a substance.
saying "dealing weed in moderation" is ok would be the fallacy.
always nice to find such a self-claimed high IQ individual who fails to understand basic logic.
And they got slaughtered by the Persians who didn't.
Tell your JIDF supervisor of your failures kike de la onions
>pic related, it's you
Based and Redpilled
polcels lol
Alcohol is effective at staving off heart disease because of the anti-oxidants present in red wine. You can get all the benefits from alcohol by living a Jow Forums life, without the detriments.
And it certainly is for faggots, any state of mind other than being sober is degeneracy.
And fuck boomers, they get drunk af. They got is into this clown world and the only way out is through virtue.
no, ethanol literally improves blood lipids and prevents clotting at low and moderate doses. the type of alcohol you drink doesnt matter, that's an outdated myth.
k and
Weed has its risks too regardless of what stoner scum think
why is avoiding something that's fun and good for you at low doses virtuous? you sound like a puritan who cant accept that a mind-altering substance might be healthy. i bet you're one of those retards who swears off caffeine even though that is healthy also.
I like to see self-claimed high IQ individuals attempting to disprove ancient memes
because it allows polcels to justify being miserable lonely cunts. they aren't miserable lonely cunts. they're virtuous. simple.
Make sense
>I'm not scared of doing things! I'm just virtuous!
turns out the simplest explanation is usually the right one. makes you think
>blood lipids and prevents clotting at low and moderate doses
Blood lipids are basically the cholesterol you have in your blood. A good diet will give you good blood lipids
Why would you want to prevent blood clots. If you get a cut you want a clot.
Alcohol isn't fun or good for you. It makes you make bad decisions, it makes you not be yourself. Why would you need a mind-altering substance, when you can just be yourself. If you say "it makes you feel good!" then your using the same type of reasoning fat people do.
>he thinks owning a Nintendo switch is bad
What’s it like to be a massive sheep?
god forbid you engage in something fun in a social setting with peers and friends. alcohol has been popular in europe for thousands of years and no amount of you crying like a faggot will change the objective reality that your disdain is based on your own failures as a human being
>Imagine literally just talking to people and having fun with them with your normal personality instead of being a drunk faggot.
Jesus you're all so fucking autistic
do one, do both it doesn't really matter just don't overdo either
i can guarantee no one wants to interact with your normal personality virtue LARPer
Pretty much this. It’s funny how people don’t seem to have much reason to spend time with each other unless they’re getting hammered.
some of the things arent inherently bad in OPs pic. rick and morty is not a bad show, switch is not a bad console, reddit is useful for some things. its just that a venn diagram of "losers" and "likes switch" has a huuuge overlap
>It’s funny how
100% of people who begin a sentence with this are pretentious irritating faggots. And that's not funny.
u mad
>Alcohol isn't fun or good for you.
It isn't good for you, but it can be fun. Sometimes it feels good to not be you for a while and there isn't anything inherently wrong with that. There's nothing inherently right with it either.
>Why would you want to prevent blood clots. If you get a cut you want a clot.
im guessing this is bait, but in case you didnt know, arterial clogging is bad for circulation, which, you know your body needs to supply itself with oxygen.
>Blood lipids are basically the cholesterol you have in your blood. A good diet will give you good blood lipids
at a young age, sure, but as people age the risk of heart disease increases significantly, especially if you're male. do you know how many old dudes who were healthy their whole lives get heart disease? it's not just fatties.
have you ever had a drink or two? it's not the same as getting plastered, you feel a bit looser but your decision-making is not significantly impaired. i can drink with a big meal and not even get a buzz.
>Why would you need a mind-altering substance, when you can just be yourself.
why is it better to be "myself" than slightly buzzed? brain chemistry is arbitrary, why not alter it a bit? the self isnt stagnant anyway, everything you do, exercise and diet, affects your brain chemistry and hence self.
>he can't recognize it's a meme
so this is the stoner brain haze you guys are talking about
at low doses the majority of evidence suggests alcohol IS good for you unless you have a certain genetic makeup. there are slight risks which are outweighed by greater benefits for most people. gymcels will not admit this because FUN BAD/TOIL GOOD
There is nothing wrong with CNN, IPAs are delicious, Hillary should have been president of it werent for white rural retards, funko pops are a fun thing to collect, apple produces quality products, blacked porn is extremely tasteful, marvel puts out the best movies literally ever, the new star wars is better than the old ones, prozac is best SSRI, John Oliver is a funny comedian, and onions is a great food for the redditor on the go.
that's a really stupid explanation. I've been around weed everyday since I was 13 and I've never been scared of trying it, I just never wanted to. If it was simply a matter of being "scared to try new things" I've had 10 years to get over that fear.
If you read the sticky you would know that alcohol literally nukes your test and growth hormone levels
Drink and smoke if you can spare the test hit without sprouting bitch tits.
Keep trying hard to convince everyone you aren't half a fag OP.
>conservative boomer DRUGS EVIL thinking
Wow you don't know like ANYTHING huh...
when you binge yes, at low doses no. why can you retards not grasp the concept of dosage?
>victimless crime
Who grows it user?
I doubt it's old farmer McDonald.
It's Pablo from down south with his cartels, and they aren't nice people
Furthermore it's harmful for the mind and leads to pure degeneracy
>smoke weed: Sit at home all day and night thinking about doing stuff
>drink alcohol: Go out and socialize and get laid
I'd go back to Plebdit if I were you, kikefag.
Fuck off back to plebdit with you switch Mc. ONIONS
I wikl never understand why its acceptable to have che plastered all over merch when he is directly responsible for executing around 200 people and god knows how many killed at his orders.
See also: mao, stalin, lenin and hammer and sickle except replace hundreds with millions
I really hope this is ironic
Clotting and arterial clogging are not the same thing. To prevent arterial clogging, you have a healthy diet. Clotting is when you get a cut and your body pumps out platelets to stop you from bleeding.
The proteins and anti-oxidants that you get from drinking alcohol can be gained from other sources. You don't need to drink to get this. Fucking drink grape juice, or orange juice, or whatever.
I wish I could hang out with my friends without them smoking weed. They all do it but they're genuinely nicer, better people sober. The biggest issue I have is how they're all wasting their youth getting high and doing nothing in our friend's living room, we're only young once, let's go out and actually do something. But no, every time we hang out it's for getting high. We used to have so much fun back in junior high but then they all got addicted to weed and they just aren't as fun anymore.
>inb4 just join in bro!!!!!!
I've tried it a few times. All it does is make me mellow and tired. A good novelty once but not enough where I want to do it everyday.
When you see people complain about weed on Jow Forums I'd say most of the time it's because they're in a similar position I'm in, I just want my friends back. Not to mention the fact they've been doing since age 14 so their brain development's taken a hit. I can't make non-stoner friends either because it seems like everybody does it, almost like some sort of cult where if you're not a stoner too you can never truly fit in.
>Responding to ancient Quentinposts
You just love to see such absolute intellect on display
dude who cares about other random people enough to try and control what they do? Why does it matter if some cunt smokes weed instead of drinking.
Good bait op
Those quads don’t lie but alcohol fucks with protein synthesis
This reads like something from Deus ex. Worrying part is that it's not a game.
>I wish I could hang out with my friends without them smoking weed. They all do it but they're genuinely nicer, better people sober. The biggest issue I have is how they're all wasting their youth getting high and doing nothing in our friend's living room, we're only young once, let's go out and actually do something. But no, every time we hang out it's for getting high. We used to have so much fun back in junior high but then they all got addicted to weed and they just aren't as fun anymore.
>>inb4 just join in bro!!!!!!
>I've tried it a few times. All it does is make me mellow and tired. A good novelty once but not enough where I want to do it everyday.
>When you see people complain about weed on Jow Forums I'd say most of the time it's because they're in a similar position I'm in, I just want my friends back. Not to mention the fact they've been doing since age 14 so their brain development's taken a hit. I can't make non-stoner friends either because it seems like everybody does it, almost like some sort of cult where if you're not a stoner too you can never truly fit in.
weed is for degenerate soibois, though
There are no victimless crimes
...and retarded. degenerate and retarded.
soibois love weed, brain trust
le ebin ownage!!! xDDDDDDD
Can someone explain some of the things in this image for me?
Reddit, soi, vidya, rick and morty, buzzfag, the doll, Hillary, and everything else I get being correlated with bugmen. But the prozac pill? I feel shitty about myself now, I’m two weeks into prozac. It was so hard to even entertain the idea, made me feel week. I might get off this shit now
it's not that prozac makes you a bugman, but rather that bugmen and depression are basically best friends. it's a symptom, not the cause.
whether you should get off prozac is up to you and your doctor to decide. I personally have struggled with depression, lack of motivation and suicidal thoughts since forever but have decided not to take any medication (or drugs) due to potential (permanent) changes to my brain chemistry, which is already quite fucked up so I don't want to make things worse.
That "meme" is so bad it makes me want to smoke weed
Yeah man I’ve avoided the shit for 10 years but finally gave into it. It’s mainky for anxiety which just sounds bugman-ish. But also for depression and suicidal thoughts
Fuck man I feel like sticking to diet and exercise+ nofap(really just not doing it 20x a day) would cure 90% of these issues for me...
What point are you trying to make?
>oh man, some beta male on Jow Forums who i’ll never see in person is judging me! i better start changing my ways so i can appear “virtuous” to fags on the internet
MUH WEED, HUH IDIOTS? fuck you degenerates. Come in here talking about your substance abuse, thinking you're all so fucking cool compared to me, you fucking libcuck swine? Think just because you smoke weed you have to go on every board and every thread to talk about your lack of spine? You don't belong in MY ethnostate. DUDE WEEED! Weed shows just how fucking pathetic and deranged you losers are, why don't you pull yourself up by the boot straps and go do something productive instead of harrassing virtuous people like me online, making us out to sound like bores just because we don't abuse ourselves with drugs like a child dependent on his father's tit milk? You are showing yourself up for having no moral or physical backbone, for being lazy parasites who make a mockery of my people's white culture and you're fucking revelling in it like a happy hormone-stuffed confused stinking pig. Take your fucking degeneracy elsewhere, your mental illness isn't welcome. This board is for virtue!
There is a bottle of beer I the pic?
That graph shows less than 4 drinks per day but more than 0 is actually beneficial before 40 years old
>Who grows it user?
I do, in my garden.
Ehh, that's not an argument. Just because something is lawful, does not make it "right" - and just because something is "right" does not make it lawful. Unless, of course, you derive your ethics straight from the laws.
That being said, weed usage creates memory problems. While may be right, it ignores how alcohol may decrease life quality while still prolonging life, through mental degradation. 1-2 drinks per DAY is still too much drinking.
>That being said, weed usage creates memory problems
No sorry I enjoy buying expensive ass alcohol bottles at the night club to show off for the ladies.
Enjoy your beer belly and swollen head brainlet
I'll be over here smokin a joint and liking AOC on twitter
Alchohol acts a blood thinner in low to moderate amounts similar to an aspirin.
Too much clotting is bad but too little is just as bad
BASED i waited for the day the real truth about moderate alcohol consumption is posted on fit more
the statistics i saw suggest optimum is at 20 g per day but anyway no honest study finds out 0 consumption is best .
4 beers a night masterrace reporting in
(only for the last 15 years though)
i know that bottom face, you are the guy with the sick frame
great work keep it up you made it and then some
maybe in the fucking 90s-00s it was still grown by pablo. but now, most weed is american grown, whether legally or illegally, with many sourcing from legal states.
thanks buddy, im serious about the beers tho :)
>taking anything Quentin says seriously
Calm down Margret Thatcher, I bet you don’t even fucking lift
Weed is for lazy ass zoomers who love being couch potatoes.
Alcohol is for chads that go out to bars and clubs to socialize.
Ahhh imagine putting your dick inside her. I want to feel it so badly
don't base your decisions on fucking Jow Forums memes. if you've been struggling with depression for a while, then there's no shame in trying out antidepressants. do stick with them for at least a month or two to give them a chance to work. though, yes, you should stick to a good diet and exercise regularly, and also not fap 20x a day, because it's probably not helping your state of mind to constantly intake shit, laze around, and fap until your pecker is raw.
You're at sixthform?
wtf are you goku?
Post body